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Author Topic: Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read  (Read 2546 times)

Offline tHe GaMe
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Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has expressed concern over Xbox’s broadband future, stating that the current climate could result in diminished demand for Microsoft’s super-console

“We’re not about text, we’re not about browsing, we’re not about email – we’re about online gaming.” Thus spake Robbie Bach, senior vice president and chief Xbox officer for Microsoft, during his declaration of intent at last month’s E3. The entire conference underlined Microsoft’s main focus – online gaming. At the very heart of this was the company’s commitment to broadband and the speed it would bring to network gaming. “It’s gonna be fast because it’s gonna be broadband,” trumpeted Bach.
However, in an interview on the Financial Times’ Website, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO, has raised doubts as to the attainment of Xbox’s main aim. Speaking about Microsoft’s planned broadband revolution, Ballmer stated, “We have grown more pessimistic about this than we were a few years ago... It has proceeded more slowly than we expected."

Furthermore, in a comment that would seem to undermine Microsoft’s E3 rallying call, he stated bluntly: “Xbox allows for broadband connections. But the fundamental reason people will buy Xbox is to play games locally.”

Believing it could take over five years before broadband even reaches half of the market, Ballmer expresses his fears that this could affect Xbox sales: “The strategy for Internet gaming is dependent on broadband capability. It is possible that some won\'t buy the Xbox because they don\'t have broadband capability."

Having made such effort to express the importance of online gaming, the admission that gamers prefer to play games offline suggests that Microsoft may have made an error of judgement, and instead of effortlessly linking up to play super-fast network games, people will be sat around, scratching their heads and wondering what happened to broadband: “You won\'t be waiting for the box. You\'ll be waiting for the speed of the telecoms providers,” Ballmer added.

Microsoft has already invested $15 billion to advance the growth of broadband connections, and these comments certainly cast a shadow of failure to bring the service to the masses in the near future. According to investment firm Merrill Lynch, Microsoft will lose around £90 per Xbox unit, compared with only £14 for Nintendo’s Gamecube console. If Microsoft believes that a failure to provide a comprehensive broadband service will harm sales, the company could suffer huge losses. Indeed, Ballmer went on to state that Xbox would only become profitable “Within a few years.”

CVG expects to receive official word from Microsoft soon.


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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2001, 04:39:26 PM »
Say what you will about Sony, but they were smart about not shipping the PS2 w/o the hardrive and modem.

When Sony was developing the PS2 with Toshiba and others, they thought about the developers/the consumer, especially the casual gamer.  They knew right out of the bat that putting a broadband modem in with the PS2 may cause sales to slow down.  Because it would give the consumer a thought like, "Oh this system is only for interent junkies, and broadband freaks."  So Sony decided to ship the PS2 w/o the broadband modem and if you wanted broadband  modem access buy one from them, if you didn\'t want one it wasn\'t installed.  They were not giving the hint out that games could only be played with a broadband modem(Microsoft isn\'t saying that all games need to be played with the broadband modem, but consumers will assume they are).  Sony knew that broadband wouldn\'t be available everywhere in the U.S.

As for the hardrive, do you really think a casual gamer will actually want a hardrive in a system.
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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2001, 04:48:48 PM »
Thanks for the information.:)
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Offline QuDDus
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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2001, 05:02:04 PM »
Originally posted by tHe GaMe
Say what you will about Sony, but they were smart about not shipping the PS2 w/o the hardrive and modem.

When Sony was developing the PS2 with Toshiba and others, they thought about the developers/the consumer, especially the casual gamer.  They knew right out of the bat that putting a broadband modem in with the PS2 may cause sales to slow down.  Because it would give the consumer a thought like, "Oh this system is only for interent junkies, and broadband freaks."  So Sony decided to ship the PS2 w/o the broadband modem and if you wanted broadband  modem access buy one from them, if you didn\'t want one it wasn\'t installed.  They were not giving the hint out that games could only be played with a broadband modem(Microsoft isn\'t saying that all games need to be played with the broadband modem, but consumers will assume they are).  Sony knew that broadband wouldn\'t be available everywhere in the U.S.

As for the hardrive, do you really think a casual gamer will actually want a hardrive in a system.

You are entitled to your opinion, but I advise you to read up on what the advantages of a hard-drive add to a console. And once you read that then come back in here and say sony was smart.

A second to say that broadband gives and impression that a game console is for internet freaks and junkies is stupid. Come on have you ever played games online before? I supose you haven\'t by your statement. Being able to take your game online and go up against tons of other players from different places is awesome. More gamers want online gaming that is why sony is opting to sell add-ons. But too bad add-ons don\'t sell when it comes to consoles.

My adivise try taking a game online using 56K you will scream for broadband.
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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2001, 05:08:40 PM »
Microsoft shot themselves in the foot, watch the XBox fanboys cry... .
Proud Owner of the Playstation 2, futrue Owner of Nintendo\'s Gamecube.

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Offline QuDDus
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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2001, 05:14:32 PM »
Originally posted by tHe GaMe
Microsoft shot themselves in the foot, watch the XBox fanboys cry... .

The game what are you talking about the article says is that he is worried about broad band.

Just like sony was worried with all the talk about matrix type hardware. And them not able to produce enough hardware. Everyone said that would hurt sony, but it hasen\'t.

\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2001, 05:18:16 PM »
Originally posted by XBOX

The game what are you talking about the article says is that he is worried about broad band.

I know that.
Proud Owner of the Playstation 2, futrue Owner of Nintendo\'s Gamecube.

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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2001, 06:08:40 PM »
Originally posted by tHe GaMe
Say what you will about Sony, but they were smart about not shipping the PS2 w/o the hardrive and modem.

Duh. The price would of sky rocketed well over 300. It would of been better if Sony made better architecture for the PS2 though so they could release it all in one box.

When Sony was developing the PS2 with Toshiba and others, they thought about the developers/the consumer, especially the casual gamer. They knew right out of the bat that putting a broadband modem in with the PS2 may cause sales to slow down. Because it would give the consumer a thought like, "Oh this system is only for interent junkies, and broadband freaks." So Sony decided to ship the PS2 w/o the broadband modem and if you wanted broadband modem access buy one from them, if you didn\'t want one it wasn\'t installed. They were not giving the hint out that games could only be played with a broadband modem(Microsoft isn\'t saying that all games need to be played with the broadband modem, but consumers will assume they are). Sony knew that broadband wouldn\'t be available everywhere in the U.

Your acting as if Sony made an intelligent business move;wrong!

Developers will now have to guess how many people will buy the HD and and modem which is very stressful and inaccurate. Most developers probably won\'t even take that chance and just continue to develop for PS2 without any online plans. It\'s not the same for Xbox and DC, they know everyone is capable of online gaming. Sony doesn\'t.

As for the hardrive, do you really think a casual gamer will actually want a hardrive in a system.

Do you really think they\'d rather buy one seperate.

FACT- every Xbox user has a HD which means developers won\'t have to worry about who owns one(which is Sony\'s problem). They can seriously take advantage of it\'s opportunities.

I\'m not interested in Xbox, but having a HD included is definitely a smart move.

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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2001, 06:35:16 PM »
Originally posted by tHe GaMe
Say what you will about Sony, but they were smart about not shipping the PS2 w/o the hardrive and modem.

When Sony was developing the PS2 with Toshiba and others, they thought about the developers/the consumer, especially the casual gamer.  They knew right out of the bat that putting a broadband modem in with the PS2 may cause sales to slow down.  Because it would give the consumer a thought like, "Oh this system is only for interent junkies, and broadband freaks."  So Sony decided to ship the PS2 w/o the broadband modem and if you wanted broadband  modem access buy one from them, if you didn\'t want one it wasn\'t installed.  They were not giving the hint out that games could only be played with a broadband modem(Microsoft isn\'t saying that all games need to be played with the broadband modem, but consumers will assume they are).  Sony knew that broadband wouldn\'t be available everywhere in the U.S.

As for the hardrive, do you really think a casual gamer will actually want a hardrive in a system.

just so you know, having a harddrive built into a console will be a huge step in the right direction for gaming. developers can do soo much with the harddrive.
the games that utilize the use of the harddrive will be able to do many more things.

for example. if you play a rpg, and you cut down a tree, or dig a hole in the ground, next tiem you load the game up, it could still be there, that hole in the ground.

you dont even know how good a built in harddrive is for the console industry. jeez.

p.s sonty addon looks goog, i hope it does well, so developers will be able to make soely online games.
but keep in mind, almost all addons for any console to date have not done well or failed miserably.
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2001, 06:44:23 PM »
Maybe you Xbox fanboys are right about the Hardrive thing, but Sony still rulessssssssss.
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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2001, 06:51:00 PM »
Originally posted by tHe GaMe
Maybe you Xbox fanboys are right about the Hardrive thing, but Sony still rulessssssssss.

you have no right to call ANYONE a fanboy.
how was my comment fanboyish? it wasnt. i talked about how good the harddrive is for the console industry.
and about the sucess rate of addons.
i flamed nothing.
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2001, 07:31:47 PM »
Originally posted by Falcon4

you have no right to call ANYONE a fanboy.
how was my comment fanboyish? it wasnt. i talked about how good the harddrive is for the console industry.
and about the sucess rate of addons.
i flamed nothing.

Sorry for that dude, I didn\'t mean it that way.

Maybe I should have said, you gaming fans are right.
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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2001, 08:19:53 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
Duh. The price would of sky rocketed well over 300. It would of been better if Sony made better architecture for the PS2 though so they could release it all in one box.
How about just spending all that extra time and money just to make sure the damn thing works right out of the box.  B/c I\'ve already been burned by their less than adequate hardware designs.
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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2001, 08:56:06 PM »
but Sony still rulessssssssss

SONY bites ass, they ****ed there system up this gen, PS1 was gold, which is far to say for PS2.

Another thing I hear people saying, that MS makes **** products, well he\'s a little bit of reality so does SONY, actually sony makes alot of ****ty products. Now does this mean that there gamming console will reflect that, NO!

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Microsoft admits worries over future of Xbox....A must read
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2001, 09:22:05 PM »
I like the XBox. Then I see people like you.
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