On another note,I still can\'t belive your going into the army...........if I would enter the army would pay me to leave the next day.
General: And this gentlemen,this is where you will sleep.
nO-One: Ohh god,no TV!!! and look how far I have to go to the bathroom,this is just inhuman.
General: Well we try to make men out of you boys.
nO-One: Ohh I\'m all man,now where\'s the compootarr,the internet needs me.....
Genreal: Son,this is the army,it\'s like prison,only worse.
nO-One: *starts imitating JeffK yuao mister smartipants=fagOt and tihs place is teh suck.Now show me teh computar so I can haXor your site,I am teh HTMAL monster.
After an hour of JeffK nO-One was sent home and asked never to come back,not ever even in a million years