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Author Topic: My review of TWISTED METAL: BLACK  (Read 4752 times)

Offline Tshirts
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« on: June 19, 2001, 06:55:06 PM »
To the opposing fanboys.....*warning* I can piss some of you off!

First of all.....

I have more merit than any of you in here to judge the game because I have played the damn thing before. None of you are in any position to prejudge the game because it has not been out yet, and therefore you can only go by what another individual\'s assessment(a bad one at that) of what he thinks and not your own line of thought. So, before I further reiterate, I will say it in simpler terms, unless if you are indeed the reviewer of the game, or have had a test drive, then you are in no position to contend, or refute anything I will further say because currently I hold a lot more merit than you have.  Furthermore, if you don\'t happen to like my review, well too bad!

Part of the reason I am writing this review is to contend with Mcdonald\'s review from Videogames.com.  I think my criteria is much better than his. I am using a standard of measurement for the fans. I mean, he basically is comparing the game to what is currently out on the PS2(which is nothing!) and using a line of criteria drawn from the compared games on the system. Now is that fair or what? What the fans want is a comparison to the prior incarnations and/or prodeccessors of the game and a quick assessment of how this one fares against them.

For the graphics, I contrast the game to prior PS2 games and not PSX games(something Mcdonald is doing. Thus the high grade).

For everything else, the game was equivalated to the likes(such as vigilante, road trip, etc) and the prodeccessors(TW 1-4). (Mcdonald simply compared it to other games on the system. Funny thing is there are currently no other known superb car combat game on the system, so of course it would be a no brainer to give the game such a high score.)

I\'ll start with the Graphics:

Framerate is good. The game runs incredibly smooth with no glitch. It looks like it could be in the high 60s, but I am not sure.  The game\'s textures are murky, dark, grim, and very unimpressive. I take it this is due to the lack of VRAM. The resolution is incredibly low also. The car models (such as the ice cream truck, and Roadkill) are eye-catching with a high poly count, but all the others are evidently low and doesn\'t look much better than their PSX counterparts. Seriously, you have to see for yourself. The game(graphically) is not a huge improvement over what we have seen before, and compared to the other games on the PS2 it is only average at best. Graphics: 7


This is my biggest gripe. I would like to remind you that we are not seeing anything new. I have played the last 4 incarnations of the game, and games such as Vigilante 8.  Basically I am a fan of car combat racing games. In terms of gameplay, this game fails to innovate the genre further and is nothing more than a simple rehash of all of the listed above games. So basically, if you are sick of car combat games, you will get sick of this one. The only new gameplay innovation I encounter was a little Street Fighter esque move and I like how they integrated timing shots where you get rewards depending on your accuracy. That is it! I cannot further reiterate how small and petty those innovations are considering the potential(analog buttons anyone?) the PS2 provides. Then we have the levels. OMG they are huge! Some of them are cool as hell(like the one with mountains) but in the end this hampers the gameplay temendously. It is so easy to get lost and sometimes it is not fun at all when you are running around searching for your enemy. I rather have the levels small and compact so I can just focus on the gameplay and not have like a search and destroy type of thing. Gameplay: 6

Controls: Same ole thing. You have an option of which control you desire at the start of the game. Rating: 10

Music: Pretty good. Rating: 9

Funfactor: This game is in no way fun especially if you have played all the prior incarnations of it. It seriously offers nothing new and is nothing more than a rehash. Boring!   For those who have never touched the series before, it should be fun for you, but I\'ll simply pass and wait for some other game that will advance the genre further. Cel Damage anyone?

Overall grade: 7.2

To end this......

Take this into consideration. When was the last time the PS2 had a killer app in the same line as this game? Sure Onimusha was great, but it was neither a subsisting franchise nor a PSX mascot. TW:Black is the only game that is carrying the legacy onward(GT3 is next!), so the significance, and importance of this game is grand and thus it is not a far fetch idea that Sony is riding high off of this game and slipping some of these websites a couple of mula to write up a good, quick review. What better website to choose than Gamespot(whom have been supisciously rumored to give controversial scores to undeserving games). It\'s really no secret!  Look at it this way. VG has proven themselves to be in Sony\'s back pocket from time to time(*cough* FF8 and GT2 perfect scores!).  The website is one of the biggest videogame websites out there today, and it would not suprise me if Ziff Davis has some sort of ties with Sony.  

You see.....

I am a lover of all consoles, and I cannot stress enough on how a game that offers little innovation and is nothing more than a simple upgrade get such a high grade of a 9.5. Innovative and better games like Jet Grind Radio, Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Legend of Zelda: Majora\'s Mask, Diddy Kong racing, Shenmue, Eternal Arcadia, etc have all scored lower from the website than this poor excuse of a rehash game. Can you guys honestly view any of the games I just listed as worse than this one?(now, of course, I am not comparing all the games I just listed directly to TW: Black because in doing so would be idiotic of me considering they are not in the same genre and such. What I am doing is evaluating the "stature", and value of the above products to the game. For example: TW: Black, although not in the same genre as Eternal Arcadia, is not a "higher grade" product than it. Also, TW:Black *better* than Legend of Zelda 2? C\'mon now!). Their grade system is flawed, and it simply has zero merit.  Picking a fan of the system to grade an overhyped up product is not my idea of a good way to get the most critical and honest review.

In the end, all I have to say is this....play the game for yourself and see for yourself that I am indeed right. Hey you don\'t have to agree with me, but at least I made a statement, and (possibly) uncover some of VG\'s wrong undoings....hehe

Offline 182Ways
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« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2001, 07:23:04 PM »
When does a lack of innovation warrant a low score?  Perhaps the websites gave TM: B a high score because it deserved a high score.  

I read over your "Gameplay" rating.  You gave it a 6 because "we are not seeing anything new"?  Please base your gameplay rating on the gameplay, ok?  There\'s more to the category than just innovation.

I\'m not going to argue with your review, because it\'s your opinion, but I\'d like to recommend that you look at the game in a different perspective before reviewing it.

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« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2001, 07:30:52 PM »
Very well done Tshirts, your words come out with a great sense of honesty, and Truth.

Offline ddaryl
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« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2001, 07:36:29 PM »
Originally posted by Tshirts
To the opposing fanboys.....*warning* I can piss some of you off!

First of all.....

I have more merit than any of you in here to judge the game because I have played the damn thing before. None of you are in any position to prejudge the game because it has not been out yet, and therefore you can only go by what another individual\'s assessment(a bad one at that) of what he thinks and not your own line of thought. So, before I further reiterate, I will say it in simpler terms, unless if you are indeed the reviewer of the game, or have had a test drive, then you are in no position to contend, or refute anything I will further say because currently I hold a lot more merit than you have.  Furthermore, if you don\'t happen to like my review, well too bad!

Part of the reason I am writing this review is to contend with Mcdonald\'s review from Videogames.com.  I think my criteria is much better than his. I am using a standard of measurement for the fans. I mean, he basically is comparing the game to what is currently out on the PS2(which is nothing!) and using a line of criteria drawn from the compared games on the system. Now is that fair or what? What the fans want is a comparison to the prior incarnations and/or prodeccessors of the game and a quick assessment of how this one fares against them.

welp I read the above 2 paragraphs twice and I have come to the conclusion that you are an idiot.

You  have 0 merit here or anywhere, I can\'t believe you actually think you have merit. Thats too laughable

I\'ll wait and read the reviews from PS2 fans,  

Out of curiosity how many hours have you\'ve played TM:B

Offline Toxical
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« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2001, 07:43:53 PM »
Gee, bad review for TM:B, ahh come on, i think it deserves a better mark then 7.2  How about adding 2 points for "FUN FACTOR" damn it is cool! Play it with a bunch of friends !

Offline 182Ways
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« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2001, 07:50:14 PM »
Originally posted by Toxical
Gee, bad review for TM:B, ahh come on, i think it deserves a better mark then 7.2  How about adding 2 points for "FUN FACTOR" damn it is cool! Play it with a bunch of friends !

I couldn\'t have said it better myself.  If TM: B offers only a fraction of the fun that TM2 did, then I have no problem spending my money on it.  I don\'t care about innovation or originality.  I care about how fun the damn game is to play.

Offline Bozco
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« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2001, 07:55:59 PM »
Can I ask you a question Tshirts, why do you think have so much merit and know so much?

Offline Tshirts
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« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2001, 08:00:44 PM »
Out of curiosity how many hours have you\'ve played TM:B

I believed I logged 10 hrs into the game.  I beat the game once in single player mode using the motorcycle, skeleton character(Grim???)  The ending consist of a quick in game CG-esque sequence of the victor sitting down and then quickly getting up and shooting away. I did not follow the storyline because I never cared too much for endings.

I don\'t care about innovation or originality. I care about how fun the damn game is to play.

Yikes!  You don\'t care for innovation and originality?!!  No wonder you are a Sony fanboy(haha jk!).  Regarding the multi-player mode.  Umm there are slow down and some framerate problems, plus the screen is rather small.  The detail of the environments are extremely hampered(expected).  It is fun I admit, but just pull out Twisted Metal 2 and be happy.  There I just saved you $50!  ;)

Offline Tshirts
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« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2001, 08:03:59 PM »
Can I ask you a question Tshirts, why do you think have so much merit and know so much?[/b]

I didn\'t mean to sound like such a jerk when I said that.  What I meant was(in lighter terms), since I have played the game, I think I am in a better position to judge it than a person who hasn\'t.  That was all that I meant.  Sorry!

Offline Bozco
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« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2001, 08:14:31 PM »
Ok thats cool, thanks for clearing that up, i see what ya mean now, I may not agree with your review but I have nothing against you

Offline wiseboy
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« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2001, 08:28:17 PM »
I have not played this game yet so I really can\'t get mad at your opinion. I will say this though....I think I\'m willing to trust the guys over there at gamespot than you my friend especially when you consider that gamespot are such tightasses when it comes to giving great scores...especially for the PS2. But again you\'re entitled to your opinion.

I\'ll find out for myself tomorrow!  :cool:
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Offline EmperorRob
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« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2001, 08:45:16 PM »

You said Graphics were only average at best but you gave them a 7, which is above average on a 1-10 scale.

Yo, you should really lighten up on your wording.  I don\'t know why you have this aggressive mentality but no one is out to get you.  You will make more friends if you are nice and if people are mean to you just ignore them, b/c then  everyone will see they R an ASS.
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« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2001, 11:17:51 PM »
as long as you judge Sega, Nintendo and XBox games on equal terms and basing the majority of the score on originality, then i have no gripes with your review.  I may love the game and give it 9 out of 10, other reviewers may give it 10 out of 10 etc.  This is your opinion on the game, and i accept that.  But folks, you dont have to think Tshirts word is final and that his opinion means you wont like it.  As long as he judges all games as critically as he does TM:B, then i commend him.

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« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2001, 03:12:34 AM »
Framerate is good. The game runs incredibly smooth with no glitch. It looks like it could be in the high 60s, but I am not sure.

Mr. 3D can\'t tell if a game is running @ a silky 60fps? ... Pfft.

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Offline CygnusXI
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« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2001, 04:28:27 AM »
Boy T, you sure got something against vg.com.

Eh.. To each their own.

Many people will get this game over the next few days, and then we will see who is full of it...vg.com vs. you.
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