Rofl Tshirts, you sound a lot like a bitter anti-PS2 person. [/b]
Before I reply to this comment, I must apologize to everyone before hand because this will get ugly.
I am going to be honest with you guys, and this is my opinion. I am disappointment with Sony. Not in a biased sense, but more in line with resentment(I am currently letdown with my PS2 purchase). Simply put, they failed to deliver....
I can assure you I want the system to succeed as much as anyone in here, but can you seriously blame me for being so critical?
What have we really gotten from Sony so far?
- Tekken and Ridge Racer were rehashes(I got sick of them in a week)! The Bouncer was horrible. Onimusha was incredibly short and the pre-rendered background limited the game tremendously(not to mention the final fight-esque repetitive gameplay wasn\'t much fun). I didn\'t like Madden/Nba Live because I found Nba2K1/NFL2K1 more suitable to my taste. Dark Cloud was one of my most anticipated PS2 titles and it failed short of my expectations. Now Twisted Metal: Black(a game I was looking forward to) is nothing but a piece of rehash crap! The only games I like on the system are Silpheed, SSX, and Smuggler\'s Run.
I really want the system to succeed as much as you do, but speaking from a gamer\'s perspective and not a fanboy, I am not having fun with my PS2! Half of the stuff on the system cannot even compare to the stuff on the Dreamcast that I\'ve played a year ago. That\'s one year ago! The PS2 is a huge disappointment to me, and I cannot speak more whole heartedly.
Personally, I am so sick of waiting. Everyone is saying the good games like MGS2, Klonoa, Xenosaga, Gran Turismo 3, etc are coming soon. Remember when the prospect of Dark Cloud(Zelda killer!), The Bouncer(the best fighter ever!), Onimusha( the original makers of the Resident Evil) seem so enticing an alluring? Well all of them failed short of expectations! I think part of the reason why the future games on the PS2 will not impress me is because they are sequels of prior games and nothing fresh(except for Jax). How much longer do we have to wait until "Sony finally delivers?" I have given up on them a long time ago and I await with glee of what the other two competitors are bringing to the table. You can\'t blame me, I am a lover of videogames and not of only Sony.
When the PS2 comes out with more games suitable to my taste then I will support the system like before. Now\'s just not the time for me. This is all my opinion of course and I know many of you are happy with your purchase. Sorry for my rant and anti-PS2 attitude.