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Author Topic: What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?  (Read 3274 times)

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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2001, 12:23:59 AM »
Originally posted by Weltall
I thought this was pretty much common knowledge by now. The EE is the most powerful processor of all of them. Doesn\'t mean the system is the most powerful, but the processor is.

   The EE without vector units is just a MIPS processor with SSE like instructions like the Pentium III.  Its the vector units that have been added to the EE that make it powerfull.   The vector type units would be on the NV2A GPU on the Xbox along with SSE on the Pentium III.   The vector units have to work simutaineously with the MIPS chip to get the 6 Gigaflop rating which almost never happens.

   The reason why they think the PS2 is probably more powerfull because its more programmable than that of the gamecube.  The vector units can be programmed to do physics or whatever you like, while the gamecube uses a fixed T&L Unit.   The Xbox like you already know is programmable as well all the way to the vertex level and even down to the Pixel level where not even the PS2 can do this without a MAJOR speed loss that would so great, the game would not be playable.

   The gamecube has the better textures by far than the PS2.  The polygons are debatable at this point, but I think at this point in time the gamecube can also do more polys as well without as much slowdown.

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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2001, 06:38:05 PM »
1. The GameCube can do over 30mpps with 1 texture. Try that PS2.

2. This Q/A from IGNCube sums things up pretty nicely.

Hey guys,
I\'ve been looking around sites like Tendo Box and recently I\'ve been hearing that the GCN uses open GL, making it easier to develop for, but makes it less powerful then the PS2. What\'s the deal, is it more powerful or weaker?

Fran responds: I\'m pretty sure we\'ve revealed the OpenGL feature before. You could most recently see this in the Embedded Processor Forum presentation. Anyhow, OpenGL is a powerful API that is a standard across the boards. Nintendo chose to use this format because so many people had trouble tapping into the power of the N64, which was a completely proprietary format. It\'s the same with the PS2. As to power, anyone saying that simply because it uses an OpenGL format makes it less powerful is missing the idea. OpenGL is on GameCube to let developers get results right away. If you want to microcode and perform fancy tricks you can do that as well. Just look at products like Rogue Leader and Wave Race. Nothing on the PS2 has touched those in terms of visuals yet.

The PS2 has an advantage because anyone who masters the CPU, Vector Units, and Graphic Synthesizer can get some really custom effects going, and have lots of control over their program. Again, the problem is it takes around three or four years to accomplish this. By that time, the system is fading out. So, I repeat, the GameCube isn\'t less powerful than the PS2. From what developers have been saying, it\'s just the opposite. GameCube is the most powerful home console to date, and once final Xbox hardware is being demonstrated it will rank just as high. PS2 is a year older than these consoles. It\'s inherently "outdated" (I use that very loosely) in technology.

Offline rastalant
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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2001, 06:59:25 PM »
Jumpman the nintendo(tendo box) page is the one that said ps2 is more powerful than gamecube.  As far as 30million and 1 texture,  I\'m not sure if ps2 can do that.  But look at the specs ps2 with effects on 20mps and gamecube with effects on 6-12mps so thats the facts.  I know ps2 beats gamecube in ploygon count for a fact.  Gamecube came out almost  2 years after ps2 shouldn\'t it be alot more powerful than ps2?

The Q/A thing from igncube what do you expect them to say of course there going to say its more powerful than ps2, heck this is the same page that confirmed ttt and rr5 for gamecube.  So its not like I really trust them.  Gamecube is going to be powerful as xbox final develpment kits?? !!!!  Bull................
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Offline Mithrandir
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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2001, 08:50:49 PM »
Originally posted by raslant
Jumpman the nintendo(tendo box) page is the one that said ps2 is more powerful than gamecube.  As far as 30million and 1 texture,  I\'m not sure if ps2 can do that.  But look at the specs ps2 with effects on 20mps and gamecube with effects on 6-12mps so thats the facts.  I know ps2 beats gamecube in ploygon count for a fact.  Gamecube came out almost  2 years after ps2 shouldn\'t it be alot more powerful than ps2?

Whoa, I think you\'ve got a few things completely misunderstood there. The specs indicate that the Gamecube can do 6 - 12 mpps in game with all effects on. Now I\'d say that that\'s damn impressive. In raw numbers, IGN has stated numerous times that it should be around 90 mpps. So to answer your question; yes, the GC is more powerful than the PS2 (initially) as it should be.


The Q/A thing from igncube what do you expect them to say of course there going to say its more powerful than ps2, heck this is the same page that confirmed ttt and rr5 for gamecube.  So its not like I really trust them.  Gamecube is going to be powerful as xbox final develpment kits?? !!!!  Bull................ [/B]

IGNCube, along with ps2.ign and xbox.ign, is a professional gaming website. They have strict regulations on running false stories and facts; the writer gets fired. You\'d be an idiot to not trust them.
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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2001, 09:01:33 PM »
Originally posted by Mithrandir

Whoa, I think you\'ve got a few things completely misunderstood there. The specs indicate that the Gamecube can do 6 - 12 mpps in game with all effects on. Now I\'d say that that\'s damn impressive. In raw numbers, IGN has stated numerous times that it should be around 90 mpps. So to answer your question; yes, the GC is more powerful than the PS2 (initially) as it should be.

Ps2 can do 20mps ingame as well and thats impressive as well.  As far as the 90mps that with no effects just like ps2 can do 75mps with no effects.  We will never see those ploys count in game.  Even if the gamecube is more powerful than ps2 it should be since its newer technology.

IGNCube, along with ps2.ign and xbox.ign, is a professional gaming website. They have strict regulations on running false stories and facts; the writer gets fired. You\'d be an idiot to not trust them.

True but you figure that igncube is going to be nintendo baised just like ignps2 would be ps2 baised.  If you asked igncube whats going to be the best system what do you think they would say?  Proably gamecube.  They have posted false stories before like TTT and RR5 comfired for gamecube.
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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2001, 09:04:48 PM »
Damn, I couldn\'t access this site a few hours ago. Oh well, I copied my reply.

Jumpman the nintendo(tendo box) page is the one that said ps2 is more powerful than gamecube

They\'re just quoting a developer.
As far as 30million and 1 texture, I\'m not sure if ps2 can do that. But look at the specs ps2 with effects on 20mps and gamecube with effects on 6-12mps so thats the facts. I know ps2 beats gamecube in ploygon count for a fact.

You got those specs all ****ed up.

PS2=20mpps+1 texture
NGC=6-12+8 textures

You decide which one is more powerful from that. GameCube can also push over 90mpps RAW. PS2 can only do 66-75. I can we know which can push more now.

Gamecube came out almost 2 years after ps2 shouldn\'t it be alot more powerful than ps2?

I don\'t see Xbox being 2-3X more powerful than the PS2. What\'s up with that? Fact is, while PS2 is extremely poweful, it will be many years before developers can crack out the full power of it. With GameCube and Xbox we\'ll see better looking games earlier, and probably later too.

The Q/A thing from igncube what do you expect them to say of course there going to say its more powerful than ps2, heck this is the same page that confirmed ttt and rr5 for gamecube. So its not like I really trust them. Gamecube is going to be powerful as xbox final develpment kits?? !!!! Bull................

IGNCube is by far the most reliable GameCube site on the internet. They didn\'t comfirm it, Namco did.

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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2001, 09:15:19 PM »
Okay if gamecube has 90mps and ps2 75mps with effects off.  Then why does ps2(20mps) has more in game ploys than  gamecube(6-12mps).  As for xbox spec wise it blows ps2 away even though I haven\'t seen any developer utilzie the system except for tecmo with doa3.  Yes xbox is more powerful than gamecube and ps2.
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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2001, 09:25:20 PM »
Originally posted by raslant
Okay if gamecube has 90mps and ps2 75mps with effects off.  Then why does ps2(20mps) has more in game ploys than  gamecube(6-12mps).  and ps2.

The answer is when you looked at the specs you obviously didn\'t see the texture part. GameCube can do 6-12mpps with 8 textures, and PS2 can do 20mpps with only 1 texture. Don\'t you know the importance of having good textures?

As for xbox spec wise it blows ps2 away even though I haven\'t seen any developer utilzie the system except for tecmo with doa3.  Yes xbox is more powerful than gamecube and ps2

I could care less since the games for Xbox don\'t interest me. And we don\'t play graphics on our TVs right?

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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2001, 09:25:35 PM »
Originally posted by raslant

True but you figure that igncube is going to be nintendo baised just like ignps2 would be ps2 baised.  If you asked igncube whats going to be the best system what do you think they would say?

Pfft, of course they will!! You think IGNCube will say that their job clings to a console that\'ll receive a mighty ass whupping from Sony?? Besides, it\'s not like they\'re saying that the NES is more powerful than the PS2; they must have some hard facts to back up those words.

They have posted false stories before like TTT and RR5 comfired for gamecube.

I pity da foo that believes that jibberjabber. :D IGN merely said that there\'s a strong possibility that those titles will be ported to the GC. They never actually confirmed it.
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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2001, 06:28:43 AM »
Originally posted by Jumpman

The answer is when you looked at the specs you obviously didn\'t see the texture part. GameCube can do 6-12mpps with 8 textures, and PS2 can do 20mpps with only 1 texture. Don\'t you know the importance of having good textures?

I could care less since the games for Xbox don\'t interest me. And we don\'t play graphics on our TVs right?

Okay, since gamecube does do more textures than ps2 then why aren\'t there textures no better looking?  Look at starfox adventure textures\' to FF10 textures IMO FF10 textures kill SFA.  On gamecube I haven\'t seen textures that touch sonic adventure 2.  Yes I bought it the other day and those are proably the best textures I since in any game.  Personally I haven\'t seen any mind-blowing gamecube textures so far.  What ever happen to texturzilla?
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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2001, 08:37:49 AM »
Originally posted by raslant

Okay, since gamecube does do more textures than ps2 then why aren\'t there textures no better looking?  Look at starfox adventure textures\' to FF10 textures IMO FF10 textures kill SFA.  On gamecube I haven\'t seen textures that touch sonic adventure 2.  Yes I bought it the other day and those are proably the best textures I since in any game.  Personally I haven\'t seen any mind-blowing gamecube textures so far.  What ever happen to texturzilla?

Have you ever seen Rogue Leader in action yet? It doesn\'t seem like it.

Anyways, only 3 NGC games at E3 were running on the final hardware; Pikmin, Luigi\'s Mansion, and Rogue Leader. Evidently, they\'re the 3 best looking NGC games!

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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2001, 10:20:27 AM »
I dont care witch is more powerful really. Gamecube will probley look better . ps2 might not look again , but i still would play my old nintendo if I still had it , graphics dont really matter to me , but slowdown does . and slowdown ruins ac2 ( armored core 2 )
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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2001, 10:41:21 AM »
Developers have had a year to work with on the PS2.  The best I have seen out of the PS2 is at most equal with RS on just-finished hardware of the GameCube.

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« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2001, 12:44:18 PM »
Originally posted by Lord of Darkness
Developers have had a year to work with on the PS2.  The best I have seen out of the PS2 is at most equal with RS on just-finished hardware of the GameCube.

What does this tell us ladies and gentlemen?

Correction, some PS2 developers have been working with final hardware for over two years. If you somehow believe this means GC devs are just beginning to unlock the Cubes power, all I can say is you\'re not following what\'s going on very closely.

Taking at face value the earlier quote of about 3-4 years to learn how to use the PS2, it would mean that in another year or so PS2 devs will know as much about how to get the most from PS2 as GC devs know now about it in terms of performance. Do you follow me?

Before anyone flips out about me being a Sony fanboy, please know this: I think GC is a fantastic next gen system that will most definitely meet and exceed, graphics and gameplay wise, the expectations of any fan that plays it. What could be better?

To continue, the 90mpps for GC is an old number. As far as I can tell the announced downgrade for the GC graphics chip (along with the CPU upgrade) would put the raw pps count of the GC on all most equal footing with the PS2 [GS].  If I\'m way off on this point, please sing it out loud and clear. I\'m on very shaky ground when I get near to tech talk and am always willing to try to understand things better. p.s. try not to BS

To those that continue tosay "it about the games, not the power" I would respond; then why are you reading this crap instead of playing games?

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What?!!!?? Ps2 more powerful than gamecube?!?!!?!?!?
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2001, 02:30:23 PM »
Another think to keep in mind, is that PS2 so far is the hardest system to develop for. Hence the learnng curve is much greater for it than XBOX, or GC.



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