This picture reminds me of a PC game, looks nice, but the models are very low in polygons. Actualy the whole scene looks deprived of polygons, just a bunch of boxes, and warped models.
There might be a sh!t load of textures, but what
happend to the 100M polys?

That model looks like a freaking lego girl,
that shot where she is holding that "whatever" that is, look at the arm, either she got a wooden arm, or it\'s been broken in 3 places due to lack of Poly-crunching hardware
She is on top of that box, and she is looking down, the windows are warpped in my opinion, i mean it looks like that whole shot is after somebody hit too many mushrooms.

I\'m sorry i do not wish to "flame"
but it is really sad when all we get is 1st/3rd person crap like this. I don\'t care if the game is for Xbox, GC, or PS2. It looks like crap.
Would you honestly say people would buy a console just to play this game?

Right, i thought not.
The only game that Xbox has with that potential is maybe Halo IMO