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Author Topic: Why didn\'t anyone make something like XBand for N64 and PS?  (Read 897 times)

Offline ElAsesino
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I always wondered why no one made anything like XBand.  Was it because the games were too complicated?

GE would have been that much more addictive if something like XBand could have been used.
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Offline Mithrandir
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Why didn\'t anyone make something like XBand for N64 and PS?
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2001, 09:42:02 PM »
What\'s an XBand??
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Offline Weltall
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Why didn\'t anyone make something like XBand for N64 and PS?
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2001, 10:42:41 PM »
X-Band was an online gaming adaptor for SNES and Genesis, in 1995 I believe, and it supported quite a few games. Unfortunately, the concept was more advanced then the technology of the day, and it failed. But they should\'ve done it for PSX and N64, the technology\'s been here for years now. The modemish thingy went in the cartridge slot, and the game hooked to it, then you had to make it dial a number, and you connected to a hub of X-Band users, and set up challenges for MK2 or Mario Kart. It had realtime chat, and a bulletin board to post high scores and the like.
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Why didn\'t anyone make something like XBand for N64 and PS?
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2001, 05:05:01 AM »
Again, I had one of those.

(thumbing through Game vol. 5, iss. 8)

They said that X0Band was going to be in development for Saturn, PSX, and Ultra 64.

It obviously fell through. :)

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Why didn\'t anyone make something like XBand for N64 and PS?
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2001, 03:28:43 PM »
so if they coulda done it back then , why didnt ps2 already come with a modem? maybe a marketing thing...
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