I dont ruin threads
Yes you do, take this one for example. First you jump on Pedo, when in fact he was attempting to let everyone know of STG\'s agenda. Then NVIDIA comes in to back-up his statement, and you jump on him as well.
What is really funny is you have no business in the matter, considering that you have no knowledge of STG\'s past, especially at MSXBOX. Then you arrogantly enough say this
I hate junior members who talk sh**
Oh so I see, you think you have more leeway than him because he is a junior member. Man that is weak.
Also you kept insisting that NVIDIA is a fanboy, yet I hardly see him post here, and when he does It\'s not xbox fanboy trash.
I just wasnt going to let someone like NVIDIA get away with something
And I wasn\'t going to let someone like you get away with your jibberish. You placed yourself into an agrument to which you have no real grounds to give input on. You like to jump on memebers I see, I really dislike that, at least have a good reason for it. Do yourself a favour and crawl back into the hole you came from.
LOL, LOL.......