I\'m getting tired of this.
It doesn\'t take much to out smart you jumpman, cause you just quote everything everyone says.
Riiiiight... and....riiiiiiight. I don\'t even need to say anything here.
Bah. I know why he keeps replying, because I\'m too damn c-ocky. From now on I won\'t insult him in his own manner. I\'ll be the mature one here, seriously. I was just in a extremely good mood.
Why don\'t you go clean the dust off your n64 and go play it or something since you LOVE nintendo so much?
Yeah well why don\'t you play your PS2 because you love Sony so much?
You see how immature that just sounded? I swear I thought I was the kid in this argument but yet that line was extremely childish.
Also, I haven\'t played my N64 that much since I got my DC. In fact, the only game I played since I got it is Perfect Dark. I guess I don\'t love Nintendo that much.
Gee, your not prove me wrong either.
Either eh? So your implying that you have done nothing to prove me wrong either? Well, now we just bickering but before we were arguing about Square and other matters and you haven\'t responded to my replies. Why?
What I\'m saying I don\'t agree with nothing you say and your just plain annoying.
You can still be wrong without agreeing.
Nintendo showing wasn\'t impressive, and you can\'t take that someone not impressive with nintendo so you get all mad and act like a ******.
Calm down willy, you said their showing was a joke, which it clearly wasn\'t since they had by far the most attendees in their booths. I honestly could care less if you hated Nintendo for any irrelevant reason but calling their E3 showing a joke? That was just uncalled for.
Yeah right your a mulitple console person you just proof to me your nothing but an insecure nintendo fanboy.
Fine, you don\'t represent the world nor do you represent myself. The truth has always been I can enjoy every console hence I own more than one of them! If you don\'t want to except that- good for you. But that\'s just a sign of your tremendous amount of ignorance.
You ****** thats why people have opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Proper paragraphing...I believe I informed you of your atrocious grammatical error but yet you continue to make it. Sure you improved on it however it still appears to be a major problem for you. What grade are you in again?
Nintendo in my eyes will always be a kiddie company
How is this relevant to what we\'re discussing? Wait, what are we discussing? You just seem to be making absurd assumptions on who I am while I\'m simply defending myself.
I have been pulled into a pointless argument by this oaf...
I also though n64 was a letdown.
Jumpman you are just pitful cause people don\'t agree with your opinion you start crying about how great nintendo is.
hhhmmm... prove it. I don\'t care about people\'s opinions. My concern is whether they post it as fact or not. That has always been the reason why I get into so many arguments regarding Nintendo.
If you like them so much why don\'t you go make games for them?
Please, show some maturity. I don\'t know what was wrong with me earlier but now it\'s over and I can\'t believe what I was getting into to- a meaningless flame war.
How the hell am I a sony fanboy, I dont defend any console and I dont bash any console, all i do is point out stupid comments, and how do you truly know if your smarter than he is, lets all go take an IQ test so we can declare you legally retarded, and who is the we in " we all know your an idiot", is the we all your fanboy friends, thats nice, your opinion doesnt bother me
It doesn\'t bother you but yet you insist on responding to my replies. I find that logic intriguiging. If you don\'t care for what I say then I guess you wouldn\'t be responding, right?
[uote]Bozco I know jumpman is an idiot just cause everyone doesn\'t agree with him they have to be a fanboy. Bozco don\'t let his stupidty bother you cause he\'s just making himself look bad. Bozco you seem cool so don\'t worry about jumpfanboy.[/quote]
Stupidty? Is it that hard to spell right? We do have a spell check for people like you. And how am I making myself look bad? Even though I was being immature you were still being just as or even more immature then I was.
Jumpman, you really need to chill out.
You seem to have this formula:
1.Post something(usually a flame in some way)
2.Wait for someone to reply.
3.Initiate the post with, "oh I cant wait to show my superior intellect when I destroy [Insert Name]\'s arguemet." Respond with insults and terribly flawed logic.
4.Wait for other people to respond, then call them fanboy.
5.When you are called Fanboy, you respond with "Im multi-consoled!Your a fanboy, BUTTHEAD!"(butthead was included because it goes with the immaturity you show with your posts).
6.Everyone gets tired of arguing with you, so therefore, you are superior to them.
Grow up.
I don\'t know where you came from, but that problem, as you can see, has been fixed.
thanks, and I\'ll just ignore him cause hes just looking for a fight
Y\'all notice that when peeps are angry their grammar deteriorates as the post goes on. They start out okay, but by the end their posts are riddled with grammatical errors!
I tend to notice these things
When I reread my previous posts and mainly ranslant\'s posts I noticed that too, and usually my grammar isn\'t all that bad. Perhaps anger causes the brain to not function as it\'s maximum capabilities? That would of made an excellent science project...