Don\'t get me started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look, they should not be illegal ANYWHERE in the USA.
WTF WTF WTF WTF!!! We here in Minnesota have to BREAK THE FREAKING LAW to celebrate our FREEDOM?!?! How f-in stupid is THAT?!?
If some f-in moron blows his damn face off--too bad--boo frekin hoo:(
Or burns down a building, send THAT idiot to jail and make him pay for any damages. Punish the morons that do damage, but don\'t take away MY freedoms because SOME people are idiots!!!
Here in Minnesota (aka: communist central) It\'s a freking felony----A FELONY to posses over 40lbs of fireworks. Did you CATCH THAT!! You
lose your right to vote AND posses firearms if convicted of a felony.
Great... Celebrate your freedom and independence from an oppressive government (old England) by liting fireworks and get a Felony charge and lose your right to vote for the a-hole politicians. BS!!
That said, I\'m leaving today to go "up-north" to lite my 50lbs:) Take that you commie bastards!!!
......Ahhhh.. Well, It\'s a good thing I didn\'t "get started"
Thanks for listening to my little rant.