Yeah, sure, its only FMV, but as the resident \'Capcom Whore\' around here, it is my duty to inform you that the chances of this game looking awesome are 99.9 percent.
Still, these screens are nothing to get excited about. Wait two or three months, then when we see the first actual ingame screen, get excited.
On the "no FMV" comment - MS discourages it, but they can\'t really ban it. It would be beyond foolish. Plenty of games have great opening FMV squences that get you hyped to play the game. Want an example? Load up Resident Evil: CV . The FMV video with Claire running through a hallway, while bullets shatter the glass is just simply amazing. Full motion video is a great thing, if used tastefully. Sort of like the ole\' len\'s flare, ya\' know?