Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
You guys need to stop making stuff up. The hard drive is a SEPARATE package than the ethernet adapter. They said so at e3 and they gave a price on it a e3 of 39.99 and said they would reveal the price od the hard drive at a later time, which they JUST did.
A price of 150 dollars gives you a hard drive...AND A HARD DRIVE ONLY. This crap about a the ethernet being packaged in is BS and the person who posted it knows it.
Bottom Line: the total price of a ethernet card AND hard drive is: 150.00 + 40.00 =190.00
and people want to know where rumors come from...
New PS2 HDD & Net Adapter Info
Reported By Chris Patterson | 10:39 PM EST | Source: PSX2.com
Sony Computer Entertainment has just released their official statement concerning the release of the Hard Disk Drive and Network Adapter as well as the price for the accessories. SCE has confirmed that the HDD and Network Adapter will be released in Japan on July 19th in order to coincide with the release of Final Fantasy X, which requires the HDD to play. The official price, converted from the Japanese Yen to the U.S. dollar, will be $153 for the external unit and $145 for the internal unit.
While it definately sounds high for a HDD, SCE has stated on their website that the HDD unit comes bundled with the Network Adapter, which was originally priced at $40. The U.S. bundle, still without a release date, will retail for $145 and will include the 40 GB Hard Disk Drive and the narrowband/broadband Network Adapter for $145.
http://www.psx2.com/news/view_news.php?time=994217943#994217943Sorry mate. Your wrong about that. People can change their plans. E3 was a few months ago. Things change.
But what I wont to know is what is meant by FFX requires the HDD to play? Is that just a mistake? Cause if thats true FFX is going to flop