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Author Topic: Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!  (Read 7929 times)

Offline Halberto
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« on: July 03, 2001, 08:41:33 PM »
I\'ve had it with Sony. I\'m gonna just throw away that online idea and go to XBOX. Such a crappy deal. I can save a lot of money and still get good games and better hardware. It\'s just stupid now. Sony has let me down. There is no logic to go with the HDD plan. NONE! I\'m gonna sell my PS2 and put my name on the pre-order list for XBOX. I suggest everyone else does the same, unless you can prove me wrong.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2001, 09:11:19 PM »
You may be going alittle extreme. You don\'t have to sell your PS2 and infact that is foolish, there will be plenty of PS2 exclusive games you will want. You\'ll regret it later, so don\'t do that. Instead, just don\'t buy the HDD. I agree, Sony really has no logic with the release of it. But, there is no reason to sell the actual base unit.

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2001, 09:57:07 PM »
Wow, that certainly was a suprisignly shock coming from you, but your logic is a little flawed.

If you REALLY want to play online games then you might as well buy an Xbox, but are you that into them? Have you ever tried any PC games lately? In all seriosity(this will be a word someday!), Xbox won\'t be that different since it\'s architecture it\'s basically the same.

Also, I think Sony will dumb this HD thing and online gaming altogether in about a year because by then they\'ll see how crappy it\'s selling and won\'t bother to continue with it(it will fail IMO). Then, they\'ll go back to their original roots. Besides, most PS2 games won\'t utilize the HD anyway, developers don\'t want to estimate how many people will buy one so they won\'t bother making games that use it.

Offline IronFist
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2001, 10:01:02 PM »
I thought the Final Fantasy series meant more to you than this, Vivi.  The Xbox will be a great console, but it will not have FFX or FF12.  The PS2\'s harddrive probably won\'t take off, but their online plans will.  The PS2 will be online this fall, while the Xbox will be online sometime between next spring to next summer.  For us hardcore gamers, spending an extra 50 bucks to go online isn\'t a problem as long as there are games to play.

Right now, the Xbox doesn\'t have any games that will be online (correct me if I\'m wrong).  Not even Halo, a game that was pretty much destined to be online, is going online.

Like Living-In-Clip said, the PS2 is getting a lot of exclusives that I\'m sure you\'ll want.  It is completely up to you, but I think you will regret completely abandoning(sp?) the PS2.

And about that Xbox having better hardware, I still disagree.  Just wait, you will all see. :)
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Offline QuDDus
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2001, 10:02:09 PM »
Originally posted by ViVi
I\'ve had it with Sony. I\'m gonna just throw away that online idea and go to XBOX. Such a crappy deal. I can save a lot of money and still get good games and better hardware. It\'s just stupid now. Sony has let me down. There is no logic to go with the HDD plan. NONE! I\'m gonna sell my PS2 and put my name on the pre-order list for XBOX. I suggest everyone else does the same, unless you can prove me wrong.

YOUR doing the right thing man the ps2 is so plaid;) I mean sooner or later there will be a game you want on ps2 like gt3,MGS2, and FFX. But XboX is offering a whole new gaming experience and there are new games being developed for it that look great like Enclave,Project EGO, bruce Lee: Quest of dragon. I mean it is all up to you and what you want to do. If your tired of ps2 and can\'t afford both. Then do what makes you happy. I can afford both so it\'s no biggie for me. Plus FFX will only be on ps2 and I am waiting that.

EDIT: ps2 has better hardware than xbox? Even Ray charles could see that XboX is more powerful than ps2.
The numbers proove it.
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Offline Claypool 2001
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2001, 10:19:46 PM »
why would you sell your PS2? what would you do for the next 5 months? If you dont want to play MGS2, thats fine by me, but I\'ll sit here and play games.
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Offline IronFist
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2001, 11:48:28 PM »
Originally posted by XBOX
YOUR doing the right thing man the ps2 is so plaid;) I mean sooner or later there will be a game you want on ps2 like gt3,MGS2, and FFX.

The point of this thread was to show Vivi why to keep a PS2, not to make him want the Xbox even more.  He already knows the reasons why he wants the Xbox.
But XboX is offering a whole new gaming experience and there are new games being developed for it that look great like Enclave,Project EGO, bruce Lee: Quest of dragon.

Bruce Lee: Quest of Dragon?  Are you serious?  Most new fighting games series\' comepletely suck.  What makes you think this one will be different?  Do you really think it is going to be good enough to compete with Tekken 4, VF4, SC2, or CvsSNK2?  DOA3 is the Xbox\'s best chance of competing with the PS2 fighting game wise.

EDIT: ps2 has better hardware than xbox? Even Ray charles could see that XboX is more powerful than ps2.
The numbers proove it. [/B]

1. Notice how I said "Just wait, you will all see."
2. Numbers don\'t prove anything, games do.  And that\'s something the PS2 will have plenty of.
3. Who the heck is Ray Charles?
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Offline Soul_Reaver
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2001, 11:52:54 PM »
Jumpman its your logic that is flawed....so the hardware resembles a pc architecture??? thats a good thing.....last time I checked a PC\'s power surpasses any consoles power.   And just becuase the architecture resembles a PC\'s DOES NOT MEAN THE GAMES WILL RESEMBLE PC GAMES!!!  In fact Microsoft has a STRICT policy that forbids it.....

SO you saying NBA2k2 is going to play like a PC game????  HELL NO!

So you are saying Jet set radio is going to play like a PC game??  HELL NO!

So you are saying that DOA3 is going to play like a PC game?  HELL NO!!

This xbox and PC comparison argument died ALONG time ago.  Trying to hold on to it makes youself look FOOLISH!!

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2001, 12:29:32 AM »
1: Ray Charles is a blind african american piano player / singer.

2: This thread is to show Vivi why he shouldn\'t sell his PS2.

Vivi, you are obviously a Final Fantasy fan, do you want to miss out on all the Square games? If you sell your PS2, you\'ll miss out on them. And please, before everyone starts on the "Square will develop for other companies", keep in mind one thing. Until it is announced, it isn\'t real. They may or may not. But, the safe bet is, if you want Square games, you will keep your PS2.

No one is forcing you to buy the HD. If you don\'t want to, then don\'t . On the same note, the HD may be a great seller. You can always wait and see, and if you want it later down the \'road\', you can then buy it and take advantage of it.

Bottom Line : Look back on why you bought a PS2 in the first place. Those reasons remain. Exclusive , great games. Do you see Metal Gear Solid 2 coming out for the Xbox in November? NO! Twisted Metal : Black? Nope. There is plenty of games and will be plenty more that don\'t require the HD.

If you want online gaming, you can always use your computer, buy an Xbox later or just wait and see how Sony\'s internet plan and HD pan out. You don\'t have to be an early adopter. Infact, it is probably smarter not to be one.

Keep your PS2. If you want an Xbox, buy one. Enjoy both systems. Don\'t let this little problem make you miss out on alot of great games for either system.

Offline Soul_Reaver
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2001, 12:52:07 AM »
Looks like you were an EARLY adopter with the ps2 dude!!!  so what wrong with my man being an early adapter with the xbox???  

OHHHH I get it!!  You are one of these dudes that tell people to WAIT on the xbox in HOPES that their sales will lack in the beggining and developers will abandon them and you precious ps2 will remain on top cause you are scared that you MIGHT have wasted 350.00 dollars!!   or are you scared that everyone will abandon their ps2\'s like Vivi and the company will fail??      Grow up!

People adandon companies casue they do stuff wrong.....and guess what.....sony is doing ALOT of stuff wrong....(architecture, EXPENSIVE addon\'s ect...)if he wants to abandon them so be it.  It obvious he is disspleased.

And ps2 exclusives??  what are you talking about man???   the exclusives are flying down the drain.  MGS2 is NOT an exclusive...check the meaning of the word!!  And yeah you might be playing the game in november BUT.....will it be the enhanced version? NO
will it be in all 5.1 surround sound glory like a Hideo Kojima game is MEANT to be played in??? NO  
ps2 cant do 5.1 encoding.

Me an early adopter??  No, not really.  But I know what I want and thats the best...an xbox look\'s damn good right now....Awesome games from day one!!!  thats what a console should be like.  Ill be outside November 8, 2001.   And get this...Ill have AL LEAST 10 GOOD games before the end of the year....all the other consoles barely have three.

Offline IronFist
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2001, 01:52:57 AM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
Looks like you were an EARLY adopter with the ps2 dude!!!  so what wrong with my man being an early adapter with the xbox???  

OHHHH I get it!!  You are one of these dudes that tell people to WAIT on the xbox in HOPES that their sales will lack in the beggining and developers will abandon them and you precious ps2 will remain on top cause you are scared that you MIGHT have wasted 350.00 dollars!!   or are you scared that everyone will abandon their ps2\'s like Vivi and the company will fail??      Grow up!

Listen to yourself Soul_Reaver.  You are making a complete idiot out of yourself.  Do you really think one person is going to make a difference?  Do you really think you and your Xbox preaching is going to make a difference?  Do you think if Vivi buys an Xbox, the PS2 will fail?  If he doesn\'t buy an Xbox, will the Xbox fail?  

You are now at the PSX2central forums.  Most of us here are multi console gamers who don\'t like fanboys of any kind.  Either be a little more open minded about things, or just go waste your time on some other forum.

And ps2 exclusives??  what are you talking about man???   the exclusives are flying down the drain.

GT3, Devil May Cry, Baldur\'s Gate: DA, FFX, Wipeout Fusion, Twisted Metal Black (and the online version), Jak and Daxter.  The PS2 has tons of great exclusives.  \'nuff said.

And get this...Ill have AL LEAST 10 GOOD games before the end of the year....all the other consoles barely have three. [/B]

Read above for the exclusives.  And now for the non exclusives:  MGS2, SSX:Tricky, Silent Hill 2, Tony Hawk 3 online (might be exclusive for now, but probably not forever), Res Evil: CVX, Capcom VS SNK 2.  I\'m sure other people have more games that they are really looking forward to this year too.
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Offline fastson
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2001, 03:00:10 AM »
Thats abit drastic dont you think??

I mean common, Vivi..

Are you acctually prepered to "loose" FFX, FXII, DMC, TG, WRC, J&D, ICO...blah blah blah...?

The US price hasent even been confirmed yet..
And Sony might do a SEGA, you know..
Give the HDD to you if you sign a online deal with an ISP or something?

Thats very likley right now..

I dont think it\'ll fail..
Cuz alot of people have been very possitive twoard it. So has the developers. (especially Hideo Kojima-san.. He said something about using the HDD.. Remember?)

Dont do it..
But I guess I cant make you change your mind :)
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Offline mm
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2001, 03:08:43 AM »

they are just pieces of plastic and silicone

get over yerselves
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2001, 04:01:24 AM »
Originally posted by mm

they are just pieces of plastic and silicone

get over yerselves

You\'re right, they are. Which is the exact reason no one should get so upset about a console. I personally enjoy all consoles.

OHHHH I get it!! You are one of these dudes that tell people to WAIT on the xbox in HOPES that their sales will lack in the beggining and developers will abandon them and you precious ps2 will remain on top cause you are scared that you MIGHT have wasted 350.00 dollars!! or are you scared that everyone will abandon their ps2\'s like Vivi and the company will fail?? Grow up!

Soul, calm down. I am an early adopter of almost everything. I don\'t call it the smartest of things, but some of us like to have something when it is new . I\'m just like that. I will buy an Xbox also,  so please quit preaching to me. As for the precious PS2 comment?? I\'m sorry, but I\'ve always made it clear that my favorite hardware company was Sega . Wasted $350.00 dollars? Not in the least. I have enjoyed Onimusha, I\'ll enjoy Devil May Cry, Capcom Vs Snk 2, Virtua Fighter 4. I don\'t consider that wasted. But then again, I\'ve spent money on a 3DO, Virtual Boy, Jaguar, etc and don\'t consider it wasted. WHY ? Because I\'m a gamer. I enjoy playing games and I don\'t care what system they are for.

You take these things way to serious Soul. There is no reason to get all offensive or defensive about a simple system. Just enjoy the system you buy and quit tryin\' to preach to everyone and change everyones mind.

Offline Samwise
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2001, 04:51:07 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
You take these things way to serious Soul. There is no reason to get all offensive or defensive about a simple system. Just enjoy the system you buy and quit tryin\' to preach to everyone and change everyones mind.
Amen to that. It\'s just plastic and electronics - buy whatever makes you happy. It is afterall only a mean for entertainment.

So Soul_Reaver, calm down, go outside and enjoy the summer! You\'ll get to play your Xbox in time, don\'t worry.

/me goes outside in the warm sunny weather again.
(thanks Chizzy!)


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