1: Ray Charles is a blind african american piano player / singer.
2: This thread is to show Vivi why he shouldn\'t sell his PS2.
Vivi, you are obviously a Final Fantasy fan, do you want to miss out on all the Square games? If you sell your PS2, you\'ll miss out on them. And please, before everyone starts on the "Square will develop for other companies", keep in mind one thing. Until it is announced, it isn\'t real. They may or may not. But, the safe bet is, if you want Square games, you will keep your PS2.
No one is forcing you to buy the HD. If you don\'t want to, then don\'t . On the same note, the HD may be a great seller. You can always wait and see, and if you want it later down the \'road\', you can then buy it and take advantage of it.
Bottom Line : Look back on why you bought a PS2 in the first place. Those reasons remain. Exclusive , great games. Do you see Metal Gear Solid 2 coming out for the Xbox in November? NO! Twisted Metal : Black? Nope. There is plenty of games and will be plenty more that don\'t require the HD.
If you want online gaming, you can always use your computer, buy an Xbox later or just wait and see how Sony\'s internet plan and HD pan out. You don\'t have to be an early adopter. Infact, it is probably smarter not to be one.
Keep your PS2. If you want an Xbox, buy one. Enjoy both systems. Don\'t let this little problem make you miss out on alot of great games for either system.