Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
I guess you nieve enough to think that they only people who have played dreamcast games are only the people who bought them?:rolleyes: peole go to their friends house and play them...and people play the in stores like best buy. Now if each dreamcast owner had a friend over to play it.....then now wever talking about 40 million people play it right? if each dreamcast owner had more than one person come over and play it ....then you see how that number grows exponentially.
That is assuming that everyone who owns a Dreamcast owns one of those sports games, which is far from the truth. A lot of people hate sports games.
thats pretty funny. Cause you still dont know if they are going to be good are not. Ps2 released a LOT of games this year that were "specualted" to being GREAT....but when they hit....they were not so great. It\'s been happening a LOT lately...and just because now ps2 is getting a few games that actually lived up to there hype....they NOT proven themselves to have broken out of that pattern just yet.
And we also don\'t know if the Xbox launch games will be any good. I would rather buy some possibly good games for my PS2 this fall than buy an Xbox for $300 and buy some possibly good games for it. And MGS2 is garanteed to be great. If you argue with this, then you obviously haven\'t played the demo.
thats funny?? I see you know nothing about programing if you think that. Programers are always finding ways to get more out of the hardware...that situation is NOT EXCLUSIVE to the ps2. You are talking about the most advanced gpu in the world....and you think that technology will be mastered from day one? LOL:D Sure they have some familar tools in direct x to work with ...but the new direct x has all kinds of nice trucks that iut can do that programers have yet to discover.....go read up on it before you make a comment like that. Its an insult to every programer out there.
What I said was just my oppinion, like I stated. You say, "Programmers are always finding ways to get more out of the hardware." Well that didn\'t happen with the Dreamcast. I think the Xbox is going to be the same.
Should I meantion Devil May Cry again?? Jag heaven man...whats up with that??
That Jaggies argument is getting so old. It is rare when you even notice jaggies in games while you\'re playing, and jaggies haven\'t really been a problem in PS2 games since the PS2\'s launch. Have you played DMC? Have you seen it in person? You are judging it by some pictures that you have seen.
There were to many things sony was competing with when they entered this indusrty dude....but they prevailed didn\'t they.
Not true. The only thing they were competing with is the Saturn, and people were afraid of buying the Saturn because of Sega\'s past systems. The Xbox has to compete with a PS2 and it\'s 10 million userbase, and the NGC which costs $100 less! It is way different this time around.
and lets see....broadband and hard drive are FREE with xbox....(both are needed to play FFXI) and in order to play this game on ps2 I have to BUY BOTH a hard drive and a modem....a total price of 190 dollars. Which is MORE stupid!!! if according to you only 1/10 of all xbox owners are going to be able to play FFXI...
then like only 1/50 of all ps2 owners are going to be able to play this game cause people aint going to shell out 190 dollars PLUS 50.00 for the game just to get their Final fantasy on. Who the hell is going to pay 240.00 to play one game??? LOL.....and you say XBox is stupid....LOL LOL LOL LOL OMG....LOL!!:D
FFXI is not the only online game Sony will have. TMBonline and Tony Hawk 3 online are coming out this fall.
To tell you the truth, I doubt Square makes another online game on this generation of systems. I\'m not saying that FFXI will bomb, but it won\'t be nearly as successful as the non-online ones.
Oh, and I didn\'t call "Xbox" stupid, I said Microsoft made a stupid mistake. There is a huge difference.