Each console has what it takes to compete this fall, but to what degree is unknown.
Nintendo has gurantee\'d sales, because of the franchises. They know what to expect when they release the console and buyers know what to expect. Classic Nintendo franchises, and not so many third party titles. Is this a problem for Nintendo? No, not really. Nintendo has always had a tight grip on their target auidence and they will maintain it.
Microsoft will have the hardest time this fall. The launch three days after Nintendo, could in theory hurt sales. It depends on the launch list for Xbox and who has the biggest ad campaign. Second and I don\'t know if this is everywhere or a closed case, but where I live, I cannot pre-order an Xbox. I\'ve asked everywhere and they all tell me they are not taking pre-orders. These stores include K\'B\'Toys, EB, Funco, Babbages. Yet, I can pre-order a GC? I\'m curious as to if anyone else has had this problem. Because, if it is not a closed case situation, this could hurt MS alot. I live in Kentucky, for the record.
People are saying the Xbox could be the next Psone because its always possible for a new company to come in and dominate like Sony did. True. But, one thing you also have to look at is the situation durin\' the 32 / 64 bit era. Every company had made numerous bad buisness choices, so Sony had it easy.
- Nintendo had decided to keep the cartridge format and constantly delayed the Project Reality / Ultra 64 / Nintendo 64.
- Sega had the complicated Saturn design that suprised launched with a price tag of $400. Launch titles lacked any flare and people was already upset due to the 32x / Sega cd fiasco.
- Atari\'s Jaguar had nothing market wise. It wasn\'t even really considered. Even though, it did have some good games (Tempest2000)
- 3DO was way to expensive, lacked any killer titles.
So, you can see why it was so easy for Sony to come in and dominate with the PSone. MS doesn\'t have quite as many advantages, but they do have one big one. The hardrive. Sony is releasing the hardrive has an add-on , which never works. If MS really wants to win, they should target the add-on\'s price tag, and then make it noted that they include the HD for the price of $300. The HD could easily be Sony\'s achiles heel (sp?). Proper marketing could do quite a bit of damage to Sony .
Another potenial problem MS faces is the lack of franchises. The mainstream people, may look at the system and not see anything they remember from another system and turn away. But, if MS forces the
quality over quanity mentality, then I don\'t think this will be as much a problem. And in the end, a new system with new titles means we can expect new franchises and that is always a good thing for us gamers.
Also, you can see that MS is trying to combat this problem early in the game with games such as DOA3, Silent Hill X, Dino Crisis 3, Panzer Dragoon,etc. They are tryin\' to get names people know. It is a smart move on MS\'s part.
Ease of development also gurantee\'s titles faster. So, this is a good point for MS.
Now , for Sony.. Sony has the best chance for this year alone, due to every other system playing catch up and the "killer" games coming out for it finally. Titles like Gran Turismo 3, Twisted Metal Black, Silent Hill X and Metal Gear Solid 2 will and can sell truckloads of copies.
But on the flip side of the coin, we have the HD. Sony expects people to pay $150 for this add-on, after they already paid $300 for the system. It has never happened and I seriously doubt Sony will be the first to pull it off. If the add-on fails, it will no doubt tarnish Sony\'s reputation and fall buisness reports. But the question is, on the longterm how bad will the add-on hurt them, reputation wise?
Complicated development has plagued the PS2 like it did the Saturn, but I think we see developers getting a grip of deveoping the PS2 finally. Still, we can probably expect development time to be longer, then for the other two systems.
You\'ll notice I didn\'t mention online gaming, this is because I don\'t see it taking off this generation. Sony nor MS are including 56k connections and alot of areas still do not have broadband connections. If online gaming does take off this generation, I think we will see MS has the one pushing it foward due to the ethernet adapter coming with the XBox. But, in general, I just do not see it taking off until next generation.
In the end, each company can compete and will compete this fall. No doubt each company will make plenty of money and we gamers will enjoy two new consoles and plenty of new games for all three systems.