Bah, i was never implying that. I am not a damn sony fanboy if you think i am Nu and also DirectX, man i am as eagar about xbox as you are. Jeez, your implying that i am a sony fanboy posing as a Xbox fan? Bah, 300 dollars for an Xbox is not that much, and i personally can\'t wait until Nov 8th. Its going to be a sweet day for us gamers. So, Nu Gundam, and DXB, sorry if i made myself sound like a fanboy. and Nu, you brought alot of info to my attention. Thanks alot:)
EDIT: Look at my last line on my first post. I said Long Live Xbox:D
Bah, i own a PS2 and plan on getting the other 2 systems some time down the road, does that make me a fanboy????
Also, DirectXbox, do you have a way i can contact you, i have a couple of PS2 fanboy friends that need to be shut up, and i figure you can give me some VALID info that will shut them up. I have AIM, ICQ or MSN, which do you have?