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Author Topic: New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!  (Read 1956 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2001, 08:41:02 AM »
I don\'t understand you guys.  DX was simply taking a quote and then speculating on what it could mean.  He was not saying that MGSX will be the gurantee\'d 80% of what the PS2 didn\'t get. He simply speculated that it could mean that. Key word here: Speculation . Did he jump to conclusions alittle bit? Yes. But it was all presented as speculation. Nothing more. And after all, I think we are all guilty of jumping to conclusions now and then.

There is no reason to get all fussy about it.

I also don\'t understand why some of you are so defensive on if MGS2 does go multi-platform in some form or another. Does it really matter? It is just a videogame. If by some chance, it went multi-platform and the Xbox got a better version, then that is good for gaming, isn\'t it? It means a great game will have only got better. And if it doesn\'t, then you still have an excellent game on the PS2. Either way, a great game is coming out for us gamers to play.

Offline Terry Bogard
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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2001, 08:48:50 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
I don\'t understand you guys.  DX was simply taking a quote and then speculating on what it could mean.  He was not saying that MGSX will be the gurantee\'d 80% of what the PS2 didn\'t get. He simply speculated that it could mean that. Key word here: Speculation . Did he jump to conclusions alittle bit? Yes. But it was all presented as speculation. Nothing more. And after all, I think we are all guilty of jumping to conclusions now and then.

There is no reason to get all fussy about it.

I also don\'t understand why some of you are so defensive on if MGS2 does go multi-platform in some form or another. Does it really matter? It is just a videogame. If by some chance, it went multi-platform and the Xbox got a better version, then that is good for gaming, isn\'t it? It means a great game will have only got better. And if it doesn\'t, then you still have an excellent game on the PS2. Either way, a great game is coming out for us gamers to play.

Reason for a MAJORITY of the sony fanboys getting mad for MGS going Multiplatform. Well, most of them have no good reason, and seeing this game go multiplatform would really do the series some justice, and it would reach far many more ppl. Personally i am all for the MULTIPLATFORM MGS, rather then keeping it on PS2 for the whole time being. I now relize why i was getting called a fanboy, its because of what i said. I did not pay attention to the fact that DX was simply SPECULATING on what the quote says. Sorry everyone. It\'s always good to speculate isn\'t it:D

Offline Toxical
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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2001, 09:51:34 AM »
I\'m not really mad or disapointed MGS is going to other consoles/PC or what ever .... Didn\'t Hideo Kojima say that he won\'t make any more MGS titles? :D This is like a farewell for MGS and a way to milk more money from gamers... :D  

Just my opinion, i could be wrong, i have been wrong before :D

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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2001, 09:54:45 AM »
What annoys me is that all you XBox guys think XBox is sooooo much more powerful than PS2 that Kojima would be able to get the full 100% into MGSX. Kojima is, as Weltall said, overambitious. What he imagined for MGS2 probably won\'t be possible until the next generation of game consoles, or the next....or the next.
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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2001, 10:52:34 AM »
You guys need to relaxe. You completely forgot what we were arguing; this paragraph and if Hideo was implying that the Xbox would use the other 80%. Now lets see what he actually said.

[Metal Gear Solid 2] is definitely going in the right direction, but when we started planning the game, way before we got the tools for the PS2, we had all these ideas we wanted to implement. What we were able to realize in this game is only about 20 percent of what we initially came up with.

All right, how the fack can anyone start speculating that the Xbox version will use the other 80% after just reading that???

Ok, I can quote Hideo two times to completely prove this DirectX moron wrong.

1. Konami wouldn\'t start working on MGSX until he\'s completely the PS2 version. In case all have you had been mentally ill for a while, THE PS2 VERSION IS NOT COMPLETE YET! Therefor, he hasen\'t he begun to put some serious work into MGSX which means he\'s totally unaware of what he can do on the Xbox. Does anyone think the Xbox will be able to do 80% of what Hideo imagined after reading that? Well here\'s more.

2. Didn\'t he say all three systems were similar in terms of power?(yes he did) Do you actually think he\'ll be able to accomplish the other 80% of what he imagined on Xbox if it\'s not that much more powerful than PS2? NO! NO! NO! MGS2 is basically a masterpiece, accomplishing any more than Hideo did would be an enormous struggle in it\'s own. It almost pushes PS2\'s graphical capabilities to the max, and it\'s AI is uncomparable to any other game. There is NO WAY in hell the Xbox can accomplish Hideo full vision of MGSX after seeing what the PS2 version accomplished if the Xbox isn\'t that much more powerful.


*does victory dance*

Offline Bozco
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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2001, 10:55:10 AM »
Originally posted by DirectXbox
Thank you, GunDam for shutting them up.  Fanboys tend to get offended easily and like to jump to conclusions that aren\'t even there.

Calmn down, and I always get a good laugh when you call someone else a fanboy

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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2001, 11:31:37 AM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
You guys need to relaxe. You completely forgot what we were arguing; this paragraph and if Hideo was implying that the Xbox would use the other 80%. Now lets see what he actually said.

All right, how the fack can anyone start speculating that the Xbox version will use the other 80% after just reading that???

Ok, I can quote Hideo two times to completely prove this DirectX moron wrong.

1. Konami wouldn\'t start working on MGSX until he\'s completely the PS2 version. In case all have you had been mentally ill for a while, THE PS2 VERSION IS NOT COMPLETE YET! Therefor, he hasen\'t he begun to put some serious work into MGSX which means he\'s totally unaware of what he can do on the Xbox. Does anyone think the Xbox will be able to do 80% of what Hideo imagined after reading that? Well here\'s more.

2. Didn\'t he say all three systems were similar in terms of power?(yes he did) Do you actually think he\'ll be able to accomplish the other 80% of what he imagined on Xbox if it\'s not that much more powerful than PS2? NO! NO! NO! MGS2 is basically a masterpiece, accomplishing any more than Hideo did would be an enormous struggle in it\'s own. It almost pushes PS2\'s graphical capabilities to the max, and it\'s AI is uncomparable to any other game. There is NO WAY in hell the Xbox can accomplish Hideo full vision of MGSX after seeing what the PS2 version accomplished if the Xbox isn\'t that much more powerful.


*does victory dance*

Thanks you Jumpman. You have basically summarized everything that I said in both the MGSX-related threads. Its nice to see someone with a brain bigger than the size of a pea (I\'m not talking about everyone, just some especially ignorant people).
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Offline Black Samurai
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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2001, 01:00:10 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
1. Konami wouldn\'t start working on MGSX until he\'s completely the PS2 version. In case all have you had been mentally ill for a while, THE PS2 VERSION IS NOT COMPLETE YET! Therefor, he hasen\'t he begun to put some serious work into MGSX which means he\'s totally unaware of what he can do on the Xbox. Does anyone think the Xbox will be able to do 80% of what Hideo imagined after reading that? Well here\'s more.

In the MGS2 spread in NextGen a little while ago Hideo said that they already had teams working on MGSX. He also said that most of their resources were working on MGS2.

Originally posted by Jumpman
2. Didn\'t he say all three systems were similar in terms of power?(yes he did) Do you actually think he\'ll be able to accomplish the other 80% of what he imagined on Xbox if it\'s not that much more powerful than PS2? NO! NO! NO! MGS2 is basically a masterpiece, accomplishing any more than Hideo did would be an enormous struggle in it\'s own. It almost pushes PS2\'s graphical capabilities to the max, and it\'s AI is uncomparable to any other game. There is NO WAY in hell the Xbox can accomplish Hideo full vision of MGSX after seeing what the PS2 version accomplished if the Xbox isn\'t that much more powerful.

Why wouldn\'t he be able to accomplish more on the Xbox? That is only logical to assume that. Most of the effects on the PS2 require extra time, effort, and resources to implement; because they have to code all of them themselves. THe Xbox has all of those effects built in to their hardware AND a built in HDD. The HDD alone gives this game unlimited potential. If Konami were to make MGS2 for both consoles, the Xbox version should look significantly better. Everything from the textures to the models. I don\'t think there should be any argument there. Right now, Xbox games should look better than PS2 games; but when better PS2 development tools arrive that MAY be a different story.
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Offline Bozco
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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2001, 02:11:53 PM »
Gohan, all Jumpy was saying is that if Hideo Kojima said all systems were similar in that means he seriously doubts they could do so much more with it

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« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2001, 04:13:18 PM »
In the MGS2 spread in NextGen a little while ago Hideo said that they already had teams working on MGSX. He also said that most of their resources were working on MGS2.

Do you honestly believe that the minority his teams would accomplish 100% of what he imagined MGS2 could be with MGSX?

Why wouldn\'t he be able to accomplish more on the Xbox? That is only logical to assume that.

Of course, I never said it couldn\'t. I merely said that 100% of what Hideo imagined is out of the question since he managed to get 20% on PS2 which isn\'t that weaker in terms of power compared to the Xbox.

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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2001, 04:58:34 PM »
If all you are talking about is a graphical upgrade, then I can assure you Hideo will accomplish that considering the power and ease of developement of the Xbox.  If you are actually talking about realizing his full 100% vision, then keep on dreaming!  Haha....

Tell me this.  Why don\'t Hideo just slap a number 3 on the game and then sell another billion softwares.  Why call it Metal Gear 2 upgrade when it is indeed 80% BETTER/MORE than the PS2 counterpart.  It doesn\'t make any sense.  I doubt Metal Gear X(an upgraded port) will, at the most, probably see an additional level and a slight upgrade in the graphics department and nothing more.  80% is way too much and only wishful thinking.  It would be better to use those ideas on the sequels than just a simple upgrade.

Another thing.....

Would you really want him to realize his full 100% vision for the Xbox port?  The game would take too long to make(probably another 2 years), and by then Konami will probably be talking about an MGS3.  It would be smarter to just port the regular MGS2 with a slight upgrade in graphics and more levels.  That way there will be an Xbox version not too long after the PS2 one.

Offline Black Samurai
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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2001, 05:06:00 PM »
MGSX is NOT an upgrade of MGS2 Hideo said that his teams have already started calling it MGS1.5 which leads me to believe that the story falls between MGS and MGS2.

BTW, Jumpman, I was just saying that they have some of their guys working on MGSX I\'m sure everyone is going to work on it once MGS2 is finished.
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Offline SLIMSHADY739
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New Insight on MGSX!!!!!!!!
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2001, 08:09:00 PM »
i apoligize for reading it wrong, and hideo did say this though it dosent matter what console hes using nothing will be able to do his full biddings!Keep that in mind.
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I was just passing and spotted this :)
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2001, 01:31:10 AM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
2. Didn\'t he say all three systems were similar in terms of power?(yes he did)

But he always says that! Check out any interview at anytime and Hideo says the same thing when asked about the power of current/new consoles.

He speaks from the point of view of a games designer, and from that point of view, all the consoles are the same to him. He\'s not saying the XBox, PS2 and GC are actually the same in terms of power, but that they offer him about the same in terms of the games he wants to design.

Here\'s an interview from last year;


Hideo: "However, the hardware capabilities (graphics, processing speed, etc.) among PS2, DC, and Dolphin do not differ that much. The same is true with Internet and DVD-playing capabilities."

Hmmm.... So, does this really mean the power between the Dreamcast, GameCube and PS2 are all about the same?

No, he says;

"What makes the difference is how we creators make use of these machines to their maximum capabilities."

That\'s the point!.

Hence when Hideo says all the consoles are the same, he doesn\'t mean it literally. ;)

(That\'s all from me for now. :))


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