I agree there\'s too many of em. A few other people might not know of some of the classics. Kevin Nealon\'s Newsbreak and the Hollywood minuite are awesome. Anything with Chris Farely, expecially the motivational speaker. The various.. Mr.\'s. (Mr Casual Sex, Mr. Masturbation, Mr. Robinson\'s Neighborhood.. ect.) , Toonses the driving cat, celebrity jeopardy, Waynes World, Daily Affrimation, The original
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy, and of course the Sinbad episode with the Gloria Brigade skit. Oh, and lets not forget the Samurai Tailor!!
Customer: "What\'s this?"
Hippy Clerk: "Oh that\'s a kabuki terror mask. It\'s used in ceremonial pubesence rituals to initatiat the young men into the tribe."
C: "Really?"
HC: "and you
put your weed in here!! See it flips down and you can stash it."
C: "I see.. so this really was used in puberty rituals?"
HC: "Yeah.. and you
put your weed in here!Heheheheheh classic.