from bob:
damn, pity a television cant show higher than 60 fps
untrue....i want you to play Red Faction..which hits at 30 fps...and then go play Time splitters.....which hits in at 60fps. By your little theory timesplitters frame rate should be slowed down 30 fps..and there should be no difference between the two according to you theory. But you know thats BS dont you?? You gonna see a HELL OF A difference now wont you. Sounds like your theory is wrong. mabe in Australia Tv\'s cant do 60 fps..but apparently they can almost everywhere else.
I want you to tell me why a "cpnsole" game developer would design a game to play in a manner that a regular TV could not display? They wouldn\' have been designed for a LONG time to run at 60fps....EVEN before there was such things as High definition TV\'s. Rememeber Killer Instinct gold for n64?? It ran at 60 fps...and there were no hdtv\'s in sight when that came out. Probully because Tv\'s CAN display it.
YOu know bob...your\'ve been quick to state a ps2 game which runs at 60 fps as an awesome feat... but everytime someone meantions an Xbox game running at 60 fps your quick to state that "too bad tv\'s cant go that fast". You cant play down this frame rate deal any longer just make yourself sound EXTREMELY baised. Give that arguememnt up dude...cause it aint going to work for ps2 but against xbox. That makes no since
And you say bouncer has better graphics hey??...lets remember that game has a "BLURR" effect over the ENTIRE game in order to smooth stuff out and make it look better than it actually is. Thats really not impressive dude. Playing that game...I felt like I was losing my vision cause its used so HEAVILY.
Do you see any blurring in these photo\'s besides the intended "motion blurr" effects? No. There is no question that this game is graphically surperior to bouncer. You can give that argument up too.