The controller doesn\'t have any innovation,
Like the PSX2 controller does. Do you have any Idea how Sony came up with the basic design of the controller, they got it from Nintendo. Then Sony put\'s analog sticks on the controller, why: cause Nintendo did first. You accuse MS of taking there idea from others, did you forget sony did the same. Nintendo must feel flattered cause in the past of anyone deserved the title of innovation it would be nintendo
Have they helped the industry of video gaming yet? They might down the road but not yet. The controller doesn\'t
Yeah that\'s real fair saying that MS should be kicked out of the gamming business, cause they have not helped the industry yet. Well give them a chance first you idiot.
Second how has sony helped developers?? from what the developers are saying is that MS so far has proven to be the most helpful whenever any of the studio are having problems, alot more than sony. Sony only cares about there in house and close tie dev like SQUARE, polymere(or whatever) naughty dog.
And is Microsoft paying developers, yes they are. They are using money to lure developers to their system.
Ok you have truly proven that your are the stupidest person on this board, IQ of 150 my ass. MS is paying developers just like
SONY does moron. Damn you don\'t know **** about the gamming world, if you did, you wouldn\'t have said that. It\'s business nothing more, MS and SONY knows this and will do whatever it takes to get developers on there side.
Yes, everyone is in it to make money. Many other PC companies who make software and other big companies in the PC industry say that MS really screwed up the computer generation. They say we could have had the Internet in \'85 if it wasn\'t for MS.
Yeah I see you’re an anti-Microsoft vigilante, and a BIG TIME SONY FANBOY, no doubt about that. Oh and what a pile of BS saying MS screwed the pc industry. MS help it grow to what it is today, if it wasn\'t for BILL gates the internet wouldn\'t be nearly what it is today, everyone played a part in the computer revolution and the internet, but MS had big part in there, don\'t ever forget that. Yeah leave it to STEVE JOBS!!!no way man. All people do is look at the negitive aspects of bill gates and his company and forget about all the good things he has done. Also I don\'t see sony donating billions of dollars to starving kids, and donating computers to schools to help childern learn. All that money Bill donated came right out of his pocket. What has sony done, besides give us cheap, poor quality audio and electronic products. They only make good TV\'s and cams.
I just don\'t want them to screw up the console industry. MS never said anything about No patches for XBox games so we will wait and see.
Ok now you are getting to be real annoying, YOU SIR know absolutely **** about the gaming WORLD. MS said no patches period. If patches were allowed then HALO would be online, which it will no longer be. Why don\'t you go back to the IGN forums, cause you sound just like the people over there.
The best thing that it could give the XBox would be updates for the NvidiaNV25 (I can\'t remember the exact name of the chip ). Nvidia has always been increasing performance with their detonator drivers so I\'m pretty sure they will have some upgrade for it.
How many times do I have to say this XBOX is not a PC. It\'s a fixed platform, there will be no need for driver updates.
I just don\'t want them to screw up the console industry.
Yeah that\'s really going to happen junior.
So please don\'t bother to respond, cause I will not post back as I have waisted enough of my free time.