When you are born, your spirit and conciousness and intelligence goes through a veil of unremembrance. That is the reason you remember nothing before you were born.
What kind of test would it be if you already KNEW their was a God and you KNEW what it was like to live with Him. You would make sure that you KNEW the right church before you were born and you would do your best to follow that one. But, because of the Veil, you must decide with your own free will to search out and have FAITH in God and Christ.
On a Side Note:
My Aunt Priscilla had a massive stroke a few years ago. After, she went into a coma for around 3 weeks. While she was in the coma she saw my cousin going through the veil. What she didn\'t know was that my cousin was involved in a car wreck when she was in a coma and died.
She awoke and told my father this and he told her what happened, later that wekk, she died.
Now tell me how science can explain that.
Eric Jacob