Actually, back then, most sailors knew the earth was round because you can see the curvature of the earth. Anyone that was in the open ocean knew the earth was round. They didn\'t know how big. That myth about Columbus is just that, a myth. He knew it was round and so did his crew. There are a lot of myths about Columbus and the majority aren\'t true.
EDIT: and the bible says the earth is flat. I can find a website with that but I\'m hungry so I\'m gonna run out to White Castle. I\'ll revisit the flat/round earth thing when I get back and fully nourished and actually have pants on (that\'s right, I\'m not wearing pants right now (boxers)).
you do know the bible has been around longer than christopher and crew right? so there goes that theory...anyways... (Isaiah 40:22) states...there is one who is dwelling above the CIRCLE of the earth, the dwellers which are grasshoppers, the one who is strecthing out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell.
..(Job 26:7) states...and this refers to the earth being in space...."He is strecthing out the north over the empty place, Hanging the earth upon nothing"....
titan what are you talkin\' about?...clearly the scripture here states the earth is round...the bible itself is nearly 1600 - 2000 years old, waaay before chris\'s time,...alot of people was afraid to sail because if you looked into the distance on the ocean, it actually looked flat...i\'m sure there were other people thought the earth was round, but the point is is that the bible stated this waaay before any of them claimed it was round.....i\'ll be back to discuss this later on tonight, since i work nights, i live like a vampire during the day, or sleep like a vampire during the day...