Alright, this happened to me a long time ago,
in high school, grade 9
My best friend had this girl, she was ok, (if you know what i mean
) Well one day my friend called me up, and told me he felt the biaattch was cheating on him, but he had no proof. We left the conversation at that, speculation. One week later I was with her in a park doing the nasty.
I told him she was a 2 timing Biaatch, and he dumped her. End of story. Now, it depends how close a friend you are to your cousin, if ya grew up with em from grade 1 up to grade 12 then expose her, he is your friend after all. If you are a "Distant" cousin who sees his cousin once a year, leave it alone, if she comes on to you, (you know what you gotta do right?
My motto, a woman should never stand in the way of friends.
Note: all opinions expressed in this post are mine, and mine alone.