The moment I pulled the PS3 from its protective styrofoam casing, I could already tell that I held in my trembling hands not only the most powerful and awe-inspiring game machine ever made, but the most incredibly important and cosmically significant invention of all time. It was a feeling I hadn\'t experienced since that Christmas when I got my first Atari 2600. Okay, so that time I was mistaken, but this time I\'m sure that someday our grandchildren will ask "Grandpa, what was life like in the dark ages before Playstation 3 brought peace and enlightenment to our fragile Earth?" Mark my words.
To the naked eye, the Playstation 3 looks as one might expect a high-precision, THX-dwarfing, polygon-churning, nitro-burning funny processor would. It\'s kind of, you know, metallic and shiny, with blinking lights all over it, and a lot of really cool and unique looking ports on the back.
It takes your breath away. It makes your heart feel like it\'s going to fold inside itself with awe. Just when you think your mind will explode from the sheer incomprehensibility of it all, you notice the big glittery "3" painted in the middle of the CD door, and you are reminded that this isn\'t some kind of robotic monster sent from the next millennium to destroy us, but the newest love child of our caring and sharing Playstation family.
Still shaking with the pride and excitement of being chosen from the thousands of members of the press to receive the PS3 to America, I immediately strapped on my headset phone and called the information hotline number on the included memo. Without further ado, I proudly present my exclusive interview with Sony Computer Entertainment of Japan\'s Head of Top Secret Super Lucky Technology, Mr. Johnny Usohappyaku.
mis: Let\'s change gears and talk about the controller for a minute. This thing really looks fully kick ass! I counted 83 buttons on the device total. Considering the average human has only ten digits, doesn\'t that many inputs make gameplay almost completely impossible?
Sony: The Praystation 3 hava the most advanced controller ever made. Isa more advanced than controls for Concorde airplane! Its use require discipline and many hours of training with a master. You are young and impulsive. You are a weak germ. You are not worthy of the Praystation 3 controller.
The PS3\'s multi-media capabilities came through our tests with flying colors. The console not only played an old VHS tape of Perfect Strangers, but also The New Adventures of Mary Kate and Ashley for Gameboy, and a 1972 Clue board game.[/i]
mis: Of course. I assume in addition to helping old women turn off their televisions in the middle of the night, the Playstation 3 will also play CDs and DVDs like its antiquated predecessor, the Playstation 2?
Sony: DVD isa old news. The Praystation 3 pray any kind of media.
mis: Well besides DVDs and CDs, what other disc based media is there?
Sony: No, risten: ARR media. Not just disc. It pray DVD, it pray VHS, Beta, it pray SyQuest, it pray record, it pray 8 track, it pray EVERYTHING!
PS, people this is only a joke, thought I would share it for everybody to have a good laugh,
For the full joke, here is the link people!!!!!