Originally posted by Claypool 2001
its like calstevainia. The PSone version was awsome, i played that game so many time (I thought it sucked the first time because I killed Belmont). Now, I played the N64 version of thier first castlevania installment, and its was horrible, well, not horrible, its was the worse castlevania game I played to date. Another game thjat should be kept 2-D along with Mega Man. They did do a good job with mario, i thought it was going to be bad making mario 3-d, but it turned out good. So, metroid could be good, just gotta wait...
First of all, Nintendo has nothing to do with the 3D CastleVania that came out on the N64. Konami made it, so the blame should be placed on them.
Second, if anyone can make a great 2D to 3D conversion, then it\'s Miyamoto. The more I think about it, Mario 64 was every bit as good as Mario 3 and Super Mario World. Plus, it was his first attempt at a 3D game. Remember how much better Mario 3 compared to 1(2 doesn\'t count since it wasn\'t a true Mario game)? Now imagine how much better the next Mario game will be.
And I don\'t even need to think at all when I consider Zelda: Ocarina Of Time to be better than Zelda: LTTP(it\'s my favorite game of all time btw). It was unarguably the best 2D to 3D conversion ever. The game was better in 3D IMO. The Dugeons were better, the worlds were bigger and better, there were more possibilites, it was simply a better game in 3D.
In conclusion, if anyone can make a great 3D Metroid game, then Miyamoto can. He is the official producer of the game you know.
One more thing, I got my confidence in Metroid to be good back from reading this, the last OFFICIAL statement regarding this game by the man himself.
Are any of the original Metroid developers helping Retro Studios with Metroid Prime?
We were thinking of showing Metroid Prime as a playable game here at E3 but we felt that it wasn\'t the right opportunity for us to show it. But work is progressing and things are moving along. As Producer I am overseeing it and working with the developers and so you don\'t need to worry about anything, the game is going well.
Those janitors who reported the news to IGN must of been on dope...