Originally posted by Ethan_Hunt
I carnt belive they took the Dino Crisis series away from the PS1/PS2, and it is an exclusive for the Xbox, i find that really out of order that Capcom did that.
How is that out of order? It was
NEVER an exclusive to any Sony platform. Capcom always had the possible chance of porting it to another console and even took that chance when they ported
Dino Crisis to the DC. The fact is,
Dino Crisis is not a big seller sadly, because people whined that the first was too much like
Resident Evil and then never gave the excellent sequel,
Dino Crisis 2 a chance. So, now Capcom has taken a lesser-franchise to a newer console to "test the waters". It is a perfect buisness choice for Capcom.
Saying that it is "out of order" for Capcom to take a series and move it to another platform is like telling me it was horrible for Capcom to move the Mega Man / Mega Man X series to the Psone instead of the N64 - afterall before that, Mega Man had lived his \'life\' on Nintendo based systems (NES / SUPER NES). But, no one complained about that change over, did they?
As for the comment on why anyone would get excited about
Devil May Cry , have you watched the movies? The game looks friggin\' awesome.