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Author Topic: SD Memory Cards...  (Read 4485 times)

Offline NVIDIA256
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« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2001, 10:19:17 AM »
Interesting Ogodly, so what you are saying is this

1) OS(kernel) is on ROM and DVDROM only so you cant really do anything with it. All drivers are on DVD etc... So there\'s not really anything to \'hack\' unless the ROM is flashable of course.

2) You\'d have to execute the virii somehow and the Xbox HD doesnt really allow you to do that. The HD is almost invisible to the user it\'s not like windows.

3) You\'d have to obtain the viris first, and considering there probably wont be IM, IRC, Chat, Email, Webbrowsing on the Xbox, you probably wont be running into any of those jack off hacker wannabe\'s.

Xbox works much differently than a PC does. So the hackers making virii for Xbox would have to learn how the system works, because it isnt basic windows. So I\'d say the Xbox is pretty safe, and even if you get a virus for some odd reason you have a system restore disk.

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« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2001, 11:10:16 AM »
Ah, the refreshing words of the ignorant type.

Hypothetical situation:  Joe Shmo is a hacker.  He likes screwin\' around with people\'s fun.  The new game "Turbo fighter x^3" has recently come out with the ability to download extra players with new abilities.  Mr. Shmo, through genius of his own, sneaks in to the main server and plugs in his little virus into the file containing the most downloaded player: "Mr. Torpedo."  This nasty little virus is activated when "Mr. Torpedo" is picked to play.  This then converts all of the saved information on the hard drive into, let\'s say, chicken casserol recipies.  Or it could be as simple as when "Mr. Torpedo" uses his twister attack, he\'ll explode and the other player will automatically win.


Now Joe Shmo would have to be a heck of a hacker, and have someone on the inside helpin\' him out.  But it can happen.  I\'m not saying that it will, but that it can happen.


I can\'t wait for "Turbo fighter x^3" come out, that game will rock!  Oh, wait. . . nevermind!

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2001, 11:33:51 AM »
Troglodyte nice try! but no cigar

Again, anything is possible, but what we are discussing is the probability of this becoming a serious issue, and like I stated before, I doubt it will be.

You want to worry about something, worry about the PS2 and it\'s so called HDD add-on. Since you will be able to surf the net freely and download anything with PS2, you can beat your ass that a virus will be a waiting for those people.

I\'m mean heck someone could hack into the government defense satellite and blow up cities, but the question is what are the chances of it actually takening place. In the world of computers the possibilities are unlimited, and I\'m sure there will be people out there looking to mess with the XBOX.

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« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2001, 11:40:16 AM »
That cigar, it\'s a Black & Mild.  ;)  Cheap, yet smooth.

I was just counter-acting the statements that it can\'t happen.  I agree, it probably won\'t.  BUT IT CAN.

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« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2001, 12:07:03 PM »
Oh no I agree with you there, there is the potential for anything computerized to be messed with, but even if they were somehow in a blue moon able to reach the xbox  to what extent could they really do damage to it. All you have to do is erase that game file or whatever is corrupted. People are forgetting XBOX is not a PC, Think of the 10gb as only a temporary storage device, nothing more.

Offline Black Samurai
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« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2001, 12:28:40 PM »
Originally posted by NVIDIA256
Nope I disagree. Sure the XBOX has more fragile components but like Ogodly said GC will be a system that majority of kids will own, and KIDS are not very good with keeping there toys in one place. So instead of looking at which system is more fragile, look at who will own the GC to the XBOX. One more thing I\'m sure the kids are going to love to take there lunch box over to there friends place, with GC being a mobile system more instances can take place where the machine can get damaged. I doubt people are going to carry there xbox machine around.

I\'m not arguing which console will break more, I am arguing which console has a greater possibility of breaking and IMHO it is the Xbox. If the GCN and PS2 had HDD built in then it would come down to design but since they don\'t the xbox is more likely to break.
Originally posted by NVIDIA256
Really, it seems little miss gohan here forgot that xbox cords detach from the controller. MS did this specifically for the reason you just stated above, so that in case someone does walk by the cord it will not pull down the machine, instead it will de-attach from the controller.

Oh no! Personal attacks! :( I was just giving an example of what could happen and the fact that they would even put that on means they are worried about their console falling on the ground.

BTW, Grow up.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Offline JediMaster
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« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2001, 12:55:25 PM »
Really, it seems little miss gohan here forgot that xbox cords detach from the controller. MS did this specifically for the reason you just stated above, so that in case someone does walk by the cord it will not pull down the machine, instead it will de-attach from the controller.

At Least with the GC you have the option at launch to not have any cords....

Like everyone else, its a slight possiblity but it can happen. But if there was a virus it could do something like, disable the Nvidia\'s fan. Resulting in major freeze up problems, and you wouldn\'t know why its happening. There is always a way. Also the virus could not allow the DVD Backup disc to be read. Virus possiblities are endless.

Ogodlything, read what I said earlier:

I was talking about the HD in the XBox. I am saying that [if] the GameCube will be dropped, it might break, but the XBox is much more delicate then the cube [because of the HD].

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Offline TheOgodlyThing
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« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2001, 01:37:12 PM »
Like everyone else, its a slight possibility but it can happen. But if there was a virus it could do something like, disable the Nvidia\'s fan. Resulting in major freeze up problems, and you wouldn\'t know why its happening. There is always a way. Also the virus could not allow the DVD Backup disc to be read. Virus possibilities are endless.

Ok now your making this up. You are a thin line my friend, how the hell are you going to disable the NVIDIA fan, IMG this is pathetic, are you that desperate for many sort of answer that you would go this far out on a limb. Also how could the virus not allow the dvd backup disc not to work, it\'s hardware not software buddy, THE XBOX does not have an OS on board there for you can not screw around with the laser reader.

UNDERSTAND THIS SON, there is no OS in the XBOX, and by the way even if there was, you still couldn\'t turn the fan off.

DUDE did you even bother to read my previous posts on this, there is no way you did, either that or your comprehension isn\'t up to par. Go back and re-read it, there is no excuse for what you just posted, it\'s ridiculously idiotic. what you just said to me is like saying this..."if they hack psx2 they can make the system get up walk on four legs and run into traffic"

Ogodlything, read what I said earlier:

I was talking about the HD in the XBox. I am saying that [if] the GameCube will be dropped, it might break, but the XBox is much more delicate then the cube [because of the HD].


No this is what you said

Orginally posted by JediMaster[/i]
Yeah, but if your XBox drops off of a shelf, if the harddrive is broken, your XBox is totaled. While if you just use memory cards, you always are on the go, and never had to worry about loosing your files

I then said that if both GC and XBOX fell of a shelf they would both be JUNK. Also If the XBOX does survive the fall and the HDD breaks that can be replaced, so the system is not junk yet. ANother thing, if you drop your console in the first place than your idoit, learn to take care of your things, when you go buy a 2000 dollar receiver I don\'t hear people complaining about "what happenes if I drop this" well what do you think moron, LOL, LOL.....

Offline NVIDIA256
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« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2001, 02:02:34 PM »
Oh no! Personal attacks!  I was just giving an example of what could happen and the fact that they would even put that on means they are worried about their console falling on the ground.

WOW! he, he BACK-UP there greenbow! who said anything about personal attacks, it\'s called having a sense of humor. Also I understand that you were just giving an example, but an unrealistic one, which does not apply to XBOX, therefore it has no merits on which to stand on. MS is was smart to implement that little extra feature.

At Least with the GC you have the option at launch to not have any cords....

Wrong again, Interact has a cordless controller for the XBOX using Radio Frequencies. Also with the GC wireless controller is more bulkier than the corded one, weighs more and LACKS the rumble feature. As for the Interact controller for XBOX I have no idea about it\'s features other than it\'s cordless. I still think corded controllers are better right now.

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« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2001, 02:33:13 PM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing

Ok now your making this up. You are a thin line my friend, how the hell are you going to disable the NVIDIA fan, IMG this is pathetic, are you that desperate for many sort of answer that you would go this far out on a limb. Also how could the virus not allow the dvd backup disc not to work, it\'s hardware not software buddy, THE XBOX does not have an OS on board there for you can not screw around with the laser reader.

There are software programs that can shut down a certian program once it is loaded. I\'m not talking about messing up the laser dumbass.

UNDERSTAND THIS SON, there is no OS in the XBOX, and by the way even if there was, you still couldn\'t turn the fan off.

When there is a will there is a way.

DUDE did you even bother to read my previous posts on this, there is no way you did, either that or your comprehension isn\'t up to par. Go back and re-read it, there is no excuse for what you just posted, it\'s ridiculously idiotic. what you just said to me is like saying this..."if they hack psx2 they can make the system get up walk on four legs and run into traffic"

No, it would be impossible for the thing to get up and walk away because it doesn\'t have legs atached;) Why though should I even waste my time to argue with you. Your mind is set on the XBox being the dominate force of all gaming consoles ever. No one is going to change your mind, until you can see it happen.

No this is what you said

Yeah, thats what I also said. But just watch, the price for a new HD would be about 70-100 bucks just to get your XBox running, because they know that you need it to run your system, so why not make a hell of a profit out of someones idiotic move?

I then said that if both GC and XBOX fell of a shelf they would both be JUNK. Also If the XBOX does survive the fall and the HDD breaks that can be replaced, so the system is not junk yet. ANother thing, if you drop your console in the first place than your idoit, learn to take care of your things, when you go buy a 2000 dollar receiver I don\'t hear people complaining about "what happenes if I drop this" well what do you think moron, LOL, LOL......

When the console falls, its usually because of my pets (which are very stupid and walk into the cords), or someone who is trying to get over them. You are talking like I purposely drop my systems on the ground. Soon though, I will have it on the floor next to the HDTV and I won\'t have to worry about that. If your talking about Satelite recievers which are only about 500 dollars, not 2 grand, why would you drop one of those. This is my last post in this topic and hopefully the last I have to debate against the XBox. Whatever happens, the XBox is not going to do very well in Japan, and that cripples its US abilities, and future consoles and games to come for the system and Microsoft.
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Offline TheOgodlyThing
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« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2001, 03:21:31 PM »
There are software programs that can shut down a certian program once it is loaded. I\'m not talking about messing up the laser dumbass.

Sigh...Like I said all the programs for the XBOX console, ie: The OS is on the GAME DISC, not the system. So there is nothing to shut it down, DUMBASS

When there is a will there is a way.

When there is a DUMBASS there is a WAY. The fan turns on when you press the power button, just like the SEGA DC. In other words it is activated HARDWARE wise, so please tell me how you are going to turn the fan off MORON, when all a hacker can do is use software.

Why though should I even waste my time to argue with you.

It\'s obvious that the person here wasting there time arguing is me. Your head is so thick; it would take A-Bomb to get through to you. Dosen\'t matter what anyone says, you will stick to your guns even if there are not there. You will delude yourself into beleiving what ever you say even when I probve it wrong. I\'m tired of playing this same old dance with you. It\'s just the same music over and over.

Yeah, that’s what I also said. But just watch, the price for a new HD would be about 70-100 bucks just to get your XBox running, because they know that you need it to run your system, so why not make a hell of a profit out of someones idiotic move?

That\'s nice, but it still doesn’t change what you said. I responded due to that statement.

If your talking about Satelite recievers which are only about 500 dollars, not 2 grand, why would you drop one of those.

I see my mistake, I ment a stereo receiver. You ask why would someone drop one of those, I don\'t know maybe you could tell me. Your the one who brought up the stupid topic that if XBOX fell of a shelf it would break, and I came in to say that if GC fell of a shelf it too would break. See when people buy a stereo receiver they don\'t go with the attitude of " hey what happens if I drop this" people know what will happen it\'s common sense.

This is my last post in this topic and hopefully the last I have to debate against the XBox.

Let me rephrase that for you "This is my last topic and hopefully the last I have to debate against my own stupidity"[/i]

See now that makes alot more sense.

Nintendo products have always been the most durable

Compared to what, the SEGA systems. Please give me a link proving this, cause as far as my memory serves me, The NES for example had many problems. The truth is nobody knows who makes studier products.

Your mind is set on the XBox being the dominate force of all gaming consoles ever. No one is going to change your mind, until you can see it happen

Nope My mind is set on THE PC being the best there is and the best there ever will be, that is my opinion, and I\'m entitled to it. Also look who is talking, your mind is set as ANTI-XBOX it\'s so obvious in your posts, but that\'s ok you too are entitled to your own opinion, but since this is console debating I will challenge your posts if you leave them with nothing to back them up or if I feel very strongly opposed to your view of things, that is why this is called CONSOLE DEBATING.

PS. JediMaster if you have anything further to say to me, than PLEASE "PM ME", but let\'s both of us stop spamming this thread OK.

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« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2001, 03:47:16 PM »
First of like TheOgodlyThing said if you drop both of them then you are screwed. You are saying a simple fall and xbox is likely to break. You don\'t know that. I am sure ms has tested how much the xbox can take before it breaks. Just like Sony and Nintendo. With all 3 console i DON\'t think a simple bump will break any of them. It\'s throwing it out the window and up against wall I am worried about.
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« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2001, 03:50:38 PM »
No, the SD cards will get closer and closer to XBox\'s HD.  In 2004, they are releasing a 4 GB SD card.  It will probably be expensive, but I\'m guessing that it would be affordable towards the end of the GC\'s life span (since the 4 GB cards comes out 3 years after GC\'s launch.)


Apparently, they are doubling the size of the cards each year, so if they continue doing that then we would see 8 GB cards in 2005 and 16 GB cards in 2006.

Again, the cards would probably run 100 bucks or more, but the option is there.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

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« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2001, 04:06:03 PM »
First of like TheOgodlyThing said if you drop both of them then you are screwed

It all depends XBOX how and where it is droped from. When I say they will both break, i\'m using the example of both of them falling of someone\'s HT rack.  Also MS has taken many precautions, to make sure this sort of thing does not take place.

No, the SD cards will get closer and closer to XBox\'s HD. In 2004, they are releasing a 4 GB SD card. It will probably be expensive, but I\'m guessing that it would be affordable towards the end of the GC\'s life span (since the 4 GB cards comes out 3 years after GC\'s launch.)

I understand but 3 problems here.

1. 2004, by then who gives a **** the next breed of consoles will soon be comming, and already people would have owned the GC for 3 years by now.

2. It will still be expensive, so not everyone will get one, also it would be considered an add-on.

3. Developers aren\'t going to make games only for the small portion of those with SD cards.

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« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2001, 04:08:57 PM »
Your Xbox won\'t be hacked remotely by a hacker ever, and you\'ll never get a virus on your Xbox, maybe a few bugs though... :p  j/k
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