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Author Topic: Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.  (Read 2599 times)

Offline Black Samurai
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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2001, 04:27:49 AM »
Originally posted by ViVi
It\'s quite funny how you make assumptions like that. The only reason that square brought it to other systems is because they were worried that the PS2 alone couldn\'t meet a good enough profit for their online game. Simple as that.

It has nothing to do with them being worried about PS2 meeting their profit goals. They want to MAXIMIZE profit by getting it out to as many people as possible. The positives of their plan outweigh the negatives. Simple as that.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Offline Falcon4
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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2001, 10:22:14 AM »
theyll probably do it, its a smart plan from a buisness POV.... and square isnt stupid, so they will.
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2001, 06:12:21 PM »
Originally posted by ViVi

You haven\'t been here long enough to actually know someone like that.

Not being here, and not posting are 2 different things... I\'ve been here longer than you think.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2001, 06:29:30 PM »
Originally posted by Krimson

Not being here, and not posting are 2 different things... I\'ve been here longer than you think.

sure sure, like we\'re gonna blieve a newbie  :)

Krimson, i really dont think Square will port all or even most of their games to other consoles...announcing the possiblility of an XBox FFXI isnt confirmation that the FFSeries or any other game is headed that way...look at the N64...capcom released Res. Evil 2 (possibly their biggest game) and none others (correct me if im wrong)

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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2001, 08:41:09 AM »
FFXI is going to XB, PC and PS2. And FFXI is part of the FF series. Nuff said.

You  betta believe a newbie! Newbie Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Chrono
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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2001, 08:59:06 AM »
How much will FFXI make if its ported over to other consoles in comparison to the series.

Lets see

FFX if ported would make 49.99 - Markup - Licenesing – Shipping – Porting Fee

FFXI if ported would make 49.99 - Markup - Licenesing - Shipping + (9.99 a month - Server fees) – Porting Fees

I remember squaresoft saying they had to have a certain number of subscribers to break even on playonline.. well this is the only way to do it.
You won\'t see any other square games multiplatform unless its an online game AND has monthly fees.

Besides nothing is confirmed, neither Xbox or NGC were mentioned, only “other platforms” Also, no DATE has been mentioned. So it could be 6 or more months before its even seen on other consoles, If its ever seen. So before Xbox and NGC fanboys call this a "victory" it’s just the opposite. Square is using you believe it or not, online games make mucho denero in comparison to other games, they just need alot of subscribers and it’s the best way for them to get their playonline service working.
Expect the same thing to happen with Phantasy Star Online.. but, as you may already know Sega is not the brightest light in the hallway…

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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2001, 04:46:22 PM »
Originally posted by Chrono
How much will FFXI make if its ported over to other consoles in comparison to the series.

Lets see

FFX if ported would make 49.99 - Markup - Licenesing – Shipping – Porting Fee

FFXI if ported would make 49.99 - Markup - Licenesing - Shipping + (9.99 a month - Server fees) – Porting Fees

?? So how is porting FFX to other consoles, receiving twice the profit, added to the income Square will get for porting FFXI, going to hurt them?? I don\'t see what they\'ll have to lose, unless Square holds their loyalty to Sony above all logic.  


Besides nothing is confirmed, neither Xbox or NGC were mentioned, only “other platforms”[/B]

Come on, what could these "other platforms" be?? Saturn??  


Also, no DATE has been mentioned. So it could be 6 or more months before its even seen on other consoles, If its ever seen.

That\'s right, no date HAS been mentioned. So on the same token, FFXI could appear in our faces only a week after the PS2 version\'s release!!


So before Xbox and NGC fanboys call this a "victory" it’s just the opposite. Square is using you believe it or not, online games make mucho denero in comparison to other games, they just need alot of subscribers and it’s the best way for them to get their playonline service working.

Does that mean that I\'ve been used every time I\'ve bought a game?? Dev\'s need a lot of buyers so they advertise. Square needs a lot of subscribers so they expand. Is there a difference??

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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2001, 04:17:32 PM »
hey all!
well its probaly for sure FFXI will appear on all systems, but FFXI will be released for PS2 and PC way before XBOX and Gamecube!
and also just because FFXI will appear on XBOX and GC, it doesnt mean FFXII will appear on it. FFXII is still PS2 bound! this could change of course, but Square knows better!: )

Offline ho3j
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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2001, 05:00:10 PM »
Originally posted by Chrono

You won\'t see any other square games multiplatform unless its an online game AND has monthly fees.

Now you simply do not know that.  It used to be that Square was in Nintendo\'s pocket and would never leave, and then it was that Square would never make games for the GCN and Xbox.  Now its that Square will make games for "other consoles"... but only if they are online?  Once you open the flood gates and Square is experienced at working on other consoles, it would be ineffecient to not put those skills to use on other titles.


Besides nothing is confirmed, neither Xbox or NGC were mentioned, only “other platforms”

"If we want to do financially well online, we need to exist across all consoles."

Come on... "all consoles" should tell you right away.  What other consoles could he possibly mean?


So it could be 6 or more months before its even seen on other consoles, If its ever seen.

MMORPGs seem to be uniquely timeless so time is a big concern as far as GCN and Xbox only users are concerned.  About the "If" part; since Square said they needed to spread out to other consoles then it would seem that "If" no longer fits.


So before Xbox and NGC fanboys call this a "victory" it’s just the opposite. Square is using you believe it or not, online games make mucho denero in comparison to other games, they just need alot of subscribers and it’s the best way for them to get their playonline service working.

Sqaure is using the Xbox/GCN only crowd for money... and in exchange for this money they get a game?  Isn\'t that what they are doing with PS2 gamers?


Expect the same thing to happen with Phantasy Star Online.. but, as you may already know Sega is not the brightest light in the hallway… [/B]

Sega sounds like they are going the EA route where "exclusive" means "you get it first, and then every one else gets it too".

Offline dbv23
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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2001, 09:51:02 AM »
My 2 cents-

If nintendo and xbox get their online s h i t together
and xbox doesn\'t flop, ffXI will for sure be on other platforms.  My guess is it will show on other systems
latter simply for the fact that they may not have their online plans in motion yet.  As for the rest of the series going multi-platform, I\'ll wait and see.  Alot of time going multi takes some of the focus out of the game dev and degrades the product.  Maybe square will sell publishing right for other systems to other companies like with edios and PC. We\'ll see.

Offline JediMaster
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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2001, 10:37:57 AM »
My 2 cents-

Square is going to put FFXI on the Xbox too and then after Nintendo gets a new president then Nintendo will get FFXI. And when Konami can take their head out of their ass Nintendo will get more mature games.
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Offline Chrono
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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2001, 08:50:05 AM »

Here are a few things to keep in mind as far as Square being multiconsole.

1. Sakaguchi is not involved in any business aspects anymore, he\'s just talking about what may happen, far from guaranteed.

2. Nintendo refused Square any Gamecube developement kits. Also, Yamauchi has been an ass to them, time and time again. That is a large obsticle to overcome before Square will appear on a Nintendo system.

3. The game that will be going multiplatform, if any, will be FFXI, so that they can make tons of money on the PlayOnline subscriptions. Online games need a large userbase to be effective.

4. Microsoft has stated time and again that they want all Xbox online games running through their network, and supposedly they don\'t want their games to be able to interact with other console\'s games. Square won\'t make a profit off this scheme, and so they won\'t do it. MS needs to cave on this, and since they\'ve been talking about this for quite a while with absolutely no headway, don\'t expect any big revelations to hit soon.

Square wants to test the waters with FFXI first, it doesn\'t look like Nintendo will give them the opportunity, and there are some large problems to iron out before you can see it on Xbox. Then there is always the chance that if one or both of these fall through, Sony will "lend" Square some money, kind of as a reminder of who was their big meal ticket last generation.


I remember articles on how many subscribers they need to break even on Playonline.com

An online game of the FFXI type costs a fortune! You need servers.. not just one, you need many servers. And these cost a fortune! You need GMs which cost money hourly. In order for a online game to make money, and for a company like square to make money without any other online services (they don\'t have a spare server lying around like Sony probably did with everquest) they need as many subscribers as they can get.
On top of that, People pay monthly for this service, and not everybody is ready for that. Lets see how PSO V2 does.. sad part is, PSO v2 is not even a MMRPG, its a TMRPG

Also, we still don\'t know, how long it will be till it goes elsewhere. IGN says that FFX, and FFXI are exclusive for a year. I doubt that has changed.

You can\'t use history as an example either if it does go to multiple platforms. Online games work differently. They are radically different from disc only games. There has never been a situation similar to this to use as example and use as a historical reference.

In other words, square is paranoid about their online system being successfull. Right now other platforms are only being considered. Square will see how the PC and PS2 versions do.

And why has IGN not posted anything on it?

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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2001, 09:21:56 AM »
Originally posted by Chrono
On top of that, People pay monthly for this service, and not everybody is ready for that. Lets see how PSO V2 does.. sad part is, PSO v2 is not even a MMRPG, its a TMRPG

PSO v2 is paid quarterly, not monthly.  $15.  (That divides up to $5 a month.)

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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #28 on: July 18, 2001, 06:57:44 PM »
I don\' t believe Square will ever develope on the GC.

Although Yamaguchi might retire soon, it doesn\'t matter.  The new head honcho will simply deny Square on board.  Square is in a direct conflict with Nintendo, and not with the old hag Yamaguchi himself.

The game FF XI will most likely be an mmorpg.  Those games require the use of ethernet and a harddrive.  Although Nintendo does have an online plan, they are frivolous and the chances of the ethernet and harddrive ever seeing the light of day on the system is pretty much slim to none.

Since the system caters to lil children, the chances of seeing a substantial amount of users going online will be relatively small considering Nintendo will not properly advertise, maintain, and put out the satisfactory effort to forego this venture.  Kids will not go online as a result and the majority will simply stick to their Marios and Pokemons and not FF XI online play.

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Possibilities of FFXI on all consoles.
« Reply #29 on: July 18, 2001, 07:15:34 PM »
How can Square not make a profit off of the Xbox?  The ethernet will be straight out of the box. Which means it will be "set" for anyone who choses to go online if they have a cable/dsl setup.  Theoretically, the system will have a more open base of online users than both of the opposing systems.  It does not make sense to say they will not make a profit off of the system considering both the Ps2 and GC will not have a bigger base.  To state that is to merely say the game will be a failure even before its conception.

"MS needs to cave on this, and since they\'ve been talking about this for quite a while with absolutely no headway, don\'t expect any big revelations to hit soon. "


Square themselves have stated that the game is going to "other systems".*fact*  I believe that is a big revelation in itself.


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