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Author Topic: GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.  (Read 1003 times)

Offline hyper
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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« on: July 13, 2001, 05:04:47 PM »
Looks like Nintendo\'s trying hard to appeal to the mass-market. Not only will the controllers be $20, but Digicards will cost a mere $10.


Offline Falcon4
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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2001, 05:41:26 PM »
no offence, but i think its so the kids will be able to afford playing with the system (jk)

i bet the games will be like 65$
otherwise, how will they make money???
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Offline Halberto
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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2001, 06:03:09 PM »
Originally posted by Falcon4
no offence, but i think its so the kids will be able to afford playing with the system (jk)

lol, dont try anything stupid to get Jumpman angry.

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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2001, 06:37:36 PM »
Games will cost $55 in Japan (supposedly the same price as PS2 games), and $49.99 in the US. I\'m also wondering how Nintendo\'s making profit out of this.

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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2001, 08:37:30 PM »
Because they charge a literal arm and a leg for liscensing fees tot third parties.

Eric Jacob
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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2001, 08:51:29 PM »
Games will cost $55 in Japan (supposedly the same price as PS2 games), and $49.99 in the US. I\'m also wondering how Nintendo\'s making profit out of this.

Because those optimal discs are surpringly cheap to manafacture(just as cheap as regular dvds I hear).

Originally posted by AlteredBeast
Because they charge a literal arm and a leg for liscensing fees tot third parties.

Actually, they\'ve toned down their insanely high fees. Now they\'re around the same price as Sony\'s fees, but not as low as Microsoft\'s. I remember reading this at IGN a long time ago. But nonetheless, they still make money off of it.

Back to the topic...

When I get GameCube, I\'ll probably only get a memory card(SD, not those puny little .5MB Digicards) and one game along with the system so all all this news is pretty irrelevant to me.

Offline IronFist
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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2001, 09:34:02 PM »
Originally posted by hyper
Looks like Nintendo\'s trying hard to appeal to the mass-market. Not only will the controllers be $20, but Digicards will cost a mere $10. http://cube.ign.com/news/36569.html

And you think making the Digicards only $10 is a good thing?    People may think that it being only $10 is a good thing, but when they have to buy 1 of those for every 3 game they have, they are going to start to wonder (and will start to get pretty annoyed at Nintendo.)  With that little memory, you will probably have to buy a whole lot of them.

EA has already had to tone down the franchise mode in Madden 2002 because there was not enough memory on the cards.  

According to IGNCube, EA says that the only thing that will be scaled back is the Franchise Mode. This is due to the small amount of memory available with a Gamecube Digicard – half a megabyte compared to the 1.3 MB needed for the PS2 Franchise Mode.

This is the next generation.  Stuff takes up a lot more memory now.  Nintendo made a mistake by making their main memory cards so small (and IMO, they also they made a huge mistake by making the mini-dvd thing instead of using DVDs, but that\'s a different story.)  I think they should just get rid of the digicards all together and use something bigger.
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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2001, 03:07:40 AM »
proprietory media sux0rs

thank you for screwing us yet again nintendo
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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2001, 04:22:44 AM »
Originally posted by IronFist
And you think making the Digicards only $10 is a good thing?    People may think that it being only $10 is a good thing, but when they have to buy 1 of those for every 3 game they have, they are going to start to wonder (and will start to get pretty annoyed at Nintendo.)  With that little memory, you will probably have to buy a whole lot of them.

This is the next generation.  Stuff takes up a lot more memory now.  Nintendo made a mistake by making their main memory cards so small (and IMO, they also they made a huge mistake by making the mini-dvd thing instead of using DVDs, but that\'s a different story.)  I think they should just get rid of the digicards all together and use something bigger.

Nintendo just announced the price drop of the Panasonic SD memory that can be put into GCN SD adapter. The 16mb(Twice the size of the PS2 card) card is only $35 a little less than Sony\'s card.

Also you neglected to mention that EA also said Madden GCN will have better visuals than the PS2 version and that ALL they removed was the ability to look at your stats from previous seasons. Your stats still accumulate but you can\'t see how you did a couple seasons before. Not that big off a deal, IMO.
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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2001, 06:57:30 AM »
GC\'s 8MB cards will be cheaper or equal to the price of PS2 8MB memory cards. 16MB ones will cost $5 more, but you\'re getting twice as much memory so it\'s well worth it. All in all though, I guess I\'ll have more money left for the games.

Offline ho3j
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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2001, 10:49:49 AM »
Only a half a meg?  Why even bothering releasing something that small?  The lowest common denominator is the one most developers will cater to and 1/2 is very low.

Offline IronFist
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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2001, 10:50:29 AM »
Originally posted by Gohan
Also you neglected to mention that EA also said Madden GCN will have better visuals than the PS2 version and that ALL they removed was the ability to look at your stats from previous seasons. Your stats still accumulate but you can\'t see how you did a couple seasons before. Not that big off a deal, IMO.

That was not my point.  It was just something to back up my point.  My point is that the NGC\'s main memory cards are way too small, and I think they should just get rid of them completely and go with the 8 or 16 mb.  If the developers have to worry about this, then they are going to have the same problem PS2 is with the PS2 harddrive.  They will want their game to work with everyone\'s memory card, so they will cut back on some things.
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Offline JediMaster
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GC peripherial prices announced... controller for $20.
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2001, 12:13:16 PM »
Whenever I play a sports game, I just go straight to exhibition to get on to a regualar game and that works wonderful. I just wouldn\'t even argue about the 1/2 meg cards. When I\'ll just be getting a nice 64 megabyte SD card, which is 100 bucks but I have money. Do you really need 64 megabytes though? 32 should accaully be sufficent... 32 should last you the console\'s lifetime, and if not, prices should drop on the cards later on.
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