white men cant jump.
black men have bigger d***s
true. genetically, all people are different, but it really does vary by race. why is it that chinese are so damn good at gymnastics? yes, their small, but also, they are taken from their family at age 4, and trained until age 14. (or so) they are only able to see their family once a week.
some races have the upper hand in different sports, and even in the buisness world, white men still have an edge, because of predjudices and such.
that will change over time, but i think will never be gone.
but that difference is not big enough to keep you from acheving your goals.
you have a great chance to become somthing doruing your life. its your choice if you want to try and become wealthy, or not try, and well..... you get the point.
i believe that you have a great opputrunity put infront of you at your birth. if you waste this opputrunity, or take the oppurtunity, that is your decision.
i think i should make a poll, about if you are a republican, democrat or indempendent or just dont care.
me, well im a republican, and i plan on owning my own f22 (see pic) well, hopefully