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Author Topic: PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry  (Read 1887 times)

Offline QuDDus
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« on: July 21, 2001, 04:56:35 AM »
Just think about IF PLAYSTATION NEVER CAME OUT. At the time playstation first came out. We where going through a transistion phase. I mean genesis and Snes had gotten old. And we needed something new in gaming.  I think if sony would have never made the playstation games like Final Fantasy would have never made it this far. Gt3 would be a mistery. MGS would have never come. Playstation also help improve  competition amoung companies like we are seein now. 3 big console giant duking it out. Putting out some of the best games we can imagine. I am glad sony decided to make a console if it would have never came out. We all would have been forced to play Sega saturn,N64, or 3do.  I just could not imagine seeing ps2 not being here.
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2001, 06:00:12 AM »
So you are glad for it, which is fine, but it didn\'t "Save the games industry". The others would have sold well, and maybe someone else would have gotten in the game. The Playstation was an overrated, underpowered console, that had an extremely poor good games: Games released ratio. Again, that\'s my opinion of course.

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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2001, 06:29:42 AM »
Nah, they didn\'t SAVE the industry, the industry wasn\'t near death. It had just stagnated, and would\'ve continued to stagnate. It would\'ve most definitely sucked without Playstation around. Rather than saving the industry, Playstation practically re-shaped and rebuilt a niche industry into the 7-billion dollar monster of an industry we know and love. And as QuDDus said, without PSX, games like Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Xenogears, Silent Hill, all these series we so greatly love and anticipate the sequels to would never have seen the light of day in a Nintendo/Sega-only industry. And games like Final Fantasy would have been watered-down, and if the past is any indication, we Americans and Euros wouldn\'t even get to play half of them.
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Offline QuDDus
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2001, 10:36:20 AM »
Originally posted by Weltall
Nah, they didn\'t SAVE the industry, the industry wasn\'t near death. It had just stagnated, and would\'ve continued to stagnate. It would\'ve most definitely sucked without Playstation around. Rather than saving the industry, Playstation practically re-shaped and rebuilt a niche industry into the 7-billion dollar monster of an industry we know and love. And as QuDDus said, without PSX, games like Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Xenogears, Silent Hill, all these series we so greatly love and anticipate the sequels to would never have seen the light of day in a Nintendo/Sega-only industry. And games like Final Fantasy would have been watered-down, and if the past is any indication, we Americans and Euros wouldn\'t even get to play half of them.

I agree I think withoUt playstation in the mix those games would had died under the gun of nintendo/sega.  I mean there is know way we would be where we are in gaming without sony. I mean I couldn\'t image having to just play n64 games and saturn games for 5 strait years. Nintendo may have some fun adventure games but they lack all the great mature games that have come a custom on playstation. I think with dreamcast I would have been ok..but I would have missed so many games leading up to it.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2001, 11:55:40 AM »
man, you guys have gone bonkers havent you?

PSX didn\'t save jack. If PSX didn\'t come out, those games would have been released on Saturn or N64. It\'s not like the developers would say "I got this great idea for a game...too bad we don\'t have a console by Sony around to make it on. Here\'s a little something to swirl around your brain" Kojima used to make nearly all his games for Sega first, like GameArts. Final Fantasy would have been done without the gratuitous FMV, making it ttons better in my mind.

And Saturn and Dreamcast would\'ve been a success, which would have the MOST positive thing for the industry, ever.

Eric Jacob
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2001, 11:56:00 AM »
Originally posted by Aaron
So you are glad for it, which is fine, but it didn\'t "Save the games industry". The others would have sold well, and maybe someone else would have gotten in the game. The Playstation was an overrated, underpowered console, that had an extremely poor good games: Games released ratio. Again, that\'s my opinion of course.


There was plenty of games on the Saturn that looked alot better and played alot better , but Sega had its own problems goin\' on. I can think of no 3D fighting game on the  Psone that can match the graphics in Virtua Fighter 2.

Sony released more games then anyone else, which makes it look more impressive. But, when you actually take it apart, out of those pile of games only a handful are worth keeping.

If Sony had not came around, Sega or Nintendo would of kept the market alive easily. Sony only capatilized on the mistakes of the other companies. If Sega or Nintendo had their "gameplan" in order before the PS was released, Sony wouldn\'t of been so big. Sony only became big, because other companies was "slacking" off.
But in no way did they "Save the industry".

Just my opinion.

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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2001, 12:15:02 PM »
Actually if its anything, Sony almost killed the industry.

No longer do you need the quality of a software to be the determinance of sales, it all turn into hype and CG FMVs.  Just as long as a game has a state of art FMV or a popular videogame icon on it the mainstream mass would go gaga over it.  The quality of gaming has deteoriated dramatically ever since Sony came into the scene.  Sequels and sequels of rehashes with little to no innovation are a common place.  Square has definitely gone downhill ever since they side with Sony.  A company with zero to little innovation like Namco, whom derive most of their games off of carbon copies of Sega\'s software, are embraced by the mainstream gamers.  Then we have the whole "milking a series" which found its way into the industry thanks to Sony.  Games like Twisted Metal, Gameday, Crash and such took less than a year to make, using the exact same engine with a slight upgrade, just to ride the momentum of the already provided hype.  Sony brought gaming into the mainstream mass.  Which is, to me, a grave mistake.  Who wants a bunch of idiots in our scene anyway?  Sure, the industry is getting bigger, but at the same time it is for the wrong reason.  Massive amounts of money are being spent on FMVs and graphics and not enough on talent.  In the end, things were a lot better when we were niche and only Sega and Nintendo ran things.  The quality of gaming has definitely deteriorated and to say that Sony "saved the industry" is pretty much laughable.  If it is anything, they are killing it.

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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2001, 12:25:33 PM »
Playstation was not the savior of the gaming industry.  However, if they had NOT release their system, I have a feeling the industry would be held back this generation by the likes of Sega and Nintendo.  Making consoles as they saw-fit and charging whatever they want.  Imagine a Sega Saturn that costs 399 and a N64 that costs the same while prices only drop annually at 50 bucks each year.  We\'d also have a lot less developers as well trying to pay the licensing fees to develop for these two monopolizing companies.  Let\'s just say that the competition would be a lot less severe then they have been this generation.

However, a plus to this would probably be the handheld industry with lots of innovations and miniaturization of tons of different chipsets in favor of the most powerful handheld.  I don\'t think Nintendo would be monopolizing the industry the way it is now if Sega had anything to say about it and they had the money to back it up.

Thanks to Sony, however, the industry is a much better place with so much competition that prices are equivelant with games and with systems.  No system is better then another and it\'s the developers that determine the fate of the industry.  The way it is now is best for all gamers and your wallet in general.  I\'d say Sony is a big part of this fierce competition and I thank them for bringing it to the table.  I just hope MS can fill in where Sega left off and keep that competition extra fierce.

The only thing I can imagine is if Nintendo and Sony kept their partnership with the CD based console they were preparing.  Nintendo and Sony ruling together with Squaresoft, EA, and Enix in their corner?  Just imagine the stranglehold on the industry these two giants would have.
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2001, 12:31:09 PM »
Sony didn\'t save ****.

If the PSX never came along, then most of the developers would of probably made their games on N64 or Saturn and instead of worrying about fancy FMV graphics, they probably would emphasize more on gameplay and better stories.

Saturn definitely wouldn\'t of died that fast, N64 probably would of gotten FF7 like it was going too, the Dreamcast wouldn\'t be released until last year. Sounds good...

BUT! Let\'s say the PSX was never released...

If PSX didn\'t come along then it wouldn\'t force any competition, which makes developers develop better games! Nintendo would of slacked off and made weaker games, Sega would of probably done the same, and the DC and NGC hardware would of been seriously flawed, like the PS2.

When Nintendo and Sega were finished with the 32-bit generation, they felt they were on top of the world. Then, they decided that they could make anything they want and people would still buy it. This probably would of continued until the Xbox was released(which it may not of possibly) and then it took over like the PSX did. Nintendo and Sega would have released bad hardware not even close to as good as the Xbox\'s. NGC and DC would of been like a PS2(Sony thought they could release whatever they wanted too and get away with it). And we would of saw the PSXVsN64VsSaturn all over again with Microsoft grabbing most of the market like Sony did.

So, since the PSX was released, it forced Nintendo and Sega to make BETTER games. If it wasn\'t released, then the 32/64-bit generation would of been crap. This would of happened, trust me.

In conclusion, Sony didn\'t save gaming, they helped it, and I thank them for that.

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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2001, 01:02:36 PM »
No longer do you need the quality of a software to be the determinance of sales, it all turn into hype and CG FMVs. Just as long as a game has a state of art FMV or a popular videogame icon on it the mainstream mass would go gaga over it.

That is so incredibly wrong.  You blame Sony for FMV in games?  Maybe the developers discovered that this was a good way to tell the story.  If Final Fantasy 6, arguably the best Final Fantasy in the series had FMV, would it be any less of a game as it is considered now?  Of course not, in fact, they did do that in the FF Anthology and I didn\'t hear ANY complaints from anybody.  The FMV adds to the game, it does not detract from them.

The quality of gaming has deteoriated dramatically ever since Sony came into the scene.

Sony allowed for many no-name developers to enter the industry with the Playstation.  Thanks to their easy to program for system, they were able to make or break lots of different companies.  Just how popular was THQ before the Smackdown series?  Or Neversoft before the Tony Hawk series? Sure, there has been a lot of crap, but hey, there has been a lot of great games along the way as well.

Sequels and sequels of rehashes with little to no innovation are a common place. Square has definitely deteriorate ever since they side with Sony.

That\'s debatable.  I can\'t remember the last game that resembled Vagrant Story.  I also can\'t remember when I had so much fun playing an RPG sequel that remained faithful to the original in so many ways while improving on it with tons of extras and innovation like Chrono Cross did.  That\'s a matter of opinion though again and you owe it to yourself to try both of those games before writing them off as rehashes or FMV intensive games.  Vagrant Story had an FMV opening and an FMV ending, but that was all.

A company with zero to little innovation like Namco, whom derive most of their games off of carbon copies of Sega\'s software, are embraced by the mainstream gamers.

Namco makes fun games.  I had no idea that Soul Calibur stole from a Sega game though, perhaps you can tell me which one.  Maybe you are saying that Ridge Racer is a lot like Sega Rally?  If you are, that\'s an odd comparison.  Also, what other arcade jet fighter game by Sega resembles Ace Combat?  I can\'t think of any.  I suppose Klonoa looks like Sonic... but they are two totally different games alike only in their genre of platformer.  Hmm, perhaps I am out of touch, perhaps you can tell me the games that are all carbon copies besides the apparent likeness of VF to the Tekken series.

. Then we have the whole "milking a series" which found its way into the industry thanks to Sony. Games like Twisted Metal, Gameday, Crash and such took less than a year to make, using the exact same engine with a slight upgrade, just to ride the momentum of the already provided hype.

I think Capcom was the prioneers of that trend with the Street Fighter series which has been more and more refined over the years to create some of the best fighters to date.  However, that rehash trend is still apparent with Capcom Vs SNK Pro which only adds to characters to the original while keeping with the exact same menu format as the original.  This however was apparent even in the days of the SuperNES with the transition from Street Fighter 2 to Super Street Fighter 2.  Every company is guilty of milking a franchise from time to time and Sony is not responsible for this happening.  The gaming companies make games that sell and when you have a formula that works, you tend to stick to it.  Over the past 4 years or so, we\'ve had about 4 RE games and 2 games that rip off from the formula all by the same company spanning up to foru different platforms.  Sony doesn\'t tell Capcom to do this, they do it themselves, but then again, so does EA and a lot of other companies.

Sony brought gaming into the mainstream mass. Which is, to me, a grave mistake. Who wants a bunch of idiots in our scene anyway?

Our scene?  What exactly are you talking about?  You make it sound like gaming was an exclusive club to a few people who didn\'t feel like going out and playing on the swings but rather staying home with a joystick and staring at a TV.  It was never exclusive to anyone and because the industry has boomed, we get more better games.  How anyone can see this as bad puzzles me.

Sure, the industry is getting bigger, but at the same time it is for the wrong reason. Massive amounts of money are being spent on FMVs and graphics and not enough on talent. In the end, things were a lot better when we were niche and only Sega and Nintendo ran things.

Again, I highly disagree.  Bigger for the wrong reason?  It\'s bigger because more people enjoy games and the more games we get the more fun we have.  Sure there is a lot of crap to sift through, but those diamonds that we do find are truly excellent and a testament to the greatness of the 16-bit days.  I\'m sorry you want to keep it as a niche, but that just means gaming could have been nothing but a costly chance for companies to invest in.  I like how it is now so we can have more competition with more companies for more games.

If its anything, they are killing it.

Tell that to the huge companies that support it.  I know I want AT LEAST 9 games from now till December from Sony that I will DEFINITELY buy.  At 50 bucks a game, that\'s nothing to laugh at.  You say they are killing the industry, I say they are responsible for some of the best competition that our wallets truly benefit from.
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2001, 04:13:24 PM »
Just when I was going to reply I read Ryu\'s response. There\'s nothing more that I can pretty much add. Thanks Ryu. :)

Tshirts you say Sony almost killed the industry, I suppose M$ is a godsend right? :rolleyes:

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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2001, 04:22:26 PM »
RYU, he is right about Namco though, but they don\'t jsut steal from Sega, they do it from Konami too.

VF - Tekken
18 Wheeler - Namco\'s trucking game (something orchestra or something)
silent scope - Golgo 13
space harrier - Burning Force

Namco is unworthy of the praise they get from everyone, IMO.

Eric Jacob
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2001, 06:11:57 PM »
RYU, he is right about Namco though, but they don\'t jsut steal from Sega, they do it from Konami too.

VF - Tekken
18 Wheeler - Namco\'s trucking game (something orchestra or something)
silent scope - Golgo 13
space harrier - Burning Force

Namco is unworthy of the praise they get from everyone, IMO.

I never thought about their other franchises.  I was just thinking of what Sega had that namco stole from in his suggestion.  I couldn\'t think of too many honestly and I was thinking of only the really key franchises that make Namco the bucks.  VF and Tekken is an obvious one, but Ridge Racer, Soul Calibur, and a couple of others are really nice games that are unlike anything else or at least provide something new to the genre.  I can still remember how fun the original Ridge Racer was when the PSX first came out and I still enjoy Soul Calibur on the DC from time to time.  I may have been in the wrong about Namco copying other companies, but their key franchises are still pretty damn fun regardless and I don\'t think Sony is responsible for their business decisions regarding them.

Just when I was going to reply I read Ryu\'s response. There\'s nothing more that I can pretty much add. Thanks Ryu.

You\'re welcome as always. :D
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2001, 07:44:56 PM »
PSX didn\'t save jack. If PSX didn\'t come out, those games would have been released on Saturn or N64. It\'s not like the developers would say "I got this great idea for a game...too bad we don\'t have a console by Sony around to make it on. Here\'s a little something to swirl around your brain" Kojima used to make nearly all his games for Sega first, like GameArts. Final Fantasy would have been done without the gratuitous FMV, making it ttons better in my mind.

And Saturn and Dreamcast would\'ve been a success, which would have the MOST positive thing for the industry, ever.

That\'s bull. I can guarantee you Nintendo would NEVER EVER EVER ALLOW Xenogears to come to America, and for some reason they\'ve always avoided Sega like the plague, so I would have missed out on the best RPG ever made. And games as ambitious as Metal Gear Solid would not have been possible to make because without the industry becoming larger, they would not have had the budget they had to create such a masterpiece. Also, if Playstation wasn\'t around to destroy Saturn, N64 would\'ve done the job just as well. Sega destroyed the Saturn AND the Dreamcast because they run a amazingly retarded business. They screwed up royally with Saturn\'s launch, they practically invited Sony to kick their ass. And when people see that, and they see Sega\'s illustrious history of failures, it\'s no wonder people didn\'t buy into Dreamcast. Do I think they should have based it on Sega\'s history? No. I love my Dreamcast to death regardless. But if all those people saw Saturn self-destruct the way it did, why should they expect Dreamcast not to do the same thing? It\'s sad, but first impressions are obviously lasting ones.

If Sony had not came around, Sega or Nintendo would of kept the market alive easily. Sony only capatilized on the mistakes of the other companies. If Sega or Nintendo had their "gameplan" in order before the PS was released, Sony wouldn\'t of been so big. Sony only became big, because other companies was "slacking" off.
But in no way did they "Save the industry".

I agree, they did not save anything, there was nothing to save really. The Game industry in 1995 wasn\'t dead, just rather stale. What Sony did do was expand the industry, turned it into a major industry. There\'s good and bad results from it, but still. I also agree that Sony had enough luck to get on top, but they had the marketing skills to stay there. I personally think that the market would be worse off without the Playstation, as I said before, there were some Great Playstation games that I don\'t think we\'d have seen if they had been on Sega or Nintendo, because neither would\'ve had PSX\'s userbase, and thus, the developer would\'nt have had quite the incentive to bring us niche games and truly new experiences like Metal Gear.

Actually if its anything, Sony almost killed the industry.

No longer do you need the quality of a software to be the determinance of sales, it all turn into hype and CG FMVs. Just as long as a game has a state of art FMV or a popular videogame icon on it the mainstream mass would go gaga over it.

Popular Videogame icon? The very thing that Sega and Nintendo THRIVED on? Sonic? Mario? Jesus man, Icons were the bread and butter of those companies and they really still are! And I still can\'t be convinced that CGs are a bad thing, I would have bought every Final Fantasy whether they had them or not because I was an FF fan long before the PSX days. And if N64 was able to support FMV, you most definitely would\'ve seen it on N64 games. And let\'s also not forget the company who made a console infamous for its FMV interactive movies *cough*SegaCD*cough*

Sequels and sequels of rehashes with little to no innovation are a common place. Square has definitely gone downhill ever since they side with Sony. A company with zero to little innovation like Namco, whom derive most of their games off of carbon copies of Sega\'s software, are embraced by the mainstream gamers.

Hmm... Who remembers there being, oh what, like 9 Mega Man games on NES and SNES? 4 Sonic games on Genesis? How did any of those games differ from one another besides the levels?

Bah, I\'m typed out. I agree with a lot of what Ryu said. But I think Jumpman said it best. They didn\'t save the industry. They just helped it.
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Offline QuDDus
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2001, 08:21:22 PM »
Maybe som of you have "EYES WIDE SHUT SENDROME" because at the time psx came in gaming was going nowhere. IF it was not for sony you would have never seen ff evolve the way it did. Because nintendo kept there old busines strategy and ways and change nothing. And square was looking to bring ff to a whole new audience and take it graphics to a different level. I believe sega would have died anyways. Whether some of you would like to believe it or not. The saturn was crap. It was not a good enough  machine that it would have survived 5 years of gaming it would have killed itself. Nintendo would have still done fine by living off of past success. But gaming would not be where it is at if sony had not jump into the console mix.

I mean if you choose to close your eyes and act like nintendo is not seen as kiddy console to most ppl then do that. But it is and they develope more games catering to one type of genre. Not that this is  bad thing, but I say if you take psx out of the gaming market from 1995-2000 there is noway mgs,gt3,Xenogears, Resident evil,Silent hill and all the other great games would have seen the light of day on a struggling sega system, and a N64.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM


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