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Author Topic: If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)  (Read 3420 times)

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If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)
« Reply #45 on: July 22, 2001, 08:43:07 PM »
I just noticed that graphically, Silent Bomber and Burning Rangers shared a lot of the same graphical touches while still being incredibly different, yet fun as hell games.  Amazing isn\'t it?  Here\'s a quick comparison:

Silent Bomber

Burning Rangers

Heh, pretty trippy. :)
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Offline AlteredBeast
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If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)
« Reply #46 on: July 22, 2001, 08:47:29 PM »
I have never played it. what is the premise of the game?

Eric Jacob
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If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)
« Reply #47 on: July 22, 2001, 08:56:18 PM »
Basically, you just go around level by level placing your bombs on enemies and blowin\' em up.  It has some small platform jumping elements in it, but it is still incredibly fun in its own way.  The amount of bombs you throw at first is limited by a specific number, but over the course of the game and with more and power-ups you recieve, the more damage you can do and the more bombs you can toss and detonate at once.  I\'m not sure how available the title is now, but I love just the simplicity in the design while it still maintains that level of thrill of just blowing the sh|t out of everything.  It\'s a fairly decent looking PSX game for its time and it\'s pretty damn fun as well.  IGN as a review on it and state it to be an "Editor\'s Choice" pick.

http://psx.ign.com/reviews/11837.html  (8.0)

http://gamespot.com/gamespot/filters/products/0,11114,198640,00.html  (8.2)

Respectable Scores.
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If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)
« Reply #48 on: July 22, 2001, 09:10:27 PM »
Well did you expect less from panzier dragon?

This pic speaks for itself

I don\'t see how they tried to make this game 3d with those models

And this is supose to be 3d baseball.

I still say for the most part sega saturn is still not meant for 3d gaming. Yes I do agree with you that panzier dragon has great graphics. But others have suffered lots of other saturn games.
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If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)
« Reply #49 on: July 22, 2001, 09:17:35 PM »
you can\'t put up first year pics of Saturn and try and pass them off as waht is regular on the system, otherwise I could dig up some hilarious PSX games that also speak for themselves.

Note: MANY games released in 1998 looked as good as Panzer Saga. MANY. Saturn was and still is untapped power, waiting to be dealt with!

Eric Jacob
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If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)
« Reply #50 on: July 22, 2001, 09:31:09 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
you can\'t put up first year pics of Saturn and try and pass them off as waht is regular on the system, otherwise I could dig up some hilarious PSX games that also speak for themselves.

Note: MANY games released in 1998 looked as good as Panzer Saga. MANY. Saturn was and still is untapped power, waiting to be dealt with!

Eric Jacob

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I knew you would jump on that first pic.  Too funny man. I am tired now I debate with you later.

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If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)
« Reply #51 on: July 23, 2001, 07:01:17 AM »
You can\'t assume that the N64 would have been delayed as long as it did w/out a SONY system.  Remember market competition played as big a role in the delay of the N64 as did developing games and other things that pushed the system back so long.   The N64 would\'ve been out by 1995 had their been no SONY, Miyamoto wouldn\'t have had to spend all that time developing Mario 64 to be the N64- Killer App.  They could\'ve launched with a weaker title or 2 ...then dropp MARIO 64 (as we know it) later on when the battle got a bit more heated.  I agree that the SATURN would\'ve grown a lead but eventually it would\'ve ended a sort of 50/50 Genesis-SNES split because ZELDA would have eventually come out.
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If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)
« Reply #52 on: July 23, 2001, 09:08:53 AM »
Nintendo ALWAYS launches with a Mario game of some type.  I don\'t think Sony had anything to do with the N64 being delayed, but Miyamoto had all the reason for it being delayed.  Miyamoto is Nintendo and vice versa.  The N64 controller was designed with Mario64 in mind and the system was designed with Miyamoto\'s personal preferences.  When Miyamoto says "the game is not done yet, we need an extra year" Nintendo will move boulders to make sure he HAS that extra year.  Miyamoto is great, but the fool is one slow motherfu*ker.
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If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)
« Reply #53 on: July 23, 2001, 11:22:45 AM »
And Nintendo systems are always delayed to high heck.

SNES was still selling great (as was Genny) in 1995, so why would they release it then? There would be no point to release N64 when DKC and Chrono Trigger are selling the way they did, looking the way they did.

N64 still would\'ve been delayed, and Saturn would still come out on top.

Eric Jacob
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If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)
« Reply #54 on: July 23, 2001, 11:48:53 AM »

Rushed launch, rushed games, high price tag, etc.

All would\'ve been avoided if PSX were not around.

Judging from your opinion on the launch games they didn\'t seem to be that rushed. How long would they have waited then? A year? No way. They put a bunch of powerful stuff in at the end I thought. Maybe they wouldn\'t of out it in if the PSX wasn\'t there? Tshirts made a great point for once, it was meant to be the ultimate 2D machine until PSX came along.

And All of those games you put up are worse in my mind with the exception of Mario kart, then the ones I put up.

In your mind, but those games would of trampelled all over Sega\'s games in the sales.


Saturn would\'ve trounced over N64 without hesitation. You forget that Sega has IT\'S franchises, too. One of those being Sonic, which was canceled.plus it had some of the most successful arcade games ever, like Dayotna (most successful deluxe cab. ever), Sega Rally, 2D fighters, shooters, etc.

Those games were never 20% as popular as Mario or Zelda with the obvious exception of Sonic. Like I said, Nintendo\'s franchises would of crushed them.

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If Sony never Existed who would of won the 32/64 era? (*stole from Ryu*)
« Reply #55 on: July 23, 2001, 11:59:41 AM »
Nintendo only had so many franchises before N64.

Many series on N64, started on N64. Like many of the Saturn franchises on Saturn.

The launch games were EXCELLENT. but half of them show signs of being rushed. Especially Virtua Fighter and Daytona. Both have plain bad issues in them. But both are still excellent titles.

Publicity elevates, you forget, Jumpy. Saturn had a surprise launch. Nobody knew about it. Not retailers, not hardcore gamers, and certainly NOT casual public. There were no adds in the beginning, no fancy FMV ads at all, etc. Saturn launch games would\'ve sold spades with a few more in there ( a WSB game?) and with some publicity.

Eric Jacob
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