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Which system will win this launch?

intendo Gamecube
29 (87.9%)
icrosoft XBox
4 (12.1%)

Total Members Voted: 29

Author Topic: Who will win the November Slugfest?  (Read 2614 times)

Offline Weltall
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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« on: July 22, 2001, 07:28:39 AM »
We\'ve got two monsters coming in November, both with their own strengths and weaknesses, within days of each other. Which console, GameCube or XBox, will sell better at launch?

I say GameCube. Being $100 cheaper, with a more recognizable name and a proven pedigree in game development, will win out over Microsoft, it\'s $300 price tag, and it\'s relatively anonymous game lineup. I\'m sorry, but Halo and Munch are not in the same league as Luigi and Star Fox, as far as recoginizability goes.
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Offline QuDDus
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Re: Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2001, 08:00:29 AM »
Originally posted by Weltall
We\'ve got two monsters coming in November, both with their own strengths and weaknesses, within days of each other. Which console, GameCube or XBox, will sell better at launch?

I say GameCube. Being $100 cheaper, with a more recognizable name and a proven pedigree in game development, will win out over Microsoft, it\'s $300 price tag, and it\'s relatively anonymous game lineup. I\'m sorry, but Halo and Munch are not in the same league as Luigi and Star Fox, as far as recoginizability goes.

As far as being noticeable yes I agree luigi and starfox are more known. But they are both old series of games. And at some point in life you want new series.

I don\'t know who will win. Because ps2 has already proven that price tags does not matter when it comes down to overwhelming hype. It will be interesting to see how this goes down. Nintendo never hypes there system. I don\'t remember seeing one n64 add before it launch.

It will all depend on how good each systems games are at launch. And what type of games ppl want. I mean titles mean nothing it is all about the gameplay in the games. Who knows how fun the nintendo games are going to be? All you can do is wish and pretend that you know they will be good. Maybe xbox games will be killers. I don\'t know. I just want good games. I see them both selling equally good because they have too different types of market. Nintendo is committed to marketing to a certain group. I see more casual gamers picking up xbox and all the nintendrods oicking up gc. I will be getting both just not at launch.  I mean I could but I am spend a ton of money on xbox.
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Offline JediMaster
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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2001, 08:13:05 AM »
Anyone who votes for the XBox at launch has totally no itelligence whatsoever. If the Box will do anything, it won\'t be at launch. It will probably that summer if something happens.
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Offline kimathi
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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2001, 08:30:15 AM »
I didn\'t vote b/c I think it\'s pointless, but anyone that thinks MS doesn\'t have half a chance to outsell Gamecube on launch day, however likely or unlikely it may be,is an arrogant fool.

Offline QuDDus
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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2001, 08:31:03 AM »
Originally posted by JediMaster
Anyone who votes for the XBox at launch has totally no itelligence whatsoever. If the Box will do anything, it won\'t be at launch. It will probably that summer if something happens.

Anyone would reply like you just did obviously has les intelligence. EVEN though you want nintendo to win so bad. There is noway anyone can predict what will happen. We don\'t know how the public will pick there console. Just because you love one console over all others does give you no right to call ppl names that you obviously are yourself with a reply like that.
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Offline Weltall
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Re: Re: Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2001, 08:38:43 AM »
Originally posted by QuDDus

As far as being noticeable yes I agree luigi and starfox are more known. But they are both old series of games. And at some point in life you want new series.

Yes but this is NINTENDO, whose very existence is based on the fact that almost every series they make does extremely well and they improve on them every time. Yes, some people will want new series, however, I think most people looking at it from this perspective will view XBox as a gamble. Do I get GameCube which will have games I know will be good, or do I get XBox which will have games that interest me a lot but I don\'t know how good they\'ll be. It\'s sad, but that\'s how a lot of people see it.

I don\'t know who will win. Because ps2 has already proven that price tags does not matter when it comes down to overwhelming hype. It will be interesting to see how this goes down. Nintendo never hypes there system. I don\'t remember seeing one n64 add before it launch.

Again, this is NINTENDO. The very name is virtually synonymous with Videogames. Mario is one of the most recognized pop culture icons ever. There were almost no PS2 ads at its launch either, because, just like Nintendo, Sony didn\'t have to do anything. The gaming community was giving Playstation 2 all the hype and free advertising Sony could ever ask for and then some. Microsoft on the otherhand is still a wildcard and a virtual unknown in this field. Us Hardcore gamers know all about it, but the everlovin casual market seems to be largely ignorant of the thing, based on general opinion and my own experiences. That\'s why I laugh whenever people bring up the fact that Microsoft has a much larger advertising budget than Nintendo or Sony. They\'re gonna need every last penny of it to make the XBox popular. They\'re shelling out half a billion dollars for something Nintendo and Sony get for practically free.

It will all depend on how good each systems games are at launch. And what type of games ppl want. I mean titles mean nothing it is all about the gameplay in the games. Who knows how fun the nintendo games are going to be? All you can do is wish and pretend that you know they will be good. Maybe xbox games will be killers. I don\'t know. I just want good games. I see them both selling equally good because they have too different types of market. Nintendo is committed to marketing to a certain group. I see more casual gamers picking up xbox and all the nintendrods oicking up gc. I will be getting both just not at launch.  I mean I could but I am spend a ton of money on xbox.

See, the problem is, casuals don\'t really know much about it because most don\'t even follow the industry. THey get Playstation because their friend has one and they liked it, that kind of stuff. They are largely ignorant to what goes on behind the scenes. It\'s for that reason that Playstation started out so incredibly slow (it only sold approximately 3.5 million units worldwide by the time N64 was released). It was an unknown. Maybe XBox will get the same recognition someday, but I can almost guarantee you it won\'t be by this November.
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Offline Halberto
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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2001, 10:02:35 AM »
Nintend by far. They always have great launch titles. Now if this was\'nt for November only I\'d say XBOX ;)

Offline GenjuroKibagani
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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2001, 10:02:45 AM »
The Gamecube will destroy the Xbox in Japan. Its already decided. American consoles fail in Japan, or at least do not do well.  Microsoft\'s marketing power is not enough to sell a console, Halo and Munch may be good games.....but they won\'t sell a console. Sorry MS, the Japanese market is bigger than the N. American, and bigger than the European one. Possibly bigger than Both Combined.  The Japanese market is the most important and Nintendo will beat MS there.
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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2001, 10:10:32 AM »


comes out 3 days before, 100 bucks cheaper, with Mario games?


Eric Jacob
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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2001, 11:09:37 AM »
I don\'t know who will win at all, but most thirdparties are developing games for PS2, X-Box, and PC. Before one of you jumps at my throat and corrects me, I know some are going to GameCube, but the majority are going to the other formats. Also, X-Box has a higher profile than you may think...all my friends are very causual buyers, but they have all heard about it form mags and the internet, and are buying it, simply because it is the most powerful console, and Microsoft are raving on about that fact.

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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2001, 05:50:55 PM »
Nintendo. Launching three days ahead of time, $100 dollars cheaper and classic franchises.

You can say people want "something new" but alot don\'t. Alot are happy with the franchises because Nintendo improves on them time after time. Not to mention, Nintendo is gurantee\'d to win the younger audience from the start.

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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2001, 05:53:32 PM »
It\'s a cube!  How quaint is that!  xbox has a "feel" of SEGA to me, which lies on shaky ground.  Nintendo has such a solid foundation, no fears, just games.

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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2001, 06:38:20 PM »
Trog just explained why I will be in the X-Box line,a nd nowhere near the GameCube line, except for a little taunting of small children while I wave my large amounts of one dollar bills around.

Gamecube looks interesting, but not nearly enough to warrant a launch day purchase by me.

Eric Jacob
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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2001, 06:40:33 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
Trog just explained why I will be in the X-Box line,a nd nowhere near the GameCube line, except for a little taunting of small children while I wave my large amounts of one dollar bills around.

Gamecube looks interesting, but not nearly enough to warrant a launch day purchase by me.

Eric Jacob

Just twist a man\'s words to your advantage.

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But just to clear the record.  I loved SEGA, until they screwed me over.  My reference of xbox to SEGA was meant as a dis.

I voted gc.

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Who will win the November Slugfest?
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2001, 06:48:01 PM »
I didn\'t vote. I think it is obvious that GC will win (in terms of sales) No need to vote on that.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.


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