Don\'t you think the games\' characters of today should all
have decent shadows ? I\'m getting a little sick \'n tired of
those black circles or those dark spots under feet. The MGS2
demo is an excellent example at this topic : don\'t you just
hate those two dark elipses at Snake\'s feet ? Ah, the one time
there\'s shadows, I believe on deck C. C\'mon !
I\'ve been playing lotsa Onimusha lately. Samanosuke\'s got a
good shadow. It even bends if you get him close to a wall or
another object.
I\'m not saying that such a shadow has to be hyper realistic. It
doesn\'t really need diffused soft outlines, nor the exact detail
of the character itself. You can\'t see the ridges of the armor Samanosuke\'s wearing in his shadow. That\'s ok, but at least the
global form of the shadow is good.
Shadows for characters like this, should be default standard for 128 bit consoles IMO. Including PS2 !
btw. I\'m curious how XBOX will handle that \'cause I\'ve been hearing all that hype talk about lighting fx these days. ..... I know, I know... Geforce 3 rocks. C\'mon Hideo ! give Snake a decent shadow.... at ALL times !