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Author Topic: WTF IS THIS all Nintendo is where going to GET FROM GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH  (Read 4393 times)

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2001, 05:38:41 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
My mistake, Jumpy. I was looking at an old link and had my games mixed up.

That said, I still want an X-Box more than GC. There is just something about Nintendo I find highly unfavorable.

Neither systems, as I have been informed, have very appealing launches, NOW. I will probably still get one on launch day, and most likely X-Box, cause I know a friend that will get GC.

Eric Jacob

I sort-of feel the same way as you, but kinda opposite.

Whenever I see SEGA, I get an uneasy feeling.  \'Cause of all their past screw-ups.  And when I see xbox, and Microsoft, I get the same uneasy feeling.

With PS and GC I feel more confident in my choice of a console.  They have more solid pasts.  And a solid past is more likely going to hold true in the future.  xbox is new, and I\'m uneasy about it.  SEGA fell apart, a crumbling foundation, destined for disaster.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2001, 06:05:47 PM »
kind of makes you wonder why they do fail? :rolleyes:

No, Jumpman. I want the system I will obviously USE more. I am not out to buy a name. EVERYONE knows I buy Sega systems because I PLAY them. I havent PLAYED my PS2 in a month.

With my X-Box I will be able to:

watch DVD movies (easily outpacing the PS2\'s capabilities)
get online with a safe plan. (As in, they have what they are going to do already worked out, and not hanging people on a thread al la the Bulky Drive for 64)
I know what I am getting in terms of games. (Alot of Sega and adult oriented)
Project Ego.
Morrowind (?)

What do I get from Nintendo?:

Mario games (and other tired franchises) I enjoyed these when I was 8
No DVD support.
No clear online plan nor support for online games.
Not as many, nor good IMO Sega games.
The same Crap to Good ratio as N64 (IMO, not very good)
Nintendo\'s past (they killed my SMS, damaging Sega for life)

I don\'t know why TO buy a GC, really. I know it will have good games, even IMO, but when? No solid dates on games that look interesting (to me) have been announced.

No, I will stay with my original thought, purchase X-Box now, taunt kids in GC line, and later buy GC, perhaps when I can buy one for 70 bucks :rolleyes: Maybe by then it will look good :rolleyes: (READ: direct crack at people buying DC now because of price drop)

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2001, 06:54:04 PM »
Gee, I guess money rains from the sky where you come from. :rolleyes:

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #33 on: July 26, 2001, 08:17:23 PM »
Originally posted by hyper
Gee, I guess money rains from the sky where you come from. :rolleyes:

No. He is just like me. Upset with people who sit around and wait for a console to fail, that way they can get it cheap. Anyone remember the Neo-Geo Pocket? And how no one cared about it until it failed and price dropped. Then everyone just had to have one. Go figure.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2001, 07:20:16 AM »
This drop was completely unexpected; before I wasn\'t even considering buying a DC, because it would detract from my budget saved for the GC and since Sega will be halting production soon. Now I can afford it with minor subtraction to my GC savings, and I can get 3+ games just by selling what remains of my N64 stock + a few weeks of hard saving. I understand that it pains you to see your company of choice fading away like this, but it\'s Sega\'s job to keep themselves alive, not mine.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2001, 07:46:08 AM »
hahaha, funny how you, and the rest of the \'gaming population\' tink the same. It is Sega\'s fault they always fail, of course. It\'s not like they make top notch games or dependable, long lasting hardware, of course not.

I figure the gamemaker that has the shoddiest manufacured system will this generation, like all generation\'s before it.

PSX was made like crap and blew Saturn and N64 to pieces.
NES was made like junk and blew SMS and 7800 to pieces. Although the illegal monopoly junk by Nintendo didn\'t help much.

SNES and Genesis were both high quality and I believe that is why neither sold more than the other.

and NO, money doesn\'t "fall from the sky", I work for it, and spend it very well, might I add. It\'s just that I don\'t like sitting on my thumbs all day waiting for a price drop, I want action, and so do my thumbs.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2001, 09:42:10 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast

I don\'t know why TO buy a GC, really.

I feel the exact same way about Xbox.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2001, 09:54:47 AM »
Quality isn\'t the only thing you need to succeed in buisness; you need the right budget, the right management, the right exposure, and most importantly you need to be able to convince the public to buy your merchandise. Evidently, Sega didn\'t meet these criterias in which they, as a buisness company, should have.  

If you work for what you earn, and spend it well, then you should also know that being careful with your money isn\'t a bad thing. You like action, that\'s fine, but I prefer to review everything thoroughly before making a purchase.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2001, 12:22:48 PM »
[COLOR=sky blue]Tshirts, you have some issues to work out. You\'ve been at the XBox forums too long to understand that most other forums don\'t follow their way of doing things. TeamXbox.com has a forum of smart guys with good technical knowledge, but about 75% of them are all fanboys. The XBox will fail if it does not get good support in Japan, many good developers are over there. If the XBox fails over there, they might think that they would have better luck with another console, and thus the XBox gets lack of games, if this happens. Back to TShirts:

Star Fox maybe a sequel, but it is a whole different sequel, 80% of the time you are on land. Plus you aren\'t battling Andross like in the other two. This is a much different Star Fox. Rogue Leader? Sure its a sequel. It boasts major graphical upgrades, but it has a new wingman feature, and a targeting computer, easier controls, more levels (each level should be about 2 ta 3 times larger then the ones in RS for the 64 & PC), Also, Factor 5 just said it would also feature Dolby 5.1 Suround Sound in it (!!!). This game has been built to give you a true Star Wars expeirence, THAT is what makes this game much more fun. Don\'t even go on Pikmin, that is entirely original, also so is Luigi\'s Mansion. And Eternal Darkness is not a sequel either.

Just picture this:
You in a SnowSpeeder, you look at you wingmen near you. You fly over silent white turrets and 200 rebel troops below you in trenches. Then, out of the volumetric fog (yes I had to say volumetric :D), comes 7 ATATs. A yell over the comm sounds, immediatly you look out the the window, you hear blasts comming from behind, then the lasers streak past you from the once silent turrets and troops. You open fire as the ATATs do. You pull a hard turn right , and come up on the side of one, blasting at it\'s hull. The the shout comes "That armors to strong for blasters. Use your harpoon cables, Go for the legs!" Right after that, Imperial Troops slide down ropes from above the massive ATATs.  They run forward towards the rebel troops, the rebels open fire, some get shot down, the ATATs fire more bolts, you get hit, you ship is critical, you spiral to the ground, you smash. And the lights go out.....:)[/COLOR]
.....G.....GG........A...A........M..M M..M......EEEE......C...............U......U...BBBB......EEEE.......

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #39 on: July 27, 2001, 12:46:20 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster
[COLOR=sky blue]
Just picture this:
You in a SnowSpeeder, you look at you wingmen near you. You fly over silent white turrets and 200 rebel troops below you in trenches. Then, out of the volumetric fog (yes I had to say volumetric :D), comes 7 ATATs. A yell over the comm sounds, immediatly you look out the the window, you hear blasts comming from behind, then the lasers streak past you from the once silent turrets and troops. You open fire as the ATATs do. You pull a hard turn right , and come up on the side of one, blasting at it\'s hull. The the shout comes "That armors to strong for blasters. Use your harpoon cables, Go for the legs!" Right after that, Imperial Troops slide down ropes from above the massive ATATs.  They run forward towards the rebel troops, the rebels open fire, some get shot down, the ATATs fire more bolts, you get hit, you ship is critical, you spiral to the ground, you smash. And the lights go out.....:)[/COLOR]


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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #40 on: July 27, 2001, 01:07:57 PM »
Just picture this:
You in a SnowSpeeder, you look at you wingmen near you. You fly over silent white turrets and 200 rebel troops below you in trenches. Then, out of the volumetric fog (yes I had to say volumetric ), comes 7 ATATs. A yell over the comm sounds, immediatly you look out the the window, you hear blasts comming from behind, then the lasers streak past you from the once silent turrets and troops. You open fire as the ATATs do. You pull a hard turn right , and come up on the side of one, blasting at it\'s hull. The the shout comes "That armors to strong for blasters. Use your harpoon cables, Go for the legs!" Right after that, Imperial Troops slide down ropes from above the massive ATATs. They run forward towards the rebel troops, the rebels open fire, some get shot down, the ATATs fire more bolts, you get hit, you ship is critical, you spiral to the ground, you smash. And the lights go out.....

Minus the volumetric fog and you got the first level of the first generation N64 Star Wars based game, Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire.

Just had to note that.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #41 on: July 27, 2001, 01:12:58 PM »
That level was totally different. That was... See the ATATs. Use Harpoon. Kill the ATATs. This is much bigger,ground troops. Its to recreate Star Wars and give you the best exprience that they can give us now. And remember, this is just a 1st generation title:eek:

...G.....GG........A...A.........M..M M..M.......EEEE......C.............U.....U....BBBB.....EEEE..
.....G.....GG........A...A........M..M M..M......EEEE......C...............U......U...BBBB......EEEE.......

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #42 on: July 27, 2001, 01:15:40 PM »
I don\'t remember digital voicing and 200 rebel troops flanking you up in Shadows... besides, I could play that level all day trying to get those Challenge points, so I\'m glad they\'re bringing it back.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #43 on: July 27, 2001, 05:57:14 PM »
Why do you guys make it out like I am some biased freak who hates every game system.  Keep in mind I have a PS2 and is planning to get a GC and GBA.  Nowhere did I say the systems will suck.  Excuse me for being a bit jaded because quite frankly I am not impress.  The game industry is definitely heading in a downward spiral my whining is every bit reasonable.

To me, the GC will definitely have the best softwares bar none.  It is a given.  Whenever a company sticks to a successful formula and improves upon it, it usually ends up being the best.  In this case, all you see are sequels on the GC.  I have no doubt in my mind they will be the best.  The only problem I have is, even though they will be great games, they are also sequels and rehashes.  Almost every game is derived from a prior game.  No new, bold games.  Nothing is different!  It is basically games we have all played before with upgraded graphics and a little tweak in gameplay.  Look at the list guys!  Its boring!  Being a fan of innovation I am hard press and not excited at all.  Even though I will for sure get the system to play the great games, I am just not as enticed knowing I have already "been there done that".  That is the only flake I have with Nintendo.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #44 on: July 27, 2001, 06:12:06 PM »
Originally posted by Tshirts
To me, the GC will definitely have the best softwares bar none.  It is a given.  Whenever a company sticks to a successful formula and improves upon it, it usually ends up being the best.  In this case, all you see are sequels on the GC.  I have no doubt in my mind they will be the best.  The only problem I have is, even though they will be great games, they are also sequels and rehashes.  Almost every game is derived from a prior game.  No new, bold games.  Nothing is different!  It is basically games we have all played before with upgraded graphics and a little tweak in gameplay.  Look at the list guys!  Its boring!  Being a fan of innovation I am hard press and not excited at all.  Even though I will for sure get the system to play the great games, I am just not as enticed knowing I have already "been there done that".  That is the only flake I have with Nintendo.

WORD.  I\'m just going to wait until, say, 5 games excite me to buy the gc.  I\'m not gonna give up until they "prove they suck."  At launch I\'m not seeing anything too "nu-new," but I\'m sure some will pop up once the system gets settled in.  I think they are doing all these sequels and stuff because they are derived from porved-sucessful games.  They have a better chance of getting up top.  Then later they can take risks and dish out what we will deem ad "the good stuff."


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