[COLOR=sky blue]Tshirts, you have some issues to work out. You\'ve been at the XBox forums too long to understand that most other forums don\'t follow their way of doing things. TeamXbox.com has a forum of smart guys with good technical knowledge, but about 75% of them are all fanboys. The XBox will fail if it does not get good support in Japan, many good developers are over there. If the XBox fails over there, they might think that they would have better luck with another console, and thus the XBox gets lack of games, if this happens. Back to TShirts:
Star Fox maybe a sequel, but it is a whole different sequel, 80% of the time you are on land. Plus you aren\'t battling Andross like in the other two. This is a much different Star Fox. Rogue Leader? Sure its a sequel. It boasts major graphical upgrades, but it has a new wingman feature, and a targeting computer, easier controls, more levels (each level should be about 2 ta 3 times larger then the ones in RS for the 64 & PC), Also, Factor 5 just said it would also feature Dolby 5.1 Suround Sound in it (!!!). This game has been built to give you a true Star Wars expeirence, THAT is what makes this game much more fun. Don\'t even go on Pikmin, that is entirely original, also so is Luigi\'s Mansion. And Eternal Darkness is not a sequel either.
Just picture this:
You in a SnowSpeeder, you look at you wingmen near you. You fly over silent white turrets and 200 rebel troops below you in trenches. Then, out of the volumetric fog (yes I had to say volumetric
), comes 7 ATATs. A yell over the comm sounds, immediatly you look out the the window, you hear blasts comming from behind, then the lasers streak past you from the once silent turrets and troops. You open fire as the ATATs do. You pull a hard turn right , and come up on the side of one, blasting at it\'s hull. The the shout comes "That armors to strong for blasters. Use your harpoon cables, Go for the legs!" Right after that, Imperial Troops slide down ropes from above the massive ATATs. They run forward towards the rebel troops, the rebels open fire, some get shot down, the ATATs fire more bolts, you get hit, you ship is critical, you spiral to the ground, you smash. And the lights go out.....