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Author Topic: More Dreamcast price reductions  (Read 1568 times)

Offline Weltall
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More Dreamcast price reductions
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2001, 07:28:46 PM »
I paid $150 for my Dreamcast. Therefore, I am automatically hardcore:)

I didn\'t get one at launch because I could not afford one. At the time every penny I had was going into this computer, and, COMPLETELY IN MY OPINION, I thought the launch lineup was bad. Not an RPG to be found. SA and HOTD2 were the only DC games I enjoyed then (my friend had a DC and we played constantly). I ended up getting my DC in november. I, an admitted Sony fan, completely skipped the PS2 right after launch and got a Dreamcast.

I am the very definition of hardcore:)
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More Dreamcast price reductions
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2001, 09:34:17 PM »
Well, I had a choice way of either getting a DC or preordering my PS2.

Knowing that the PS2 came with a DVD player and it being able to play PS1 games also, it was a no brainer for me on which I would pick. I would save money by not having to get another seperate DVD player and still being able to play my old PS1 games even though I would have to trade in my PS1 for some help on paying off the PS2.

Umm.. ya. :D

I\'ve always wanted a DC though, just because I wanted to play Shenmue, those Vs. Capcom games, Virtua Tennis, and what not.. And that day is coming soon.. When I will be able to get a cheap ass DC!!!! WOHOOOOO.. :D

Offline EmperorRob
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More Dreamcast price reductions
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2001, 07:56:00 AM »
Even if I bought one I wouldn\'t have time to play it.
This is America and I can still pay for sex with pennies

Offline Samwise
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More Dreamcast price reductions
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2001, 08:17:50 AM »
Perhaps some people just never really looked in the DC\'s direction, but now they can get one really cheap they\'ll give it a second chance (when it\'s barely dead yes, but still). Gaming is an expensive hobby and I for one don\'t condem (sp?) people who are interested in a DC for $49.99. I know I would be. So what about people who didn\'t feel like getting a DC at launch, and then later got one used, for example? They weren\'t supporting SEGA either (not with the console-purchase money at least).

Well, I guess everyone is entitled to their opinions but I won\'t yell at people for buying a cheap DC. IMO they were probably never the DC audience when it was \'alive\' so their purchase now wouldn\'t have changed anything anyway.
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline QuDDus
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More Dreamcast price reductions
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2001, 08:46:39 AM »
Well I bought my dc at launch. And in feb this year I dumped it off to my to nephew who wanted to use to trade in for ps2 stuff. I went over his house and started playing powerstone2 again and wanted my dc back. BUT IT was too late he traded my dc in with 15 games now I am thinking of buying it again dirt chip. So I kind of say I am happing this happen.

And the only reason I gave it too him because I was not going to support my dc anymore with me buying ps2 accessories and games. And saving for xbox and gcn. And plus I did not get him anything for his b-day and I said I would buy him something for his ps2 and had no money to give him at the time.
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