Raslant, why do you find the need to constantly spam the boards or take shots at the GC and yet find yourself being corrected? I once again, point to the comment you made about Ninja Gaiden bein\' to mature for the GC - yet it has always appeared on Nintendo systems. So, now,instead of tryin\' to argue your point you just spam with those god-forsaken smiley faces. So, please just stop it. IF you want to debate, that is fine. That is what this forum is for. It isn\'t for you to abuse the :thepimp: smiley or whatever the hell it is.
Bozco, what was with your comment about Jump\'s hands? I understand you don\'t like Jump and that is fine. You may not like the GC also. Once again, that is fine. But there was no need for you to go OUT of your way and start a fight in a perfectly decent thread. If you want to fight with Jumpman about some trivial sh!t , then PM him.
Ethan - Jumpman didn\'t start the fight in this thread. Bozco did he even admits it.
yes i did start the fight, its true, but I couldnt resist making fun of Jumpman
how was your post civilized Jumpman?
So, Bozco did start this fight. Not Jumpman.
Not tryin\' to upset you. Just pointing out that this one wasn\'t Jumpman\'s fault.
As for TShirts, while you are sittin\' there and posting things like " god damn grow up" and how immature Jumpman is. You, yourself are posting immature things.
Its amazing how a few people can ruin a perfectly decent thread in record time.