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Author Topic: New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.  (Read 2006 times)

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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« on: August 02, 2001, 11:33:58 PM »
You just got to read this.

Reminder: This interview has yet to be confirmed with any Japanese magazine, and was obtained without using The Word\'s network of sources. On the other hand, this interview is very convincing and detailed. It\'s also definitely worth reading.

Magazine: (We) realize that you worked closely around the Zelda GameCube project.

Ken Otawa: Yes, that is true.

Magazine: Are there any details about new features that will be available in the new title?

KO: He (Miyamoto) has done some amazing things with the new Zelda title. Some of the big new innovations in the game play system revolve around the new controller. The biggest of these  
Scenes from Spaceworld 2000\'s Zelda demo. Will the C-Stick give gamers full control over Link\'s sword?

innovations by far is now players will control Link\'s sword and sword actions entirely with the C stick.

Magazine: Care to elaborate?

KO: Well, essentially players control Link\'s arm with the control stick, where they move it, his arm moves in a similar motion. Part of the game play will be learning tactics and combos that are utilized by way of the C-stick alone. This works into a heavy emphasis on sword fighting found in the new Zelda.

Magazine: Sounds like a tough learning curve.

KO: Well, his intentions for Luigi (Luigi’s Mansion) was to get players used to using both sticks at the same time. Like a training game.

Magazine: Are those the only new game play features that utilize the new controller?

KO: No, he has many special things in store, especially with the L and R. In the new Zelda there will be two different types of weapons, one will be simple weapons, that will be used by pressing the X and Y buttons, and others will be assigned to the L and R buttons, and will utilize the analog functions. These weapons include the Bow, the Sling Shot, and some other re-workings of old items, and some completely new ones that will become favorites. When you equip these items, the view goes into first person, much in the way it did in the N64 titles, which is the new Zelda\'s closest feature to those titles, and you use the analog triggers in a very interesting way, and you use the c-stick to control aiming. But I can’t get too in-depth with that.

Magazine: You say this one is very different then the N64 titles, what about the targeting system?

KO: The targeting system has been totally re-worked. And it works amazing. It is a lot easier to go from enemy to enemy and it flows a lot better, there is no more clunky shifting between different enemies.

Magazine: Story?

KO: I hate to say this, but there was no story at the moment. Ideas were being thrown around, but I would care to not comment on them.

Magazine: Final comments on the new Zelda...

KO: Yes, expect a truly cinematic experience, and game play that will change the way we play games forever. This new Zelda will definitely break a lot of new ground.

What does The Word think of this? Remember the Space World 2000 demo featuring Link and Ganondorf in a sword fight? Everyone said it would never be done in the game because there were just too many sword and shield maneuvers. Maybe we overlooked the possibility that this game\'s focus may just be on real sword fighting. No more "tapping A to defeat enemies"; oh, no, my friend -- this has the potential of being all out Zorro-style action. Instead of learning songs, players learn special sword techniques that can be used for attacking enemies.

Is it all true? We\'ll find out at Space World. A place where the stars sparkle on the world and Mario says, “Hello!”


God that sounds so ****ing sweet and extremely innovative.

A battle system like that+Miyamoto=potential to be the best game ever.

So that SpaceWorld demo might of been more than what we all initially thought...hey, Luigi\'s Mansion was only rumoured to be a game until E3...Who knows.

( for anyone who hasen\'t seen that demo, then click this link and go to the bottom of the page).

http://cube.ign.com/previews/14914.html I never get tired of seeing that gorgeous movie...

This sounds like another revolitionary game from EAD already. SpaceWorld has never seemed so far away... Your opinions are wanted.

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« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2001, 01:34:25 AM »
Sounds very intresting,carnt wait to see this game,also i like that they are taking time to make the gameplay better.
Lets just hope they dont take quiet as long to make this one like they did,with the first zelda on the N64.
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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2001, 01:47:00 AM »
Hmm... it sounds pretty cool.. but.. will the sword now be used to block as well as attack? It seems possible now, if you can freely move the sword.

My only qualm is, I HATE HATE HATE Thumbsticks, even for moving. The thought of actually having to use a stick to attack will drive me mad until I get to feel out how it works for myself. I just hope the CStick on the GC controller isn\'t as loose as Dreamcasts and PS2\'s.
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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2001, 03:32:16 AM »
Sounds pretty darn :cool:  I can\'t wait to play the next series of zelda seeing how I skiped the ones that where on n64 I have not played zelda since part3 damn that has been a long time.
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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2001, 07:10:58 AM »
This is gonna be fukking sweet!  If it turns out to be true, no more fanboys can say Nintendo is just cranking up the graphics with gamecube, they are changing the way we think and play games.

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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2001, 07:26:27 AM »
Sounds great. :D

I just hope that the sword isnt hard to control.

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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2001, 10:19:56 AM »
I just hope this is not a fake interview. I would really like to see it in action. Of course I can\'t get excited until I see more pics.

BTW, I also like the comment about a more cinematic experience.
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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2001, 10:26:27 AM »
Damn! Just when I felt safe thinking I\'d probably never have enough reason to get a GC.

Damn you Nintendo!

Damn you Jumpman for being the one I hear this news from first! [/mock-outrage]

Actual sword play is one feature I\'ve wanted to see in a game for a long time now. I hope they pull it off really well.

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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2001, 10:39:47 AM »
I would be the worlds biggest fanboy if I said something bad about this.  Mayamemamo (;)) is a genious.  The way he is using Luigi\'s Mansion as a "training game" is a very smart idea.  It\'s kind of like how Timesplitters set up the basic PS2 FPS control scheme, and helped us get used to the controls.  The amount of control Mayamemamo is going for is something I have only dreamt of in the past.

Ok, I have to mention this one bad thing:  
"I hate to say this, but there was no story at the moment. Ideas were being thrown around, but I would care to not comment on them."

Oh no.  Most of the time, games that are built without a story in mind have a crappy story in the end.  I hope the new Zelda doesn\'t take the same path.
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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2001, 10:58:49 AM »
Don\'t worry about it too much. Ocarina of Time didn\'t have much of a story, but it turned out great.

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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2001, 11:03:07 AM »
Originally posted by IronFist
I would be the worlds biggest fanboy if I said something bad about this.  Mayamemamo (;)) is a genious.  The way he is using Luigi\'s Mansion as a "training game" is a very smart idea.  It\'s kind of like how Timesplitters set up the basic PS2 FPS control scheme, and helped us get used to the controls.  The amount of control Mayamemamo is going for is something I have only dreamt of in the past.

Ok, I have to mention this one bad thing:  
"I hate to say this, but there was no story at the moment. Ideas were being thrown around, but I would care to not comment on them."

Oh no.  Most of the time, games that are built without a story in mind have a crappy story in the end.  I hope the new Zelda doesn\'t take the same path.

Yes, that worried me too. Great games are built around great stories. The control sounds nice though.

I will wait till I see it in action before I get too excited. It\'s best to stay sceptical. Then, you won\'t be dissappointed...I mean, FFX was supposed to be great, but from what I\'m hearing it just isn\'t living up to the hype....

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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2001, 11:54:07 AM »
I will arise from the dead to give props to jumpman for posting this thread....

I am beginning to have faith in Nintendo once again.....

This is incredible!

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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2001, 12:00:42 PM »
Originally posted by CS2x
Yes, that worried me too. Great games are built around great stories. The control sounds nice though.

I will wait till I see it in action before I get too excited. It\'s best to stay sceptical. Then, you won\'t be dissappointed...I mean, FFX was supposed to be great, but from what I\'m hearing it just isn\'t living up to the hype....

I agree.  All of this could just be BS.  I will wait until I see it in action before I start praising Memamomumi.

And where have you heard bad reviews of FFX?
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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2001, 04:02:26 PM »
well i gotta say i love zelda but the N64 versions werent what i considered the great one - as so to speak - when i think zelda

2d zelda just feels more suited than the 3d - i like them both but i love the 2d and always will

i think the big thing is i am a story nut and n64 versions didnt have that as well as the other zeldas on snes and gameboy
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New disgustingly awesome Zelda details.
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2001, 06:53:38 PM »
it will be interesting to see if they can pull off this combat system withut alienating the casual gamer

the system itself will probably require lots of skill, more then what will be learned in Luigi\'s Mansion more then likely

The obvious reason why nobody has ever attempted to build  such a fluid real time  independant combat system like this one is because nobody has been able to figure out how to make the system user friendly with mellow learning curve

but no doubt about it, this is the stuff hardcore gamers are hoping for.

I forsee a long development time for Zelda to getall this just right


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