Sorry kids, Uncle Weltall has been busy all day.
Murgatroyd thought to himself... he had the $300... and the weasel\'s offer was enticing, but the calls of GT3, Red Faction, Onimusha, and the upcoming Silent Hill 2 were nipping away at him like a rabbit with a carrot.
"I don\'t know what to do, Mr. Weasel!" Murgatroyd said.
"Ya like Silent Hill 2, right?" The weasel asked
Murgatroyd gasped "How did you know!?"
The weasel smiled. "I read your mind, friend. You know Silent Hill 2 and MGS2 will also be on XBox... and will look much better!"
"R..really??" Murgatroyd squealed. "If that\'s the case... but what about Final Fantasy X and Xenosaga? I want those too!"
The weasel flinched as if he were punched in the stomach. He didn\'t expect his bait to ask about those games. He thought fast.
"We will have Project Ego and Project Gotham too... those will kick ass, my friend, and that PS2 won\'t have them!" He smiled again. "Come on, friend, how can you honestly say no to such a deal?"
Murgatroyd thought hard. While he wanted the PS2, the weasel\'s offer was too good to refuse. He carefully handed the three hundred dollars to the weasel. The weasel\'s eyes lit up with joy! He quickly stuffed the cash into one of his many pockets. He politely thanked Murgatroyd, and turned around and began to walk away.
Murgatroyd was confused. Maybe the weasel just forgot to give him his XBox. He ran after the weasel, and caught him just as he was exiting.
"Mr. Weasel, I gave you my money. Where\'s my XBox?"
The weasel jumped a bit. He looked over his shoulder at the rabbit and quickly explained.
"Well my friend, see, it\'s like this. Xbox won\'t really be out for another three months... so I can\'t give you one YET. But in three months, meet me here again and I\'ll give ya one, deal?"
The weasel gave a big smile and Murgatroyd was relieved. "What\'s three months?" he thought to himself, "It\'s so much better than PS2, I can wait three months!"
So Murgatroyd went home emptyhanded. Now he had nothing to play, so he watched TV. Weeks passed, and Murgatroyd dreamt night and day about the shiny new XBox and the awesome games and much better graphics he was waiting for, he was becoming nearly obsessed with getting his XBox. Murgatroyd did not leave his warren that entire three months. Soon, he noticed a slight bit of snow falling. It was November 8! With insane excitement, Murgatroyd ran full speed back to the same Best Buy. Out of breath and freezing cold, he stumbled in the door. All over, Christmas shopping was going on, and huge lines were formed for the XBox. He didn\'t see the weasel anywhere, so he got into a line. The same fat, ugly checkout girl was slowly handing out big black boxes with that same greenish logo emblazoned on every side. Hours passed, hours which Murgatroyd spent dreaming about getting his hands on Project Ego and Silent Hill 2 and MGS2 and Gotham. After what seemed like an eternity, he made it up to the counter. Propping himself up, he looked at the fat checkout girl, and with a look of supreme anticipation, he held out his hands to recieve his XBox. Then, to his surprise, the girl held out HER hand.
"That will be $314.43 with tax, sir" She said innocently, while picking her nose and adjusting her granny glasses.
A look of horror flashed across Murgatroyd\'s face. "But I already payed! The weasel said I\'d get it here today!"
"What weasel? There\'s no weasels working here. I should know, I\'ve been here 12 years!" The ugly ho said.
"So what am I gonna do?" Murgatroyd cried with anguish.
"I don\'t know," the fat checkout girl responded, "but if you don\'t pay, you don\'t get a machine!"
Murgatroyd only brought $200, for the games. With a look of utter dejection, he lowered himself from the counter, tears welling up in his jet black eyes. Tears glisted his matted brown fur as he started towards the exit, emptyhanded yet again. Suddenly, a dark figure collided with him, bowling both over.
It was the weasel!
"Weasel! Am I ever glad to see you!" Murgatroyd exclaimed through his tears. "They told me they couldn\'t give me an XBox because you don\'t work here!"
The weasel looked confused. "Err, friend, I ~don\'t~ work here... but I do have what I promised ya!" He pulled out a gleaming black box and handed it to Murgatroyd.
"There you go friend, just like I promised." He turned, and left quickly, a huge, predatory grin posted across his face as he drove away.
Murgatroyd then went over to the games, happily humming to himself. He finally got the machine, and now it was time to get the games! He passed the PS2 section, and saw GT3, and Red Faction, and MGS2, and Onimusha, and Grand Theft Auto 3, and posters announcing the imminent release of Silent Hill 2... and then he reached the XBox section. He saw copies of Halo and Munch, neither of which interested him. Nor did the copies of Malice or NFL Fever. Shock slowly set in when he failed to see any copies of MGS2 or Silent Hill 2, or the Ego or Gotham games the weasel told him about. In panic, he ran up to a Best Buy clerk and frantically demanded he get him those games. The confused clerk smiled warmly at Murgatroyd.
"Sir, those games won\'t be out for at least another year, maybe more...perhaps you\'d like Munch\'s Oddysee instead?"
Murgatroyd was crestfallen. He took Munch, and went home angrily. The weasel had cheated him. If he had just gotten the PS2 when he was going to, he\'d be playing Silent Hill 2 next week. Now, with his money all gone, he\'d have to wait almost a YEAR. He ran home in an intensifying thunderstorm, and entered his warren and hooked up the Xbox, not feeling half the excitement he felt when he left earlier. He popped Munch in the machine and began playing. The game was utterly boring, and soon Murgatroyd angrily cut the machine off. The weasel was long gone, along with his money. He was stuck with this hunk, with nothing worth playing for months. Murgatroyd yelled at the top of his lungs in frustration.
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck a transformer nearby. The resulting surge traveled through the power lines at the speed of light. A nice chunk of that energy went through to Murgatroyd\'s warren, right through his wiring, right into the unprotected XBox. The machine began smoking, and burst into flames. Murgatroyd grabbed a fire extinguisher and doused the flames. The once beautiful machine was now a smoking, molten mass of melted plastic and surged silicon chips. Now Murgatroyd didn\'t even have an Xbox. He also didn\'t have a PS2. And because he sold his Dreamcast, he was out of that too. And without any money, he now had nothing to play at all, all because he listened to an evilminded weasel. With a look of cold, detached fury etched across his face, Murgatroyd climbed out of his warren, and looked heavenward. Raindrops splashed across his face and into his eyes, but he did not blink. Murgatroyd let out a scream that was heard for miles around, and lasted until he went hoarse and lost his voice...
A sad story to be sure.