Chrono , this isn\'t the Anti-Xbox forum. What console Ginko wants to buy is up to him. Maybe he wants OddWorld? He can\'t get that on the PS2 , now can he? And so what if he doesn\'t want Jax and Dexter? Neither do I .
No gameplay? Have you played them? No, you haven\'t. Have you played Halo? Jet Set Radio: Future? OddWorld? No. Therefor, you assume they have no gameplay and anyways, who are you to judge what other people should like and shouldn\'t like? That is pathetic. So, is your judgement on "graphics whore". Maybe he does like better graphics. Maybe not. Either way, it is his personal choice . You are in no position to pass judgement.
You have also been on these forums long enough that while it says PSX2CENTRAL most of us are multi-console owners and are excited about all systems. That is one of the great things about these forums. You don\'t have to own a PS2 to share your opinion. And while you call him an Xbox fanboy - he never said the PS2 was trash. Just that none of the games interested him YET.
When exactly did you become such a fanboy Chrono? I honestly don\'t remember you being one a few months ago.