I don\'t mean to single you out, but lately you have been on a flammatory, abhorrent rampage. The reason why I am addressing this is because I am beginning to build a detestable disliking towards you. I never hate anyone, nor do I have any sort of degrading viewpoint towards any individual in particular. You are of a different case. The reason why is because I know you are of an intelligent character, and the flames you put out are in an intent to hurt rather than a crudeless act with no intentions usually drawn out by ppl who are just immature and guileless.
I seriously think you should stop this. If someone doesn\'t happen to have the same viewpoints as you, then bring up a considerable means of discussion to
teach them the
"virtues" rather than flame your point across. This is a discussion forum afterall and, without those idiots to
"teach, it wouldn\'t be as fun. I think you should stop scaring them away.