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Author Topic: Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?  (Read 2179 times)

Offline rastalant
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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« on: August 09, 2001, 10:58:22 AM »
I\'m talking about with games not sales.  Lets compare.
Gamecube - Super Smash Bros. Melee

Super Smash Brothers Melee is a fighting game, much like Powerstone for the Dreamcast, where you get to choose from many of the popular characters from the Nintendo universe and battle it out. The characters include Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Samus and more. From some hands on experience at E3, I could say that this game is colorful, fast-paced, and lots of fun.


Xbox - Dead or Alive 3

While Dead or Alive 3 was only showing in trailer format at E3, it was still a show-stopper. The game pushes the Xbox hardware as far as any game around, and from the footage we saw of the Microsoft financial meeting, the actual gameplay is awesome. The environment looks real and the on-screen characters are life-like.

Final Verdict: Both games may fall in the fighting genre, but they cater to a diverse audience. Super Smash seems to be pushing for the fun-factor while DOA3 is looking to provide a sense of realism.


Gamecube - NBA Courtside 2002

Left Field Productions and Nintendo are teaming up to bring a version of NBA Courtside to the Gamecube to fill that basketball void. The early playable version at E3 didn\'t look like much of an improvement over Sega\'s NBA2K on the Dreamcast. The AI was poor and the controls were mediocre, however there were a few elements of the game that were well done. On the Gamecube controller, the yellow directional trigger on the face of the controller was set as directional pass and it worked brilliantly. Some of the motion capture, like layups and dunks, were well done.


Xbox - NBA Inside Drive 2002

The Xbox will have atleast three basketball games by close to year\'s end. We haven\'t heard much about NBA Inside Drive 2002, but last year\'s PC version was a solid title, both graphically and in terms of gameplay. With Microsoft\'s Inside Drive, Sega\'s NBA 2K2, and EA\'s NBA Live 2002 all coming to the Xbox within a few weeks of each other, basketball fans should find an acceptable answer to their hoop cravings.

Final Verdict: NBA Courside 2002 looks like it will end up being a decent basketball sim, and we haven\'t seen Inside Drive yet, so the verdict is still out on this one.


Gamecube - Luigi\'s Mansion

As the flagship title for the Gamecube launch, Luigi has a huge burden on his shoulders. Although the game looked good graphically at E3, it didn\'t compare to the original FMVs we were shown by Nintendo last year. The game isn\'t fast-paced like a typical Mario game, but rather a puzzle-adventure game where you control the slow-moving Luigi and his "ghostbuster" tools through a haunted mansion. To say the least, this game did not interest me, as an adult, at all.


Xbox - Oddworld: Munch\'s Oddysee

Like Luigi\'s Mansion, Oddworld: Munch\'s Oddysee is one of the flagship titles for its respective platform, the Xbox. To many editors at E3, Oddworld came away as the best Xbox game on the floor. Graphically, the game\'s environments were beautiful and the character models were unique , but strange. I personally didn\'t fall in love with the game like many of my fellow editors because of my gaming tastes, but it is a highly original and imaginative game. For those two reasons alone, Oddworld deserves a ton of credit. Add to that the ton of time the game has been in production and you\'ll end up with a game that\'ll keep you entertained for a very long time.

Final Verdict: Unless you\'re under the age of 10, I\'d recommend Oddworld over Luigi\'s Mansion any day of the week.


Gamecube - Star Wars Rogue Leader

If there was one game that consistently had a huge crowd wanting to play it at E3, it was the Star Wars: Rogue Leader for the Gamecube. I, too, was awfully gitty while waiting my turn to get a chance to try it out. The visuals really are all that and a bag of lightsabers. Factor 5 has done an amazing job successfully recreating the feeling of being in a Star Wars space battle. If they could keep the gameplay from getting too redundant, then there\'s no reason not to buy this game.


Xbox - Air Force Delta Storm

AFDS\'s planes look as realistic as you can get in a game. After staring for a few minutes (or hours) in awe and the initial shock of the plane models wears off, you\'ll notice that the environment you\'re flying in doesn\'t look quite as nice as the plane. That would be alright if the gameplay will be able to compensate. The E3 build wasn\'t as exciting as the screenshots suggest, but overall, AFDS seems like a good title for arcade flight fans.

Final Verdict: Hands down, Star War\'s Rogue Leader. Pound for pound, Rogue Leader looks to be one of the best titles released on any platform. While Air Force Delta Storm may end up being a quality title, it\'s simply outmatched the Leader.

Stay tuned for Part II tommorow where we\'ll cover the remaining titles as well as those titles on each platform that don\'t seem to have an answer on the rival platform for the month of November.

For me I think xbox has more games I want in the long run.  As for the xbox I really want doa3, halo, project gothem, and RAW is War.  Gamecube does have some good games too like RS2, Luigi Mansion.  Well I think xbox edges it out.  What do you guys think?

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Re: Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2001, 11:07:43 AM »
Originally posted by raslant

Gamecube - Luigi\'s Mansion

As the flagship title for the Gamecube launch, Luigi has a huge burden on his shoulders. Although the game looked good graphically at E3, it didn\'t compare to the original FMVs we were shown by Nintendo last year. The game isn\'t fast-paced like a typical Mario game, but rather a puzzle-adventure game where you control the slow-moving Luigi and his "ghostbuster" tools through a haunted mansion. To say the least, this game did not interest me, as an adult, at all.

it didn\'t compare to the original FMVs we were shown by Nintendo last year
What FMV?The Spaceworld trailer last year was not a FMV.:eyemouth:
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Offline rastalant
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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2001, 11:10:16 AM »
I know oops some of this came from ignxbox.  The luigi masnion at spaceworld and e3 were both real-time.  Show how much ignxbox knows.:thepimp: :thepimp:
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Offline Ginko
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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2001, 12:10:57 PM »
Titles I want at or around launch:


Wave Race: Blue Storm
Super Smash Bros.
Starfox Adventures


Project Gotham
Jet Grind Radio Future
Dead or Alive 3

Xbox wins by 2!

I will end up getting a GC when Zelda comes out next Fall...

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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2001, 12:16:20 PM »
Its all personal taste. I am more impressed with the GC line up, but provided I have the cash, I plan on gettin\' both at launch now.

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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2001, 12:16:49 PM »
Super Smash seems to be pushing for the fun-factor while DOA3 is looking to provide a sense of realism.

IGNxBox unknowingly admitted SSB was going to be a better game. :laughing: LOL. I always thought IGNXbox was the worst of the IGN gaming sites. :laughing:

Final Verdict: Unless you\'re under the age of 10, I\'d recommend Oddworld over Luigi\'s Mansion any day of the week.

hhhhmmm...they don\'t realize that Luigi\'s Mansion wasn\'t being showned in full form. Ah well, we won\'t know until SpaceWorld.

it didn\'t compare to the original FMVs we were shown by Nintendo last year.

Now that justs shows how dumb they are. :rolleyes:

Anyways, since I\'m getting a NGC at Christmas, I\'m looking past the launch and the best game I see being released in that time is by far Eternal Darkness. And I can only afford one game and that game looks to be the best of the bunch IMO. :)

Offline JediMaster
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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2001, 12:21:07 PM »
I\'d rather have SSBM any day (BEST FIGHTING GAME IN THE WORLD!!!)

Must I constantly say this, the demo of Lugi\'s Mansion at E3 was like running around in the courtyard oustide of peaches castle. Most of the game is unknown.

Wave Race has always been a major fun racer, XBox doesn\'t have any racer at launch that compares to Wave Race.


Project Gotham
Jet Grind Radio Future
Dead or Alive 3

We are talking about LAUNCH games here.

doing what you did make us have to include Eternal Darkness and PSO vr2.

No one even mentioned Pikmin, looks like a quality title, so it looks kiddy, who cares. Its a RTS, and RTS rule. RTS, Adventure RPG, and Fligh/Space Sims, are my fav genres.
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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2001, 12:22:45 PM »
Luigi\'s Mansion
Wave race 2
Super Mario 2(I know they are going to announce it this month)


Metal gear solid 2
Devil May cry
Jak and Daxter
Silent hill 2
Man.. if BookerT lit a fart during a Spinner-oony.. it truely would be the most electrifying move ever..

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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2001, 12:23:47 PM »
Man.. if BookerT lit a fart during a Spinner-oony.. it truely would be the most electrifying move ever..

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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2001, 12:26:13 PM »
SSX: Tricky is on the GameCube also moron.
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Offline Ginko
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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2001, 12:29:33 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster
I\'d rather have SSBM any day (BEST FIGHTING GAME IN THE WORLD!!!)

Must I constantly say this, the demo of Lugi\'s Mansion at E3 was like running around in the courtyard oustide of peaches castle. Most of the game is unknown.

Wave Race has always been a major fun racer, XBox doesn\'t have any racer at launch that compares to Wave Race.

We are talking about LAUNCH games here.

doing what you did make us have to include Eternal Darkness and PSO vr2.

No one even mentioned Pikmin, looks like a quality title, so it looks kiddy, who cares. Its a RTS, and RTS rule. RTS, Adventure RPG, and Fligh/Space Sims, are my fav genres.

Okay, first of all I said at or around launch.  So back off!

Eternal Darkness looks good, but not my taste.
PSO vr2 (why would I get the second if I don\'t like PSO on DC)  And yes I have played PSO on DC, I own it!

So, I have made it clear I\'m not some blind fanboy or something?

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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2001, 12:32:10 PM »
I\'m not bashing you. I was just pointing that out, all of the GCs you mentioned launch. I don\'t want people to get the wrong opinions about the launch games or something.
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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2001, 12:33:00 PM »
SSX: Tricky is on the GameCube also moron.

Hey,Why did you call me a moron?I\'m not going to get all three(Gamecube,Xbox,Ps2) version of SSX:Tricky so I had to pick which version to get and that the PS2 version .
Man.. if BookerT lit a fart during a Spinner-oony.. it truely would be the most electrifying move ever..

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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2001, 12:46:13 PM »
I don\'t know enough, nor care enough about either to make a proper descision.

Although, I DO know that Panzer Dragoon and JSR:F will be on X-Box. decision easy.

Eric Jacob
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Which on is going to have better games at launch? Xbox or GC?
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2001, 02:23:27 PM »
Just so you guys know, this article is from teamxbox.com, not from xboxIGN.  Here is the link to part 1 and part 2:


Raslant, if you take a whole article from a site, the least you could do is give them credit for it.
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