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Author Topic: TAINTED REPUTATIONS, SECOND CHANCES, AND BAD BUSNESS MOVES.What do you think?  (Read 1430 times)

Offline QuDDus
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I mean sega had a good reputation up until the horrible 32x and the sinking sega cd. And then with saturn the flaims only got bigger. But when sega made Dreamcast there best kickazz console so far...nobody would give them a second chance.

And look at nintendo with 64DD and virtua boy. But nintendo reputation did not seem to get a bad as sega\'s did.

I don\'t know I guess ppl think that since you did a couple of bad products everything you do will be crap. But nintendo got away with it.

I mean sony HDD is already considered a failing product before it is released. And who knows what more they will dable into.

What do you guys think??
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Offline ajoh432
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ps2 HDD is a failure?:rolleyes: Maybe.......:)
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Offline Black Samurai
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I think Nintendo\'s reputation remained relatively unscathed because the 64DD wasn\'t released in the states. IMO, the virtua boy damaged their reputaion somewhat and depending on who you ask the N64 also damaged their reputation. The 32x and Sega CD had Sega\'s INCREDIBLE marketing teams behind them so everyone knew about them. If anything went wrong, and it did, all of the backlash would damage Sega\'s rep.

As for Sony\'s HDD, It remains to be seen whether or not this will be a success; but I don\'t see it being a successful venture.
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Offline Ginko
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The HDD will tank... that\'s all I\'ve got to say about that one.

Anyway, Sega has never had the must have machine since the Genesis.  But they have kept one thing very clear-they know how to make damn fine games.  I was shocked when I heard the DC was out the door and Sega would be making games for all other systems. I felt like I had been raped and I thought I could never trust them again and would rebel by not buying any of their products.  But then I got over it (telling myself there is no way in hell I will miss the next Daytona, Sega Rally, Sonic, NiGHTS, Ecco, Panzer Dragoon, Skies of Arcadia, Virtua Fighter) and was excited, Sega was going to be working with bigger and stronger hardware!  

Now, nothing is holding back Sega.  They can work on any hardware platform they choose, and think that will realize their imaginations.  People will start to see what Sega is really about...it was never the hardware.  It was all about their must play games.

Sega is going to be bigger than ever...just wait and see.

Offline JediMaster
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Nintendo had Zelda and Mario, with Mario as the first great 3D game. Zelda came through huge, and then there were others that came along that made the N64 a good system to own.

Sega, will be better now. Long Live the Super NES!
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Nintendo\'s reputation was untouched by the 64DD due to it not being released anywhere except Japan and even there in limited quanities.  It was not big enough to gather negative views.

The Virtual Boy, while did hurt their reputation , still did not hurt it that much. Most casual gamers don\'t know about it or have forgotten it ever existed. No to mention have you seen the cult following that thing has on the \'net? I really don\'t understand it, but I don\'t think the Virtual Boy hurt Nintendo\'s reputation that much. If anything did, it was the Nintendo64 - and I don\'t want to argue with Jumpman,etc. I\'m just saying alot of \'mature\' gamers was upset with the lack of quanity in games and mature titles for the N64.

There is no doubt that the SegaCD and 32X effected Sega\'s reputation. Two add-ons for one system? Yikes. However, I think the add-ons was good in mind just bad execution. The SegaCD wasn\'t really that bad in all honesty. A lot of people put it down without thinking about some of the great games that was housed on it first. The Lunar series? Started on the Sega CD. The best Sonic game ever? It was on the Sega CD.  Ecco the Dolphin? Great game. Eternal Champions? Excellent overlooked fighting game. There was good games on the Sega CD. Same with the 32X. It is just a matter that people don\'t want to pay for add-ons on a old system and then buy new games for that add-on. Why did the Saturn fail? Mainly because of the two add-ons and then the fact that the Sega launch was lack-luster, expensive and a surprise launch at that. It was bad business moves on Sega\'s part. It was not because the Saturn was a bad console. Titles such as Virtua Fighter 2 , Fighting Vipers, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Burning Rangers and Nights prove otherwise.

I won\'t go into a huge rant on how I  think the Sony HD will be a failure. I\'ve done it one to many times.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Nintendos reputation unscathed???  hardly...but their reputation has been damaged in a totally different way.....Pokemon

Offline IronFist
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Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
Nintendos reputation unscathed???  hardly...but their reputation has been damaged in a totally different way.....Pokemon

I think Nintendo will earn back their good name with the NGC.  The whole Pokemon thing was very damaging, but I think they will recover.
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Originally posted by IronFist

I think Nintendo will earn back their good name with the NGC.  The whole Pokemon thing was very damaging, but I think they will recover.

they havent exactly done anything yet to earn back their reputation...nor have i even seen anything that will earn them their reputation...a reputation is great, when you have a good one, but when you get a bad one, the good one is hard to bring back (if you get what i mean)...it\'ll take time

Offline SuupaBuu
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Yea. PS2\'s new HDD *upgrade* is not gonna do real good, but I dont see it making the ps2 fail. Picture the memory add-on for saturn, totally optional, same for n64. People are going to look at it and simply ignore it, or get more information and see if they need it or not.

Offline JediMaster
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Nintendo hurts its reputation by making one of the most love products of kids. Any adult who has played it knows it is like an RPG. Casual gamers will hate it for no reason though. Many people are idiots........
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Originally posted by JediMaster
Nintendo hurts its reputation by making one of the most love products of kids. Any adult who has played it knows it is like an RPG. Casual gamers will hate it for no reason though. Many people are idiots........

many people may be idiots...but those many people are essential to a consoles share of the market...those idiots make up the biggest share of console buyers

Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by SuupaBuu
Yea. PS2\'s new HDD *upgrade* is not gonna do real good, but I dont see it making the ps2 fail. Picture the memory add-on for saturn, totally optional, same for n64. People are going to look at it and simply ignore it, or get more information and see if they need it or not.

It is funny how you said that. I mean dreamcast was a awesome system despite the saturn dyeing. But yet nobody would give sega a chance...
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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By all means, the Saturn was an awesome system but no one gave it the chance so it doesn\'t surprise me that no one gave Sega a chance with the Dreamcast.

Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
By all means, the Saturn was an awesome system but no one gave it the chance so it doesn\'t surprise me that no one gave Sega a chance with the Dreamcast.

Well at the time psx was being seen as the next best thing. But dreamcast was out over  a year before ps2 even launched and there was not one system out that could touch for over a year a ppl would not give it a chance.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM


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