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Author Topic: GamerS iNSIDE mONTHLY, free online gaming magazine, read!!  (Read 717 times)

Kevin Postler
  • Guest
GamerS iNSIDE mONTHLY, free online gaming magazine, read!!
« on: August 17, 2001, 02:42:42 PM »
The day has come, VGnation partners up with Gamers Inside Monthly\'s Owner, Kevin Postler. Gamers Inside Monthly is a new on-line, downloadable, free gaming Magazine, and we have finally partnered up with VgNation, for them to launch our magazine. We cover all the next generation of video game consoles, with exclusive coverage, interviews, and much more. Also there will be special issues for big gaming conventions such as E3, Space World, and Tokyo Game Show. Each issue will be about a two-megabyte download that you can obtain at VgNation. If you choose to subscribe to our magazine, you will receive it a couple of days early, otherwise you can download it on the selected release for Free.The people who subscribe only can only recieve the specail edition issues, remeber that. The September Issue will be released the 1st of September, follwed by a Spaceworld special edition issue for subscribers. Remember this is 100 percent free.

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