Originally posted by savage10
Mindless zombies?? Well, if you\'re given 2 computers to choose from, a pentium 1Ghz and a pentium Celeron, which one would you choose?? Do you still need to test it out first??
again, you are going by specs. certianly, if i was to be able to choose from a celeron of a 1 ghz processor, i would choose the 1 ghz. the reason why that isnt a good comparison is because all the games coming out for bothe the computers are the same.
in otherwords, the games that are set up to be on the xbox are not what i want. they only get tony hawk proskater 2X, while ps2 owners get THPS3!(tony hawk pro skater 3) IMO, the games that are lined up for the ps2 interst me MUCH MORE than the lineup for x box.
if you look at past systems, what has prevailed? the system with better graphics? or the system with the best games?
when that happened with the n64 and PSX, the PSX had better games, so it won by a long shot. there is a very very slim chance that microsoft will beable to compete with the ps2 because the majority of japan does not like the x box, and the ps2 already has a userbase of 15 million + and climbing by the day.
and given microsoft\'s newstrategy to sell their console, well i could almost place money on xbox not winning.
come on, im not the debater, but i think i can handle you.:thepimp: