Originally posted by QuDDus
yEAh graphically it will blow your mind. As far as being a deep fighter not. I agree VF is thE best 3d fighter.
Capcom vs SNK2
Soul Calibur2
That is how they are going to stack up for me. 1-4
I will have them all so I can have fun or I can have a serious fighting match.
I think Tekken is the funnest 3D fighter, but definitely not the deepest.
Tekken 4 could change this though because it is so different.
This is the order of what games I want:
1. Tekken 4
2. CvsSNK2
3. VF4 (what the heck, I\'ll give it a try.
4. SC2
5. MK5 (It\'s the last to be released probably, so it\'s very low on my list)
6. DOA3 (the gameplay needs to be deeper to be higher on my list)
7. Killer Instinct 3 (hey, it could happen.
8. SSB:Melee - The first wasn\'t very deep, but it was a fun party game.