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Author Topic: Xbox online network UP AND RUNNING!  (Read 1589 times)

Offline ajoh432
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Re: : )
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2001, 10:26:47 AM »
Originally posted by Ethan_Hunt
I think it is great news, that they have it up and running, why are some of you putting it down?if anything it might give sony a kick up the arse.
I think this is great news too.... I look forward to Xbox.... But I still..... love ps2 more!:D
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Xbox online network UP AND RUNNING!
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2001, 10:28:16 AM »
Originally posted by Docwiz

Honestly, I am happy about the xbox only supporting broadband.  Its about time someone has the balls to step up to the plate and show it how it is...

Analog modems are a travesty on the Internet.   They have been available since the 1960\'s and have been on home computer Bulletin Board Systems since 1977.

I work for a company that does Internet Video On Demand and I hate Analog modems.  In fact I want to set up an Anti-Analog modem website.

Its now almost 2002 (21st Century) and we are still stuck with modems that go slower than driving a car 5 miles per hour.  While everything else has advanced, we are held back to the 15th century because of Analog modems.

Anyone using an Analog modem that can find other Broadband alternatives should be shot!

You wonder why the Internet and is not progressing? Its the Analog Modem.  Do you know why we will be stuck using the Internet and Not Internet 2 in 15 years, it will be the analog modems.

I have been on Broadband at work since early 1995 and I have had broadband at home since 1998.  56k Analog modems or any analog modems are simply unacceptable.

That\'s nice Dicwiz, you succeeded on stating the obvious. But the fact remains that the vast majority of people do not have broadband and Xbox doesn\'t offer 56kers anything which is really going to hurt them. On-line gaming still isn\'t where it\'s at.

Offline Sempuukyaku
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Xbox online network UP AND RUNNING!
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2001, 09:43:14 AM »
It\'s not where it\'s at now, but in another year or two that WILL change. Online gaming is going to play a big part of these console wars, especially the way microsoft is pursuing this.


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