Yup, I am afraid to get blasted by the higher ups in this forum, but I will say it anyway.
Sega cared about gamers. There, I said it. Deal with it.
Clip - you forget one thing. When we were kids, we had Sega to bring us more adult games. I didn\'t play Nintendo games when I was 10 because I thought they were quite sissy. I think most kids (except the good ole fashioned gay ones) still prefer the cool games with the \'tude that Sony and MS bring. Nintendo needs a new formula, IMO. old franchise + new system + shiny graphics /= good game. Nintendo seems to think thats all they have to do.
Innovation is dead in large amounts, Sega, the consolemaker, is gone.
I don\'t care what happens with America, but I want X-Box to sell at least 2nd most in Japan. That would shut up all those jerks who say american consoles always fail.
Eric Jacob