...nintendo finally starts to let the American market know it has a new system on the horizon.
"Recent and coming promotions for GameCube prove that Nintendo is finally gearing up its marketing campaign for the next-generation console. We\'ve nabbed the news bits and rumors for you below:
Slogan Revealed?
The Nintendo Entertainment System had "Now You\'re Playing with Power." Nintendo 64 had "Get N or Get Out." The official slogan for GameCube looks to be "Born to Play." At least, that\'s the catchy tagline that has been seen alongside promotions for the Cartoon Network\'s Toonami, which is apparently sponsored by Nintendo and "presented by GameCube."
Commercails Coming
Considering Nintendo\'s deal with the Cartoon Network, it should come as no surprise that the channel has reportedly been airing periodic commercials for GameCube. The short clips highlight the coming console and reiterate the tagline "Born to Play."
GCN in Schools
Several readers has written in to IGNcube to report that they have spotted GameCube-branded posters at their local schools, and / or have received GameCube and Game Boy Advance book covers.
Toys "R" Us Connection
The seller of Nintendo products, Toys "R" Us, will allegedly setup GameCube kiosks inside its US stores beginning September 24. Games expected to be playable on-hand include Luigi\'s Mansion and Wave Race: Blue Storm. "
Cool,I can\'t wait to try out the games at Toys"R" Us,It\'ll help me deside if I should get a GC a launch,or if I should wait until next year.