Yikes! Let a Sega fan step in and make things factual, instead of throwing around supposeds.
Sega Saturn lanched earlier in Japan and USA. In Japan it was killing PSX first year. It sold 5 million consoles first year alone in Japan. When Sega surprised retailers by shipping right after E3 of 1995, People got confused.
The price $399 when it came out. There were only a handful of games released on launch: Panzer Dragoon, Daytona, Virtua Fighter, and I believe NHL All Star Hockey (which was on MallRats, btw
). The Saturn received negative press from the beginning from the biggest game magazines and retailers. Sega shot themselves in the foot and let every bastard in the country walk all over them. PS2 is the son of Saturn in terms of multiple processing, something Sega has been doing for years.
It took 2 years for Saturn to even sell 1 million systems, 2 years. It was just not destined to be a success from the start. The launch titles were stellar, IMO, but not enough, and games came as a trickle at the beginning, while games were flowing when PSX came out. Twisted Metal, ESPN X Games, Destruction Derby, Wip3out, Jumping Flash, etc.
PSX won because it was cheaper, it had more games, it had financial backing from Sony, better graphics (in the 3D field, anyway).
NOTE - The Saturn is just as powerful, and even more so in some respects, than PSX. It just couldn\'t do hardware transparencies and light sourcing. Like PS2 with FSAA.
Saturn underpowered? Ha. More like unappreciated.
Eric Jacob