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Author Topic: Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate  (Read 5134 times)

Offline Watchdog
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #75 on: September 12, 2001, 05:52:02 AM »
At launch the Saturn had possibly the biggest game around at the time: Virtual Fighter. In terms of graphics and gameplay it was a revolution.  Sadly, the Saturn didn\'t have anything else.  If memory serves (and I\'m almost certain of this), the Saturn sold out on its first day--the psx didn\'t.  

The psx at launch (four months after SS) had Ridge Racer, Demolition Derby, Wipeout and news was already spreading that Tomb Raider was a psx exclusive.  Add to that Panzer Dragoon and Daytona were delayed and you have a market that was prime to be taken over.

The SS\'s surprise launch was possibly the worst calculated risk in console history.  It had little support and almost zero hype and no marketing in sight. The PSX was everywhere and eventually it took over.

Why this debate is in this thread I\'m not sure, but I thought I\'d add my two cents.

Sega had 1 innovtive title, a bunch of rushed products (Bug comes to mind), and 0 marketing.  This is why it died.  Sega\'s rep only really got tarnished after the SS (remember it sold out on its first day).

Relatively speaking, the only thing that sets the PS2 above the SS is that the PS2 had hype and marketing.  It is frustrating to develop for, retailers are starting to comment on the amount of software that isn\'t moving (mostly in Japan), and there are only a few bright spots on the horizon (MGS, FF).  There are other games that look promising, but that\'s all speculative.  

This, like the SS/PSX market, is prime to be taken.  If the GC or xbox can back up their impressive hardware there could be a turn around within the next 2-3 years.

I don\'t know about you guys, but I would not want to give MS a lead going into the next console war.  They are far too good at playing in the lead (they\'re not too bad at coming from behind either).
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #76 on: September 12, 2001, 09:21:17 AM »
Hay cool, im glad you agreed with me. :)

I can\'t believe how much Sega\'s marketing sucked. I don\'t know what it was like in the USA but in the UK there was just no advertising of the console. Yeah OK you seen it in the magazines but no where else.

The PS2 is a bit like the Saturn but the PS2 has come from a successful background - the ps1 - which assued it some sales - mine being one. Hopefully this will see it through the hard times.

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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #77 on: September 12, 2001, 06:38:05 PM »
Originally posted by RichGUK

Hmm I dunno what your getting at. PSX and Saturn was launched the same year. Thus my original comment still stands. PSXs first year would have been influencial in Saturn\'s death. Not the sole reason but certainly one of them.

Sega a second chance well thats all down to opinion. Unlike when the DC was launched, I remember the Saturn launch being quiet good. No one had comdemed Sega as such and there was a lot of hype and coverage. I recorn the no body wanted to give Sega any more chances was really shown during Dreamcast times.

Also whats Sega\'s pricing plan got to do with anything. The Gamecube is going to sell alot cheaper than what the X-Box will come launch time. Doesn\'t mean that it is a sign of Nintendo doing anything bad. In any sense it will be a good move.

EXCUSE ME IF I SEEM TO BE PISSED OF IN THIS THREAD I JUST GOT A FREAKIN ATTITUDE AS OF LATELY.  When sega disorted to the 3 games and console for 199.99 which signaled that it was  dying out. That is what was meant bye that. And that was 1996.

And even though sega had great games nobody bought it because why??? Nobody wanted to give sega a chance.

And psx did not start selling crazy til the price went down. And we know all those milllions and millions of psx consoles where sold at 59.99 and 99.99.
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #78 on: September 12, 2001, 08:06:17 PM »
Yikes! Let a Sega fan step in and make things factual, instead of throwing around supposeds.

Sega Saturn lanched earlier in Japan and USA. In Japan it was killing PSX first year. It sold 5 million consoles first year alone in Japan. When Sega surprised retailers by shipping right after E3 of 1995, People got confused.

The price $399 when it came out. There were only a handful of games released on launch: Panzer Dragoon, Daytona, Virtua Fighter, and I believe NHL All Star Hockey (which was on MallRats, btw :)). The Saturn received negative press from the beginning from the biggest game magazines and retailers. Sega shot themselves in the foot and let every bastard in the country walk all over them. PS2 is the son of Saturn in terms of multiple processing, something Sega has been doing for years.

It took 2 years for Saturn to even sell 1 million systems, 2 years. It was just not destined to be a success from the start. The launch titles were stellar, IMO, but not enough, and games came as a trickle at the beginning, while games were flowing when PSX came out. Twisted Metal, ESPN X Games, Destruction Derby, Wip3out, Jumping Flash, etc.

PSX won because it was cheaper, it had more games, it had financial backing from Sony, better graphics (in the 3D field, anyway).

NOTE - The Saturn is just as powerful, and even more so in some respects, than PSX. It just couldn\'t do hardware transparencies and light sourcing. Like PS2 with FSAA.

Saturn underpowered? Ha. More like unappreciated.

Eric Jacob
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #79 on: September 13, 2001, 09:30:32 AM »
Panzer and daytona were delayed.  Not launch titles.
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #80 on: September 13, 2001, 06:46:53 PM »
I am pretty sure you are mistaken. Go look at any Saturn FAQ on the net and it will tell you.

Eric Jacob
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #81 on: September 13, 2001, 06:50:48 PM »
I\'m not certain, so I\'ll defer to you.
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #82 on: September 13, 2001, 07:09:34 PM »
sounds good, after all, I am easily the biggest Sega fan on here, I should know :)

So when people say that Saturn had the worst launch eve, I pull out my copy of Panzer Dragoon and flaunt it.

I cannot wait for PD4 on X-Box. I am gonna go out on a limb and say it may be one of the most impressive looking games of it\'s time.

Eric Jacob
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #83 on: September 14, 2001, 02:21:32 AM »
Panzer Dragoon was out @ launch, Daytona was not. :)

/ dm /

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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #84 on: September 14, 2001, 09:33:08 AM »
heh, half right isn\'t bad.
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #85 on: September 14, 2001, 10:11:45 AM »

ehh, Daytona on Saturn sucked anyway, at least CCE was a  step up, but still could not match to the arcade goodness.

What game was I think ing of, because something has to replace Daytona.

Eric Jacob
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #86 on: September 16, 2001, 02:21:06 AM »
Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p?

Sorry but IMO i think they are superb and not only that, Finally i feal that  in some Cases the Graphics do the Gameplay justice.

FF10 (not played it yet but will sell body parts to)
ICO (like wise)
ok so what if you get some jaggies, who cares.........
Well i don\'t i am just there to play the games i loves and a system that i have every "Faith*" to deliver them, (part of the reason why i bought a PS2 in the first place)

and even the games that aren\'t the best looking on the plannet (summoner For Example Still count because itsa gameplay over Graphics like it is always Should be).

REMEMBER ( for any Console !) EYE CANDY is Short TERM

* Faith as in Faith in a Product and not some kind of Religous Faith in a Console :laughing: , i don\'t want excomunnicated from my religion after all :laughing: ...............................
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #87 on: September 16, 2001, 06:23:02 AM »
This has all been said and didnt\' need to be restated.
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #88 on: September 17, 2001, 12:17:10 AM »
The garphics will get better it was the same with the original PlayStation the graphics were crap but they got a lot better
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Why are PS2 Graphics Cr@p? - A Serious Debate
« Reply #89 on: September 17, 2001, 04:19:43 PM »
With Gamecube being so easy to develop for, do you think they will improve MUCH over time?  I doubt that the GC and Ps2 are far apart at least in terms of grahpics in 5 years.  XBOX however, I dunno.  That black box seems to have lotsa power.  Don\'t give me any of the vaporware crap.  Xbox is powerful, but Just how powerful I don\'t know.  Gamecube looks just as good now, and Ps2 is a lil lacking. (*keyword lil*)  But in 5 years, I doubt that Ps2 or GC have what it takes to keep up with XBOX in raw polygon pushing power.
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